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Marine Corps
School Liaison
Bldg 601
510 Headquarters Loop
MCAS Beaufort
Beaufort, SC 29904
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
Eligibility: Dependent children of military members and civilian employees of the Department of Defense occupying permanent living quarters on any military installation served by a DoDEA Americas school program.
There is not a DoDEA high school in the area. Upon completion of 8th grade, a student will attend a Beaufort County high school based on which installation they reside. Students living in Laurel Bay military housing are zoned to attend Whale Branch Early College High School. Students who live on Parris Island are zoned to attend Battery Creek High School. Students who live in housing at the Naval Hospital are zoned to attend Beaufort High School. Home school, virtual school, charter schools, and private schools are also options for high school.
For further information or assistance, contact the School Liaison Officer at 843-228-6128 or by visit https://southcarolina.usmc-mccs.org/marine-family-support/child-and-youth/school-liaison
Beaufort County School District serves South Carolina's most rapidly growing county, with an area of over 580 square miles covering 60 major coastal islands along the Atlantic Ocean. Our diverse student population of over 19,000 students attend 38 schools across the county. For more information regarding Beaufort County School District, please visit their website
Bus Transportation
First Student Transportation Information -- Safe and effective school bus transportation depends on everyone, including you. Safety, Order, Attitude, and Respect enables us to soar to success.Phone: 843-322-0759
Food services provide breakfast and lunch meal options. Food and beverage options are approved by USDA guidelines.
Phone: 843-322-0800Visit Beaufort County School District School Meals for more information.
Before and After School Programs
Some of the schools in Beaufort County provide their own before and after school programs. Please visit Beaufort County School District for more information.
School Sports Beaufort County Schools offer the following sport programs: Baseball, Basketball, Cheerleading, Cross Country, Football, Golf, Marching Band, Soccer, Softball, Swim, Tennis, Track and Field, Lacrosse, Volleyball, and Wrestling.
Website: Beaufort County School District Athletics
The MCCS School Liaison Officer can provide further assistance with schools in Beaufort County and the surrounding area. Call 843-228-6128.
There are several private/parochial school options in Beaufort County. To learn more about private/parochial options visit South Carolina Independent School Association (SCISA).
The most commonly attended are:
1. Agape Christian Academy (K5-12th) is a private Christian school in the Lowcountry of South Carolina in Beaufort County. The school offers an academically accelerated Christian curriculum. The focus is not only on the academic development of each student, but also the spiritual development of each as they strive to exemplify and share the love, mercy and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2. Beaufort Academy (K2-12th) believes in the tripod philosophy of education, placing emphasis not only on academic success but also on participation in arts and athletics. Beaufort Academy encourages students to take advantage of the numerous opportunities afforded to them and to explore new experiences. While academics come first, Beaufort Academy students are also involved in multiple activities throughout the year, ranging from performing on stage, to participating on an athletic team, to taking the challenge offered by academic competitions.
3. Beaufort Christian School (K3-12th) recognizes that God has given every child unique gifts – and a unique calling. Every child is made in God's own image, and therefore has inestimable value. The school's goal is to help all our students discover and defend the truth, identify and develop their individual gifts, and achieve their fullest, God-given potential – intellectually, physically, and spiritually.
4. Holy Trinity Classical Christian School’s (K2-12th) mission is to be distinctly classical and distinctively Christian. The school will enter a partnership with parents as they educate students with a biblical worldview. They school is committed to the pursuit of religious truth, wisdom, scholastic excellence, and the love of learning. With the Holy Scriptures as the foundation for all they learn, students will be ambassadors of the Kingdom of God, prepared to defend and advance the apostolic Christian faith.
5. John Paul II Catholic School (7th-12th) is committed to preparing students with diverse learning abilities for the challenges of life through intellectual, physical, and spiritual programs that advance academic excellence, leadership, a healthy lifestyle, and service to others while fostering discipleship according to the traditions of the Catholic faith.
6. St. Peter's Catholic School (K3-6th) offers a program to all students that is academically rigorous and spiritually enriching. The curriculum is guided by the nationally validated Core Knowledge program which leads to the development of culturally literate students who have mastered the blend of content, concepts, and skills which defines the educated person.
7. Thomas Heyward Academy (K4-12th) is an independent, college preparatory school serving Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade. The school's mission is to foster a life-long passion for learning, leading and serving in a diverse world. They are dedicated to the development of each student in mind and body through academics, arts and athletics in a safe and engaging environment. The school is equally committed to the development of each student's character, with an emphasis on compassion, integrity, perseverance, respect and responsibility.
For additional questions or information, contact the School Liaison Officer at 843-228-6128 or visit http://www.mccs-sc.com/mil-fam/slp.shtml
Parents or guardians may choose to home school their children instead of enrolling them in a public, private, or parochial school. South Carolina statutes provide parents/ guardians with three different options for home schooling their children.
Parents/guardians should select the Home School option that is best for their children.
Visit the South Carolina Department of Education website listed below for a full explanation of the Home School policy.
South Carolina Department of Education: Home Schooling - South Carolina Department of Education
For additional information please contact the School Liaison Officer at 843-228-6128 or visit https://southcarolina.usmc-mccs.org/marine-family-support/child-and-youth/school-liaison
The Voluntary Education Program (VEP) enhances the quality of life for Marines, Sailors and their family members by providing a wide range of services to support their professional, intellectual and recreational needs.
Prospective students are encouraged to contact VEP for academic advisements of any kind including educational opportunities, program and school choice, paying for college, basic skills improvement, testing, military apprenticeship program and more. Family members interested in attending school are welcome to visit the Education Office.
Services are available to Active-Duty, Veterans, Retirees, DoD Civilians, Reservists, and military family members.
Contact Information
Website: MCCS South Carolina Education
Higher Learning (Voluntary Ed. Program) - MCAS Beaufort
Bldg. 596, Room 21140 Elrod StMCAS Beaufort, SC 29904
Phone: 843-228-7754 Education Officer: 843-228-7754 Education Specialist: 843-288-7421 Education Specialist: 843-228-7474 Education Technician: 843-228-7484
Email: bfrt_vol_ed@usmc.mil
Higher Learning (Voluntary Ed. Program) - MCRD Parris Island & ERR
Bldg 923, Room 42355 Chosin Reservoir Rd.MCRD Parris Island, SC 29905
Phone: 843-228-2132 Education Officer: 843-228-2132 Education Specialists: 843-228-2152 Education Specialists: 843-228-3889 Education Technician: 843-228-2086
Email: parr_vol_ed@usmc.mil