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Air Force
Education & Training Center
7521 4th Avenue N
Bldg 1240
Malmstrom AFB, MT 59402-7507
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
If you’ve ever considered taking your education a step further, you should look to your installation for more information and assistance. They can help you decide if receiving an advanced degree is right for you, tell you which local colleges and classes are offered and find out if you’re eligible for tuition assistance. The Voluntary Education Center, or Installation Education Center, is available to help you put together a plan to advance your education.
Military spouses can also choose to engage with an education and career coach through the DoD’s Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program, or SECO. These coaches can assist them in exploring multiple tools, resources and information to reach their educational goals. To contact a career coach call 800-342-9647 or visit https://myseco.militaryonesource.mil.
Education – College/Technical Training – Continuing Education
The Education & Training Center offers a wide array of programs and services dealing with voluntary education and training. They are responsible for guidance counseling, advisement regarding the Community College of the Air Force, tuition assistance, commissioning programs, testing services, on-the-job training, and military/civilian training (in-residence and correspondence courses). Services are available to all military personnel, family members, DoD civilians and veterans. For further information on the Malmstrom AFB Education Center and the on-site schools available, go to the Air Force Portal and visit Malmstrom's Air Force Virtual Education Center, call 406-731-3531, or email their organizational box <341FSS.FSDE.EDUCATION@us.af.mil
Recurring Events -
College 101 - Mandatory Tuition Assistance (Initial and Refresher) briefing for first time active-duty users of Military Tuition Assistance (MilTA) and those who haven’t used MilTA in over a year. Offered every Tuesday at 8 a.m. Must register via AFVEC to reserve your seat.
Higher Education Seminar– This seminar is designed to guide students through a variety of decisions involved with choosing a college institution, various funding available, including scholarships, the admissions process and much more. 2024 Higher Ed Seminar dates: 27 Mar, 26 Jun, 25 Sep, and 27 Nov. Must register via AFVEC to reserve your seat.
SkillBridge - Explore information on job shadowing, on-the-job training, apprenticeships, and internships that offer skills training opportunities to officers and enlisted preparing to transition from military to civilian employment. We discuss the entire application process, including step by steps, formal request, how to present SkillBridge to your Commander and the approval process. We recommend attending as early as possible in your military career in order to line up your education opportunities with your civilian career goals. Offered the 1st Wednesday of every month at 3 p.m. and is MANDATORY to initiate the application process. Must register via AFVEC to reserve your seat.
Testing - Testing is available to Active-Duty Air Force only (must have NIPR and CAC access). Tests available include Promotion Testing (WAPS), Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT), Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT), Career Development Course (CDC) End of Course (EOC) test, Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT, also known as ASVAB), Test of Basic Aviation Skills (TBAS), Air Force Reading Abilities Test (AFRAT), Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB), Electronic Data Processing Test (EDPT), Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI), Tailored Adaptive Personality Assessment (TAPAS), an more. Must register for test via AFVEC to reserve your seat.
Malmstrom Education Center is located at 7521 4th Ave N, in building 1240. For questions or more information, please call 406-731-3531 or email 341FSS.FSDE.EDUCATION@US.AF.MIL
The Education & Training Center sponsors one on-site school, Park University-Malmstrom AFB Campus. Other educational opportunities available in the local area, include Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, University of Providence, Great Falls College MSU, Montana State University College of Nursing, University of Montana, and Montana State University - Northern. All schools noted above include certificate programs, associate, bachelor’s, and master’s degree programs, and each has on-site and internet degree programs available.
Release 2024.08.27.1