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Air Force
School Liaison
Malmstrom AFB, MT 59402
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
The local school system is comprised of both public and private schools as well as college and career readiness opportunities.
The Great Falls Public School system currently has 1 transitional kindergarten, 15 elementary schools (k-6), 2 middle schools (7-8), 2 high schools and 1 alternative high school (9-12), as well as an adult education career and college readiness center located at Great Falls College (Montana State University system).
The Great Falls Private School system currently has 5 schools, 1 high school, and 1 private university. There are also several private pre-school options within the local community.
There are no schools located on the installation.
Please contact the School Liaison Program Manager (SLPM) Office at 406-217-1173 or visit https://341fss.com/school-liaison/ for more information regarding any of these options or for information regarding local homeschool requirements.
For families choosing public education and reside on base, children will register and attend the following locations within Great Falls:
Elementary (k-6) - will register at Loy Elementary School located right outside the base gates. If enrollment is full, they will be assigned to another elementary school nearby. Bussing is provided if living outside of Peace Keeper Village on the installation.
Middle (7-8) - will register and attend North Middle School. Bussing from base is provided.
High School (9-12) – will register and attend Charles M. Russell High School (CMR). Bussing from base is provided.
For families choosing public education and residing off-base, children will need to be enrolled and attend the nearest grade appropriate school to their residence.
Visit the Great Falls Public School System to view the school calendar year start date and information regarding bus service, attendance policies, meals, and extracurricular activities available at enrolling schools.
**If you are missing any of the documents needed for enrollment or have questions, contact the enrolling school or school liaison for help. Boundaries & Registration / Boundaries & Registration (schoolwires.net)
Grading System
The grading system utilized within the Great Falls Public Schools is uniform with regard to the scale used at grade levels. Primary students (grades K-2) are graded according to the following set of marks:
Grades K, 1 and 2:
At grade 3, the students are still graded according to the set of marks developed for grades 1-2, with the exception of marks in mathematics, spelling and English, which are graded on the following basis:
The third grade progress report is a transition report, which allows students and parents the opportunity to experience the set of marks used uniformly in grades 4-12, while still being tied into the set of marks used in grades 1-2 in appropriate areas.
Grades 4 - 12 utilize the grading scale shown below:
The School Board shall award a regular high school diploma to every student enrolled in the district who meets the requirements of graduation established by the Great Falls Public School District. The official transcript will indicate the specific courses taken and level of achievement.
High School (9-12) Graduation Requirements
Education-Education-Adult Education
The Education & Training Center (ETC) is a service organization for all Air Force members, family members and DoD Civilians, and serve as the focal point for all things education, both formal and voluntary. The ETC provides services in 7 main areas:
The base Education Center has information regarding programs offered through the university system & various colleges on the installation.
School Liaisons are committed to outreach, advocacy, and partnership initiatives that generate real-time solutions for military-connected students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through grade 12 as they face global educational challenges and transitions.
They serve as a conduit of school information and are the primary contact for homeschool concerns and public and private schools offering support for our military-connected families. School Liaisons are available to answer questions or concerns related to educational issues or common stressors that may be affecting you and/or your child’s educational opportunities.
School Liaisons have resources available and serve as the installation POC for all local and state level military-family connected education matters.
For more information, please contact the School Liaison Program Manager:
Office: 406-731-6106
Cell: 406-217-1173
Email: lisa.sapp.1@us.af.mil
21 77th St North, Suite 149AMalmstrom AFB, MT 59402