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School Liaison
1281 Leahy Road
Monterey, CA 93940
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
Monterey County has multiple districts around the peninsula. The schools in base housing to include La Mesa (located less than 2 miles from the Naval Postgraduate School) and Ord Military Community are governed by the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District (MPUSD). Marshall Elementary School (TK-6), Seaside Middle (7-8) and Seaside High School (9-12) are three schools designated for the Ord Military Community. La Mesa has two schools in their boundaries to include La Mesa School (TK-8) and Monterey High School (9-12).
Monterey Peninsula Unified School District: https://www.mpusd.net/
Accreditation by the State
District curriculum is based on state guidelines to meet established educational goals and objectives and to fulfill the requirements of law. This is accomplished through an orderly progression of concepts and skills within each discipline in a planned sequence of learning experiences, early childhood through grade 12. Staff members and others serve in the development of curriculum with courses of study for each course. The educational program emphasizes mastery of the basic skills of reading, writing, and math through a coordinated K-12 curriculum. Students are required to perform at specified levels in the basic subject areas before they are promoted to the next grade.
Teacher to Student Ratio
The average teacher to student ratio in grades K-3 is 1:20 and 1:30.5 in grades 4 - 12. Grade 9 English and math classes are staffed at a mandatory class size of 1:20. Total enrollment for MPUSD for 2022/23 was 9,400 students.
Number of Schools
There are three main districts that cover the peninsula. Monterey Peninsula Unified School District (MPUSD) is the largest district that consists of 7 elementary schools, 3 combined elementary and middle schools, 2 traditional middle schools, 4 high schools, and 1 adult school. Pacific Grove Unified has 2 elementary schools, 1 middle school and 1 high school. Carmel Unified has 3 elementary schools, 1 middle school and 2 high schools. There are no DoDDs schools on base.
Bus Service
Bus passes can be purchased from the MPUSD Transportation Department at 540 Canyon Del Rey Blvd. in Monterey. All students are required to have a bus pass to utilize busses.
1st Student: $180.00
2nd Student: $150.00
3rd Student: $110.00
As a part of the National School Breakfast and Lunch Program, MPUSD is required to offer all entrees, sides, and milk to students to receive funding from the state and federal governments. As such, it is necessary for students to partake in the meal as a whole, and are unable to only select just the entree or side, or even just milk. Unfortunately, by only offering part of the meal, the department is unable to receive reimbursement for the meal.
Monterey Peninsula Unified School District is pleased to continue its Provision 2 and Community Eligibility Provision Programs (universal free breakfast and lunch) at ten (10) sites across the district:
New Student Enrollment
Families must provide the following for school enrollment.
For military families on orders, MPUSD and Pacific Grove provide accommodations for families that have not obtained state residency. When families are placed in temporary housing, families will be required to present a copy of military orders along with lodging receipt or lease agreement from Housing Office.Once the family has obtained permanent housing, they will be required to update their address.
Pacific Grove and Carmel Unified are classified as closed districts. For families to enroll in these districts, families are required to reside within the district boundaries to be eligible for school enrollment.
Before and After School Programs (Expanded Learning Objectives)
MPUSD offers programs on multiple sites to provide safe and engaging experiences. The programs at all campuses start immediately following the dismissal bell, through 6:00 pm. Throughout the year, an additional 30 non-school days of programming will be offered for expanded learning.
All the programs offer the following components.
Space for all programs is limited. Priority enrollment is based on the following criteria:
MPUSD has created partnerships with off-campus after school programs through the Boys and Girls Club in Seaside, The Marina Teen Center, the YMCA in Monterey, and The Village Project in Seaside. Both Marshall Elementary and La Mesa off after school programs through EDMO.EDMO La Mesa: https://edmo.org/partners/la-mesa-school-2023-2024EDMO Marshall: https://edmo.org/partners/marshall-elementary-2023-2024
Good attendance, participation, and behavior in ASA is required. The grant requires a comprehensive program, including Academic Support, Enrichment Activities, and Nutrition opportunities, and to ensure that spots are filled by students that are benefiting from what is offered. Students are expected to attend everyday they are in school and stay until the end of the program day, taking into consideration a family's need for early release.
Special Education students are accepted, and an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting may be held prior to enrolling to be sure we are adequately trained to meet the needs of the student.
Once all spots have been filled, a waiting list of students by school and grade level will be created and referrals will be made to our community partners. Waiting lists do not roll over from one year to the next. The After School Program at each site is as unique as the community it serves. Please use the links to the right to explore options at your child's school.
Monterey County is home to several private schools in the area, please contact the individual school for more information:
8060 Carmel Valley Rd.
Carmel, CA
381 San Juan Grade Rd.
Salinas, CA
2511 Numa Watson Rd.
Seaside, CA
3090 Rio Road
20 Santa Teresa Way
Salinas, Ca
455 Palma Dr.
1230 Luther Way
1025 Mescal Ave
3152 Forest Lake Rd.
Pebble Beach, CA
450 Church St.
Monterey, CA
345 East Alvin Dr.
1500 Mark Thomas Dr.
9501 York Rd.
In California, there are several ways that parents educate their children at home: through an existing private school, through a public charter or independent study program, and in many instances by opening their own private home-based school and filing the Private School Affidavit (PSA) with the California Department of Education
The CDE does not provide guidance on how to home school; however, a lot of information on all aspects of home schooling is available online to assist those who are educating their children at home. In addition, there are other resources such as California homeschool organizations and possibly local homeschool groups or meet-ups. The websites for these groups include information on various topics related to homeschooling such as legal issues, curriculum, recordkeeping, transcripts and diplomas, and much more. When you use the internet to search the term “California Homeschool” you will note that there are various different homeschool advocacy groups, both California-based and national, that can be a resource.Parents who file the private school affidavit to privately educate or "home school" their children must select and provide all curricular, instructional, and other materials.
Education Code (EC) Section 33190 requires a copy of the Affidavit be kept at the school. Requirements of what must be included in the Affidavit are also outlined in EC Section 33190. EC Section 48222 states:
Private School Affidavit Instructions
Prior to beginning the affidavit filing process, please review the Notice to ensure that your school meets the affidavit filing requirements. To begin the online affidavit filing process, indicate whether or not the school is a full-time private school that meets the exemptions as set forth in California Education Code (EC) Section 48222
Note: If your school is not a full-time private school, you do not need to file an affidavit.
Previously Filed PSA
If you filed a PSA last year, we California Department of Education (CDE) can use a portion of that information to expedite the filing of this year's affidavit. Indicate how you would like to proceed by selecting to proceed using last year's affidavit information or to proceed using a blank affidavit.
If you choose to proceed using last year's affidavit information, you will be prompted to provide your confirmation number or an email address that can be used to retrieve your confirmation number. Once you provide a confirmation number or if you chose to proceed with a blank affidavit, you will be taken to the first step of the affidavit process.
Once you’ve submitted your affidavit, you will be directed to a Submission Confirmation page, which you may print or save for your records. You will also receive an email confirmation containing your confirmation code and links to view, update, and/or print your affidavit.
Private School Affidavit Instructions: https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/ps/psainstructions.asp
University of California, Santa Cruz
A public university combining the intimacy of a small, liberal arts college with the depth and rigor of a major research university.
California State University Monterey Bay
A public institution. Located along the central coast of California, Monterey Bay is a vibrant and dynamic community that offers a unique blend of natural beauty and cultural attractions in which to pursue your education and career.
Monterey Peninsula College
Is a fully accredited California public community college. With an open admissions policy, the college has been recognized as a top military friendly school.
City Adult Schools
Offers adult basic training, high school diploma/GED, citizenship classes, English as a second language classes.
Monterey Adult School
Pacific Grove Adult School
Carmel Adult School