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Family Housing Office
1330 Military Parkway
Naval Air Station JRB
Fort Worth, TX 76127
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Learn about the variety of housing possibilities available as well as information about setting up utilities in your home . Housing options are available to your unique situation including: housing for families, single service members, families that are enrolled in the exceptional family member program, pet owners and unaccompanied personnel. Explore your options to find a home that best fits your needs.
Be sure to sign up for base housing as soon as you arrive. Sign up for housing within 30 days of your arrival. By signing up within that time frame, you will be entitled to continued government funded move-in assistance in the event you receive on-base housing in the future. Do not let your Move-in Assistance benefit expire.
NAS JRB Fort Worth has approximately 83 units and there is currently a 6-12 month waiting list. All new arrivals are strongly encouraged to add their names to the on-base waiting list as soon as possible after arrival to NAS JRB Fort Worth. Wait time is based on sign-up date.
Sign up for housing within 30 days of your arrival. Do not allow your move-in assistance to expire. Signing up within your first 30 days of arrival will entitle you to continued government funded move-in assistance in the event you receive on-base housing in the future.
Remember, you can always turn down an offer for on-base housing. Your wait time will start on the day you add your name to the waiting list. Wait time will not be back dated to your arrival date.
Application and Eligibility
It is wise to put your name on the list for military housing even if you think you want to live off base. You can always turn down an offer for on-base housing. Your wait time will start on the day you add your name to the waiting list. Wait time will not be back-dated to your arrival date if you fail to put your name on the waiting list and then change your mind and opt for government housing.
Currently, there are no plans to add additional units. Most service members assigned to the base can expect to live in community housing. The Base Housing Referral Office can provide information about available community housing. Our Housing Referral professionals can assist you in making your transition easier and with finding the right home. If you'd like to receive a Housing Information Packet by mail, contact Family Housing.
Housing Referral Office-(HRO) -- The HRO is your contact for any problems you may encounter such as discrimination complaints, tenant/landlord disputes, or any questions or problems about off-base housing is the HRO. The HRO will provide you a list of rentals with corresponding locator maps and give you information regarding the communities in which the rentals are located.
ALL renters should carry renters insurance against fire, theft and other damages. The property owner's insurance will cover the property but not the renters personal property. Ask about the Rental Partnership Program if planning to rent an apartment, a house, townhouse or duplex. Transfer coverage after you arrive. NAS JRB Fort Worth's HRO phone number is 817-782-5710 or 5711
Visit InMyArea.com to search for utility providers based on your zip code. This website serves as a one-stop shop where you can explore your options, compare prices and purchase services.