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School Liaison
1352 Ellis Street
Bldg. 5939
Fort Carson, CO 80913
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
Colorado has open enrollment. Before making a decision, parents are highly encouraged to contact the School Liaison Office (SLO) to ensure they are aware of all the schooling options. Per the Public Schools of Choice law (C.R.S. 22-36-101), parents can enroll their children in districts which are outside of their district zone.
On post schools are a part of the Fountain-Fort Carson School District 8. Five locations are available on post:
The high school is located off post in the Fountain area, Fountain Fort Carson High. If you want to preregister your children before arriving to Fort Carson, contact the School Liaison Office for assistance.
There are no DOD schools in the area. Elementary and middle school students attend school on Fort Carson while high school students living on Fort Carson are taken by bus to the Fountain-Fort Carson High School. Parent have numerous choices for their child/ren, to include:
Students living off-post attend one of more than 150 public elementary, middle and high schools in the local area. Schools are supervised by the Colorado State Board of Education and administered by 14 school districts, each with its own elected school board. Each district sets its own enrollment criteria; however, most admit kindergarten children who are 5 years old on or before September 15. Fort Carson has a Head Start program for children 3 to 5 years; enrollment is through the CPCD Program.
Physicals are not required for most school registrations; however, local schools do require physicals for participation in sports. Contact Evans Army Community Hospital appointment line for assistance, 719-526-2273. Parents interested in a charter school should know Fort Carson is located in El Paso county. Charter Schools are tuition-free public schools that have the flexibility to be innovative, self-governing and yet are held accountable for student and operational performance. Charter schools vary in focus. They may emphasize the arts, foreign languages, advanced learning, the classics, etc.
Schooling questions should be referred to the Fort Carson School Liaison Office at 719-526-8220 or 526-1101. SLO’s provide the most up-to-date information and resources to help you make an informed decision on your child/ren’s education.
If private school is your preference, there are various schools to choose from. The United States Department of Education provides detailed information about choosing a school and offers a great number of resources to help you make an informed decision when choosing a school for your child. Again, you are highly encouraged to contact the Fort Carson School Liaison Office (SLO) for assistance, 719-526-8220 or 526-1101.