- The overall housing market in the local Fort Drum area can be challenging with deployments, re-deployments, and PSC season, greatly effecting occupancy rates. If seeking a larger home, newly arriving (PCS) Soldiers can expect to have a more difficult time finding available housing as three-, four-, and five-bedroom apartments are not always readily available. Plan to spend more time finding an appropriate home and be prepared to broaden your considerations and look at rentals further out from Fort Drum. Contact Fort Drum Mountain Community Homes at 315-955-6644 or Army Community Housing (ACH) at (315)772-6883 or DSN 772-6883 for assistance with your off-post housing search.
- In the winter, Fort Drum does get below-zero-degree temperatures from time to time. If arriving during winter months make sure you have warm, heavy clothing with you including winter jackets, snow boots, thick gloves or mittens, and hats.
- If arriving during the winter months be sure to bring a snowbrush and ice scraper with you or purchase one immediately upon arrival.
- New York State law requires children under age 4 to be properly secured in a federally approved child safety seat. Children aged 4, 5, and 6 are required to ride in a federally approved safety seat or booster seat with the vehicle’s lap and shoulder belt.
- All pets must be registered with the town where the pet resides. Pets residing on Fort Drum must be registered with the Town of LeRay. In addition, per Garrison policy, all pets residing on Fort Drum must be registered with the Veterinary Clinic and micro-chipped within 30 days of arrival to their new duty station.
- New York State law and Fort Drum forbid the use of a hand-held cell phone device while driving. Texting and driving are illegal and not tolerated.
- Dangerous Dog Ban -- Residents of privatized or Government controlled/leased housing are limited to a total of two dogs or cats per household. Breeds (including mixed breeds) deemed “aggressive or potentially aggressive” are not permitted unless the dog is a certified military working dog that is being boarded by its handler/trainer. The following breeds are deemed aggressive or potentially aggressive are not permitted on Fort Drum: Pit Bulls (American Stafford Bull Terriers and English Stafford Bull Terriers), Rottweilers, Doberman Pinchers, Chows, and wolf hybrids and any other dog that demonstrates a propensity for dominance or aggressive behavior. Dominant and aggressive behavior includes but is not limited to unprovoked barking, growling, or snarling at people approaching the animal; aggressively running along fence lines when people are present; biting or scratching people, escaping confinement or restriction to chase people.
Arrival Information
If your arrival is at Hancock International Airport in Syracuse, New York it is your responsibility to coordinate and complete your travel to Fort Drum. Ensure that you save all your receipts so that you can make an appropriate travel claim when you in-process the installation. Listed below is some general information that may assist you in your travel decisions:
- CPL Gregory J. Harris Military Courtesy Room -- Located at Syracuse Airport next to baggage claim, the CPL Gregory J. Harris Military Courtesy Room provides a comfortable place for Soldiers and Family members to relax and grab a snack to eat when arriving or departing the area. The volunteers who staff the room will assist newly arriving Soldiers and Families with coordinating hotel reservations if needed and the transportation options listed below. The Military Courtesy Room is open Monday – Sunday, 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. Call 315-455-3440 or visit their website for more information.
- Shuttle Service -- The Fort Drum Reception Activity shuttle makes trips to the airport if needed and weather permitting. This shuttle is free. Commercial Airport shuttle service to Fort Drum is limited and expensive.
- Taxi Service -- Taxi service from Syracuse to Fort Drum is expensive with an average rate of $150.00. Typically, taxis do not provide receipts, you must ask for one. Ensure that you obtain receipts so that you can claim it as a travel expense.
- Emergency Travel Assistance -- If you require emergency financial travel assistance, contact the Red Cross Travel Assistance at 877-272-7337. Additionally, Military OneSource can be contacted at 800-342-9647.
Defense Service Network (DSN) Dialing Instructions
The DSN is the provider of long-distance communications service for the Department of Defense (DoD). Every installation has a special DSN number, and the numbers vary by world-wide location. In order to place a call using DSN, the caller must be using a military phone on an installation. Cell phones cannot dial DSN numbers. When dialing a DSN number from a United States installation to another United States installation, it is unnecessary to dial the DSN 312 area code. When dialing a DSN number to/from overseas locations, the DSN area code must be included. The operator can be reached at commercial 315-772-6011 or DSN 312-772-6011. Please note that long distance charges may be incurred.
Winters at Fort Drum are quite cold, and snowfall can begin as early as October and extend through April at times. If arriving during the winter months, be sure to bring warm, heavy clothing with you including winter jackets, snow boots, thick gloves or mittens, hats, an ice scraper and snow removal brush or be prepared to purchase these items immediately upon arrival.
En route mail should be addressed to the Soldier as follows:
Rank First name Last name
c/o OMDC-Pending Gain
10720 Mt. Belvedere Blvd.
Fort Drum, NY 13602
Fort Drum Post Office 315-772-5220; Watertown Post Office 315-786-5900. Remember to submit a change of address to those you receive mail from and to the post office in order to minimize the disruption to your mail delivery.