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Air Force
Child and Youth Programs
320 Laurel Street
Bldg 2449
Shaw AFB, SC 29152
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Programs and services are available at most installations for children up to age 12. Care may be provided in Child Development Centers, School Age Care Programs, and Family Child Care Homes. Please review the information to find out what programs and services are available at this installation. Please contact the Child and Youth Program point of contact at this installation if you require information, assistance or resources for child care in your local community.
Family Child Care is a good profession for spouses who want to work at home, have the satisfaction of self-employment and the enjoyment of taking care of children. FCC providers are Air Force-certified and licensed to care for children, 2 weeks of age through 12 years of age, in government quarters.
This program expands the availability of child care and is an integral part of the Shaw Air Force Base child development program, providing weekly and occasional hourly care. Providers also assure flexibility for those parents who need extended hours and adapt their programs to meet the needs of customers, including 24 hour and weekend care.
For additional information, a tour of homes or an updated listing of FCC providers, contact the FCC coordinator at 803-895-1864.
The Shaw Air Force Base Child Development Center offers programs conducted in a state-of-the-art facility. These programs meet Air Force certification standards and are accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. The center is near the Youth Center in the housing area.
Programs offered
The following is a list of some of the programs available at the CDC:
Full-day care -- This program offers full-time care. Care is offered Monday-Friday (0630-1730) on a permanent basis. A contract is available to ensure continued enrollment at the center.
Hourly care -- Provided on a space-available basis to those needing occasional care between 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Ages for hourly care are 12 months to 5 years. Parents needing hourly care for their children must call in advance to make reservations, which are based on availability. Hourly care patrons must follow specific guidelines available at the CDC.
All fees are in accordance with Department of Defense guidelines and are based on Total Family Income. A sliding scale is used for fees. The CDC fees cover quality child care, meals and snacks, which include breakfast, lunch and afternoon snacks.
CDC programs are available for dependents of active-duty military, DOD civilians and Non-Appropriated Fund civilian employees based on priority determined by Department of Defense Guidelines.
Personnel relocating to Shaw AFB who have a need for the CDC can go to militarychildcare.com and register.
Shaw AFB’s CDC offers programs for children ages 6 weeks to 5 years, conducted in a state-of-the-art facility. Programs include full-day care and hourly care. Call 803-895-2247.
The Youth Center provides age-appropriate programming for youth ages 5 through 12 before and after school and during school in-service days, and full-day camps during the summer and holiday breaks.
Transportation is provided to and from schools that are located on or around the base. The School Age Program is Air Force certified, meets compliance standards under the United States Department of Agriculture’s Food Service Program and is nationally accredited by the Council on Accreditation. The program is also affiliated with the Boys and Girls Clubs of America and the 4-H. Both entities have curriculum that offers character building and leadership skills, high-yield learning activities, arts, education and career, health and life skills, and recreation. Children and youth also have opportunities to attend field trips and be involved in special projects and events.
Fees for these programs are based on Total Family Income.
Respite care
The Air Force Aid Society’s Respite Care Program is intended for active-duty Air Force families who have a family member with special needs. The goal of the program is to provide a break for a few hours a week or month to families who have the responsibility for the 24-hour-a-day care for an ill or disabled family member. This person may be a child, a spouse or a parent living in the household.
AFAS assistance for respite is based on need, the need for respite time, as well as financial need, and is always given as a grant. Families with a special needs family member who have the financial means to pay for care should do so. Our program is intended to assist those who cannot afford it and would otherwise never get a break.
Families are referred to the AFAS for respite care through the Exceptional Family Member Program or the Family Advocacy Program office.