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Air Force
Eielson Youth Center
714 Ravens Way
Eielson AFB, AK 99702
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
A wide range of programs are available for youth and teens, including youth sports and recreation programs, educational programs and programs that support leadership and career development. Please review the information to learn what programs and services are available at this installation.
The Youth Center is conveniently located in Building 5313;714 Ravens Way, next to Crawford Elementary School and across the street from Ben Eielson Junior and Senior High School. The Youth Center programs provide a wide variety of constructive leisure-time activities for youth, ages 9-18. A gymnasium, game room, computer lab, homework room, music room, snack bar and outdoor skatepark make an exceptional area for youth to relax, socialize with friends and get involved in the many clubs that are offered. The Youth Center also offers a variety of instructional classes, youth league sports and a thriving teen center.
School year hours are Monday-Friday from 2:00 p.m.. - 6:00 p.m. During the summer, the hours shift to Monday - Thursday from 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. and is closed on Fridays. It is closed on Federal holidays and down days.
Note: There may be times when the center is not open for business due to staffing shortages. Please call to inquire.
There are several youth employment opportunities available during the school year and through the summer in the Eielson AFB, Fort Wainwright, North Pole, and Fairbanks communities. Youth job fairs for summer jobs are usually held in the spring in Fairbanks. Youth are encouraged to stop by the Military & Family Readiness Center (M&FRC) and speak with an Employment Specialist about potential job openings, assistance with resume and cover letter writing, as well as interview and employment preparedness.
For more information, call or visit:
Military and Family Readiness Center
2631 Wabash
Eielson AFB 99702
A wealth of creative, supervised youth activities are available through the Youth Center for youth between the ages of 9 and 18. The Youth Center is conveniently located at 714 Raven Way next to Anderson-Crawford Elementary School.
Note: Some of these programs may not be available due to staffing shortages. Please call to inquire.
The Youth Sponsorship program matches youth ages 9-18 who are PCSing to Eielson AFB with volunteer sponsors their own age. We also work with children departing Eielson AFB for other bases to help them establish sponsorship at their receiving base. Below is information on becoming a sponsor and requesting sponsorship for Eielson AFB.
What does a youth sponsor do?A youth peer-to-peer sponsor provides a warm welcome to incoming youth who may benefit from transitional support by someone who can relate to their experience and provide insight and encouragement. The youth sponsor will provide the youth with information they may like to know about Eielson AFB and the surrounding community. It is a fun, exciting and rewarding program that helps youth transition from "here to there"! Being a youth sponsor will provide the youth with a less stressful and challenging move. Most importantly, Youth Sponsors aim to be supportive friends and to make them feel welcome at their new community.
How do I become a Youth Sponsor?
To become a youth sponsor, please fill out the Youth/Teen Sponsor Profile and mail it back to the Youth Center. When a youth requests sponsorship, we will make every effort to match them up according to their age and interests.
How do I request for a sponsor?
Fill out and mail the Eielson Youth Sponsorship Request for to the Youth Center. After we have received your request, we will match you up with one of our sponsors who will be around the same age and share the same interests.
Youth/Teen Sponsor Profile
If you are living in the Eielson AFB community and your child would like to serve as a Youth Sponsor to incoming youth or you are PCSing into the Eielson community and want a Youth Sponsor for your child, please have your child fill out the Eielson AFB Youth Sponsorship Request form. You can /mail the form back or drop the form off at the Youth Center (bldg 5313).
Questions? Contact the Military and Familiy Readiness Center at 907-377-2178.
Cub Scouts is for boys and girls 1st through 5th Grade (7-10 years old).
Pack 9 Cub Scouts typically holds Pack meetings at 6 p.m. on the last Tuesday of each month in the Fellowship Hall at the Eielson AFB Chapel. Den meetings are typically every Tuesday at the base Chapel as well.
For more information on Cub Scouting here are some links:
Girl Scouts
For information on joining the Girl Scouts at Eielson, visit the council webpage.
The Youth Center sponsors many athletic activities including soccer, baseball, softball, t-ball, football, cheerleading, archery and basketball. Instructional programs include gymnastics, and ballet. Open to children 5-18. To participate, players must have an immunization record (with a current flu shot) and a current physical. Register today through CYPBMS or contact the Youth Center at 377-3194 for more details. COACHES WANTED! Coaches will be fingerprinted, undergo a background check, and receive AF and NAYS training. If you are interested, call the Youth Center or email 354fss.fsfy.youthprograms@us.af.mil to get involved!
Eielson Chapel works to ensure and enhance the spiritual fitness and resiliency of icemen so that they are ready to rise to the challenges of tomorrow.
In addition to providing 100% confidential counseling, unite engagement, resiliency workshops and trips, the Chapel provides specific religious services including the following:
Protestant Services
9 a.m.Sundays Contemporary Worship Service
Protestant Women of the Chapel Bible Studies meet throughout the school year. The main time is Tuesday mornings, 9-11am at Chapel. Evening studies vary in location, so please call the Chapel for details.
Youth Group for Junior and Senior High School students meets at the Youth Center on Sundays from 3-5pm a fun-filled youth Bible study. Additional events are held as announced. Contact the chapel office at 907-377-2130 for more details.
Awana, our premier weekly children’s Bible program is available for kids age 3 - 6th grade. Kids are invited to join us for activities and Bible lessons every Sunday (SEPT- MAY) at 3-5 p.m. at the chapel.
Please note that both the Youth Group and Awana programs meet during the school years, with summers off to support flexibility for the military family, and activities resume in the fall.
Catholic Programs
Catholic Mass is Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Daily Mass 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Catholic Religious Education (including CCD and RCIA) for all ages is held Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. at the Eielson Chapel (During the school year).
Please note: Baptism classes by appointment