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Financial Management/ACS
171 Haley Avenue
Bldg. 1286, Room 106
Hunter Army Airfield, GA 31409
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Resources are available to help you understand and manage your finances, including one-on-one financial counseling to assist you and your family with financial readiness. Services are designed to focus on money management issues throughout your active-duty lifecycle and into retirement. Financial readiness educational opportunities range from basic planning to long-term investing. Check out the information below to see what’s available at your installation.
The ACS Financial Readiness Program focuses on improving the client's personal financial skills, such as budget development and financial planning. It also provides informational services on developing a spending plan, managing personal finances, evaluating assets and liabilities, and improving a client's ability to perform as an informed consumer.
Budget Counseling allows a client to meet with a financial counselor to discuss the management of personal finances. The counselor develops a financial analysis to determine the household's monthly living expenses and a budget is established, with an emphasis on managing personal finances and tracking spending habits. Budget counseling also offers assistance in bankruptcy counseling, purchasing an automobile, and repaying creditors.
Call ACS to speak with our Financial Readiness Counselors at 912-315-6816.
Cost of Living in Savannah, Georgia and Georgia in general is lower than the national average meaning it is an affordable place to live. No Cost of living Allowance (COLA) for Savannah, Georgia.
Who Is eligible for Army Emergency Relief? Active-duty soldiers, single or married, and their dependents; Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve soldiers and dependents on continuous active duty for more than 30 days; and surviving spouses or orphans of soldiers who died while on active duty or after they retired.What can AER do? AER can assist with emergency financial needs for:
AER also provides undergraduate-level education scholarships, based primarily on financial need to children and spouses.
Call Army Community Service at 912-315-6816 to speak with our AER officer.
Emergency assistance during transit may be needed. If so, call Red Cross at 1-877-272-7337. If you have a medical emergency, go to the nearest hospital for treatment. If the emergency will delay your arrival to check-in at Fort Stewart, contact the Reception Center at 912-767-0210 for assistance and to let them know of your situation.
Advanced Pay
Another possible solution to financial hardship is to draw Advanced Pay when you get to your receiving duty station. When taking this option into consideration, you must realize that the payments to repay the advanced pay will be automatically deducted from your military pay, reducing future pay for several months.