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Relocation Readiness Program (ACS)
4700 Mow-Way Road, First Floor
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Service providers are available with support both before and after a PCS move. Learn more about how to put the military’s relocation assistance program to work for you. See below for an overview of Military and Family Support Center Relocation Assistance services. Services vary by installation, so check the “Other” section below to see what other services are available at your location.
Your Military and Family Support Center provides relocation assistance to help make PCS moves as smooth as possible. Resources include:
The Army Community Service (ACS) Relocation Readiness Program aims to make your relocation fun, successful, and stress free! You may contact us at 580-442-4916. A full range of programs are available to provide information and assist with all your relocation matters.
We provide an ACS orientation at the Installation Inprocessing briefing, Start Right. Start Right is mandatory for military personnel but spouses are encouraged to attend.
The ACS Lending Closet provides inbound personnel temporary items until receipt of their household goods. We are stocked with small electric appliances, ironing boards, tableware, silverware, all kinds of kitchen utensils, and cookware, just to name a few. We also have a limited number of children's playpens and high chairs. We are located in Building 4700, and you can reach us at 580-442-4916.
Pre PCS Brief CONUS/OCONUS is now online through Military OneSource at https://planmymove.militaryonesource.mil.
Installation Specific Information
Welcome Information - We have Fort Sill and Lawton welcome packets to get you started with orienting yourself to the community. If you are looking for information regarding Fort Sill or surrounding communities, we can provideinformation for you. If you are not sure what services or programs you can use in the area, we have information on local agencies and organizations you can use or contact for your specific need.
Lending Closet - No Contact lending closet curbside pick-up, daily by appointment. While waiting for your household goods to arrive, basic household items are available for loan (no cost) for up to 30 days! Items are forincoming and outgoing Service Members, Families, and DoD Civilians. We have small electrical appliances, kitchen utensils, cookware, tableware, children’s items, sleeping folding mats, folding tables and chairs, and much more.Please bring your military ID card and a copy of your PCS orders.
Newcomer's Spouse Orientation - Are you new to the Fort Sill community? We would like to welcome you to Fort Sill. Take the opportunity to ask questions and pick up additional resources to help you get settled into your new community. We look forward to meeting you and getting you the resources, you need. This event is held every other month starting in January.
Kids on the Move - Relocating with Kids? Parents, we have various materials to assist. We have items to keep your child busy on the road, plane, or around the house that will help them learn about the moving process. Other materials will help parents in learning about the relocation process with their children, to include helpful tips and resources.
Foreign Born Spouses Resources - Do you need specific information for citizenship or ESL classes? We have resources for you! Contact us to see how we can support you as you integrate into the US or settle in to your newcommunity.
Relocation Counseling - Whether you are going or coming, you may need some extra guidance on your move. Schedule an appointment with us to go over your needs and get a plan! We can develop a plan for your move or a plan for settling into the community that is customized just for you.
Overseas PCS Information: Mandatory for Soldiers going to overseas locations including Hawaii, Europe, Japan, Korea, Alaska, and Middle East locations. Please call for teleservices to get your overseas orientation completed notification that you will PCS OCONUS call to schedule a time for briefing.
CONUS PCS information: Visit https://installations.militaryonesource.mil/ to get information for your next duty station to include using the app Plan My Move to create a customized checklist to keep your move ontrack.
Relocation Financial Planning Class - Offered by ACS, Financial Readiness Program. This briefing is mandatory for E1 - E4 service members. Call 580-574-2183 to schedule briefing. Briefing must be completed prior clearingACS.
Sponsorship Training - Now online! Register at https://millifelearning.militaryonesource.mil/ to take the eSponsorship Application & Training (eSAT) as a new sponsor. Take the Sponsorship and You: Sponsorship Awareness course to learn what resources would be most helpful for you and your family.
Fort Sill Army Community Service (ACS) has joined Facebook and we are ready to have you follow us! Find out what classes are being held, what programs are offered, and more by going to Fort Sill Army Community Service website. Check us out each day for new updates! You can also call the ACS front desk for any assistance at 580-442-4916.
Release 2024.08.27.1