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Space Force
School Liaison Office
620 O'Malley Dr., Bldg. 537
Rm. 111
Patrick SFB, FL 32925
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
None on base. Children living in Patrick SFB Housing areas will attend Brevard Public Schools: For assistance with schools and location call the School Liaison Office at 321-494-1991 or DSN 312 854-1991.
Elementary Schools (Grades K-6th)
Middle Schools (Grades 7th - 8th)
High Schools (Grades 9th-12th)
** Bus transportation is provided by the Brevard County School District when school(s) are further than walking distance (2 miles miles)
The ratio of students to teachers is 22.2 to 1 for elementary schools; 24.8 to 1 middle schools; and 25.5 to 1 for high schools. Counseling services, exceptional and special education classes are all available, and special funding is allotted for these programs.
Academics are stressed in all grades, and regular achievement testing measures skills in reading, language, math, science, social studies and writing. Computers are readily available, enabling all students to have hands-on computer education. BPS is in the process of providing a device for each student, part of their 1:1 project.
For elementary students, a comprehensive program in language arts, math, social studies, science, health, physical education, music and art is offered. Children are encouraged to participate in cultural awareness programs.
Junior and Senior high schools stress math, science, social studies, language arts. Choir and band programs are supported through supplementary funds. Other credit areas include fine arts, physical education, practical arts and life management. Classes on the effects of drug abuse and instillation of self-confidence have been offered for the past decade.
Science education is first rate in high-tech Brevard County. Science fair projects for elementary students emphasize the study of the scientific method. All high school students are required to complete one of two sequences of science courses. Biology, chemistry and physics are all stressed. The area's STEM related industry organizations, such as NASA and Kennedy Space Center, provide strong community support to local science education.
On-the-job training takes place through special programs emphasize in Brevard schools. Mentoring programs allow students to interact with area businesses. For instance, Agilent Technologies provides a free, hands-on science series for students.
Athletics are emphasized in Brevard's schools through programs in football, cross country track, volleyball, wrestling, basketball, baseball, softball, golf, tennis, swimming and soccer. Intramural games are also offered.
Immunizations required of children entering Florida public schools: Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Tetanus 5 doses, Polio Vaccine 4 doses, MMR 2 doses, and Hepatitis B vaccine 3 doses. No child will be enrolled in school unless one of the following conditions can be met:
Proof of Residence
Verification of a parent or guardian's residence shall be required at the time the child registers in a Brevard County School. Verification of residence may also be required at any other time at the discretion of the Superintendent. Suggested documents for verifying residence are: Florida Driver's License, current utilities statement, voter registration or lease agreement.
Students whose homes are two miles or more from the school have the right to free transportation providing their residence is within the schools serving area. All students must abide by prescribed code of conduct while waiting at the bus stop, and awaiting transportation. Violations of rules of conduct will cause suspension from riding the school buses.
Graduation Requirements
Graduation requirements: Language Arts (English) 4 credits, Math 3 credits, Social Studies 3 credits, Phys Ed 1 credit, and Life Management Skills is 1/2 credit and Practical Arts 1 credit for a total of 24 required credits.
NOTE: There are no DoD schools on Patrick and all students must meet Florida's standards for advancement and graduation. For more information go to the Brevard Public Schools website: https://www.brevardschools.orgStudents Living in Patrick SFB Housing
For assistance with schools and location call the School Liaison Office at (321) 494-1991 or DSN (312) 854-1991.
Children living in Patrick SFB Housing areas will attend the following schools:
Elementary Schools
Junior High Schools
High Schools
Most of the private schools listed also have day care services or preschool classes for children younger than five. Many have before and after-school childcare programs.
A Home Education Program, as defined in section 1002.01, Florida Statutes, is the sequentially progressive instruction of a student directed by his/her parent(s) or guardian in order to satisfy the requirements of Section 1002.41, 1003.01(4), and 1003.21(1). Home Education allows the freedom to explore and to learn at the pace of the individual student. Parents who provide instruction to their children at home are requested and encouraged to read carefully and comply with all of the state statutes and regulations governing the operation of a Home Education Program. Link for Home Education State Statutes: http://www.fldoe.org/schools/school-choice/statutes-rules.stml
The parent/guardian who assumes responsibility for educating a child at home also has the responsibility for providing curriculum, education material, and evaluations necessary to determine student progress. The school system does not supply texts, curriculum guides, education standards, or diplomas for the home educated student.
Procedures and Guidelines for the Home Education Parent:
If you have any questions, please send us an email at: HomeEducation@brevardschools.org
Virtual School:
Brevard Public School Home Education students may enroll in Brevard Virtual School (BVS) in grades 6 – 12 and in Florida Virtual School (FLVS) in grades K-12. Both programs are tuition free and all courses are taught by state-certified, highly qualified instructors. Virtual schools reserve the right to deny enrollment when a student has committed an expellable offense.
General Educational Development (GED) program is offered by the Brevard County School Board. The GED Testing Site is located at the Clearlake Education Center: 1225 Clearlake Rd. Cocoa, FL 32922 or contact their office for more information at 321-633-3660 ext.31464.