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Youth Services
Building 4109, Neely Road
Fort Wainwright, AK 99703
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
A wide range of programs are available for youth and teens, including youth sports and recreation programs, educational programs and programs that support leadership and career development. Please review the information to learn what programs and services are available at this installation.
The Youth Center provides activities and recreational opportunities for youth in grades 6 to 12. For more information about what is available at the Fort Wainwright Youth Center, call 907-361-KIDS or 907-361-5437.
It is difficult to go to a new school and leave your friends. The feelings that we experience when we PCS are all normal, healthy feelings. You need to go through a process during each relocation where you say goodbye to old friends and familiar places, and enjoy the adventure of traveling to Alaska.
The initial part of moving may be tough but try to keep an open mind, relax and enjoy the new experiences. Soon you will be welcoming others who are coming to Alaska and helping them adjust to their new community. Once you are here - you won't want to leave. You'll love all the outdoor activities and the long summer days. Winters have their own special qualities and winter sports will make the time fly while you are enjoying the snow. So remember, there are many new and exciting things for you to experience in Alaska.
Youth Sponsorship Program
Youth Services (YS) will assist you in finding information about your new home. The Youth Sponsorship Program will match you with a sponsor your age that will give you the answers you are looking for and probably a lot more. You will have a friend to help you out, show you around, answer your questions and send you some great information on the area and what there is to enjoy in Alaska. The best part is that you will know someone when you get here.
Contact Youth Services at for more information or to sign up with the Youth Sponsorship Program.
Youth Employment
There are employment opportunities on-post and in the Fairbanks community. Summer employment programs start in May of each year and run through September. Youth job fairs are usually in March. Teens can learn resume preparation, interview techniques or what they should wear to apply or interview for a position.
Youth Center
At YS there are many things for teens to do. These include rock climbing, white water rafting and more. In the center we have a gym, racquetball court, game room and youth technology lab. We perform community service such as "Make a Difference Day". We also help with activities that YS has planned such as block parties and Sports Fun Day. Youth Services also conducts sporting events.
Some of the fun youth activities on post include:
Youth Religious Programs
Fort Wainwright's education program involves a variety of activities, which include weekly CCD classes for Catholics and Sunday school classes for Protestants, with ages ranging from nursery school through adult groups.
The Protestant and Catholic congregations offer a wide variety of activities through the innovative leadership of chapel councils. These include adult and children's choirs, bell choir, Catholic and Protestant Women of the Chapel, Christian men's organizations, and many special family and social events.
The chaplains conduct off-post religious retreats for single Soldiers, engaged couples, families, youth, and married couples. These range from one-day retreats to weekend activities for couples and families, to a week of camp for children and youth during the summer. For more information, call the post chaplain at 907-353-9825.
Release 2024.08.27.1