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Air Force
Personal and Family Readiness Program
17800 B Street
Beale AFB, CA 95903
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Deployment can be a challenging phase of the military lifecycle, but it’s important to know that you don’t have to go through it alone. The military provides a variety of resources and support programs — ranging from educational briefings to morale calls — for your loved ones, children and service members to ease the stress of deployment. Military members may be assigned to a specific installation but support may come from local communities, Yellow Ribbon events or the installation itself.
Deployment Support Services provided include:
Newcomers Orientation
The Newcomers Orientation (Wing and Medical Right Start) program is a mandatory appointment for newly arrived active duty and civilian employees to Beale. The program is designed to familiarize you with the base and local community. There is a separate Newcomers Orientaiton each month for First Duty Station Airmen. Newcomers Orientation is generally held twice per month and begins at 7:45 a.m. and ends at 2:30 p.m. The Medical portion of the orientation provides for a smooth transition from one military treatment facility and primary care manager/flight surgeon to Beale's Military Medical Treatment Facility and Health Net Federal Services in the local area. Members are scheduled to attend the briefing within 60 days of arrival. Active duty members will be scheduled by their CSS, to visit the Welcome Center, (accompanied by their sponsor). All installation in-processing tasks are accomplished at the Welcome Center. Newcomers will visit Military Personnel, Comptroller, and M&FRC at the Welcome Center. The M&FRC will schedule you for a Newcomer’s Orientation, First Duty Station Airman Center (if required), and First Duty Station Officer Financial Briefing (if required). All appointments (to include the Welcome Center) are mandatory and military uniform is required. Spouses are highly encouraged to attend.
Relocation Assistance
Beale offers a welcome to Beale event for spouses called Happy Landings. Happy Landings is currently offered twice per year and is an excellent opportunity for spouses to find their niche in their new community. Happy Landings is a five-hour event that offers a fun and informative overview of the base and local community. Like the "Beale Happy Landings" Facebook page for detailed information.
Computer Support
The M&FRC provides walk-in customer access to computers and Wi-Fi. Free printing and access to scanners are also available.
Personal and Work Life
The Personal and Work Life program is designed to enrich and improve the quality of life for individuals and families by providing knowledge and skills needed for effective living. This program facilitates the empowerment of Airmen, Guardians, and their families to increase the effectiveness of daily living skills, in relating to others, in coping with life events and in realizing personal potential. The Single Parent Network provides resources, education, and support for single parent families at Beale. Guest speakers are invited based on the interests/expressed needs of the group. Meetings are held monthly at the M&FRC and lunch is shared. Heart Link is offered during the Happy Landings event for Air Force spouses with five years or less Air Force experience. This is a fun and exciting day where new Air Force spouses have an opportunity to learn more about the Air Force lifestyle while building new friendships.
Voter Assistance
The Installation Voting Assistance Officer is located in the M&FRC and provides guidance for the Unit Voter Representatives. The M&FRC is the location to assist you with any questions concerning voter registration, absentee voting.
Casualty Assistance
Located in the Beale M&FRC, the Casualty Assistance Representative (CAR) provides dignified, compassionate and humane notification to active duty family members and other designated persons as promptly as possible after a member is placed in a casualty status. The CAR also provides mandatory Survivor Benefits Plan briefings to retiring personnel as well as assisting retired personnel with adjustments to retiree pay records, information about the Survivor Benefit Plan and assisting widows with the processing of all claims associated with the death of a retired military member.
Military Child Education/Exceptional Family Member Program-Family Support/Military & Family Life Counselor
The Military and Family Readiness Center also provides services in the area of Military Child Education and the Exceptional Family Member Program-Family Support (EFMP-FS). The EFMP-FS and the School Liaison Officer work together with the Exceptional Family Member Program - Enrollment to assist families with members experiencing exceptional physical, educational, or emotional needs.
In addition, we are the local home to the Military & Family Life Counselor (MFLC) who provides one-on-one and family assistance with conflict/problem resolution in the areas of relationships, stress management, grief, family and occupational issues. The Child and Youth Behavioral MFLC (CYB) focuses on the impact of the military lifestyle on children (i.e., the stress of their parent's deployments, long duty hours, relocation). The CYB is housed in the Child Development Center and/or the Youth Center. Beale has one CYB assigned in both the elementary school and middle school attended by many of our military children. Each MFLC is a Master's or Doctorate level clinician, services are private and confidential with the exception of a "duty to warn" in cases of abuse to self and/or others or other illegal activity.
The Personal Financial Consultant (PFC) program is also housed at the M&FRC. The program provides one-on-one consultation for members and family members as well as financial workshops. Much like the MFLC program, our PFC is well-trained in financial management and services are private and confidential with the exception of a “duty to warn” in cases of abuse to self and/or others or other illegal activity.
Release 2024.08.27.1