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Air Force
School Liaison
524 Stuart Ave
Building 1127
Shaw AFB, SC 29152
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
The School Liaison
The School Liaison Program Manager is the central point of contact for commanders, military families, and school districts on Preschool-12th grade school matters. They advocate for military connected students at the local, state and national level. The School Liaison is committed to outreach, advocacy and partnership initiatives that generate real-time solutions for military-connected students as they face global educational challenges and transitions. For information contact the School Liaison’s office at 803-895-3398, cell number at 803-840-0938, or via email at 20FW.SLPM.SchoolLiaison@us.af.mil
Shaw Air Force base is surrounded by several county school districts. These districts include Sumter, Kershaw, Lee, and Clarendon. There are additional school districts that are in the Columbia area which are supported through Fort Jackson’s School Liaison Program Manager.
South Carolina Public Schools
School starts in early to mid-August and ends in late May/early June for most schools.
Sumter School District – 803-469-6900
Kershaw County School District – 803-432-8416
Lee County School District – 803-484-5327
Clarendon County School District– 803-435-4435
Note: According to state law, students must attend assigned schools within their district of residence unless special circumstances have been granted by the school district.
Public schools are operated at the county level under the South Carolina Department of Education. Statewide test results, and overall school quality, can vary significantly from school to school within each district. It is recommended that you review school report cards online, and visit each campus, as you make your housing decision.
South Carolina is a member of the Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission. All military families with school age children should be familiar with the rules of the compact before transferring to a new area. Information is available online.
Shaw AFB Base Housing Residents:
Shaw Air Force Base housing is serviced by Sumter School District. The schools assigned to Shaw AFB housing are Oakland Primary School (PreK-1st grade,) Shaw Heights Elementary School (2nd-3rd grade,) High Hills Elementary School (4th-5thgrade,) Hillcrest Middle School, and Crestwood High School.
South Carolina Public Charter School District
The South Carolina Public Charter School District provides a wide array of charter and virtual school options in the local area.
Private / Parochial Schools
There are several private and parochial schools in the greater Sumter area depending on your family’s choice. It is suggested that the private schools be contacted directly to determine tuition/enrollment requirements. There may be additional fees for some programs.
South Carolina Independent School Association has a member listing by county.
Home School
South Carolina statutes provide parents or guardians three different options for home schooling their children. Refer to Home Schooling at the South Carolina State Department of Education webpage, or contact the School Liaison for more information.
New Student Registration
An unofficial copy of your transcript/grades should be hand-carried to the school and authorized under the Military Interstate Children’s Compact in all 50 states. This will enable your child to be comparably placed at the new school, in case your official records are delayed. Contact the guidance counselor, military liaison assigned to the school, or the Shaw AFB School Liaison for assistance, if needed.
Requirements can vary from state to state. The Medical Clinic will assist you with proper immunizations for South Carolina. They will complete DHEC Form 1125, required for enrollment in the SC school system. If further assistance is needed, please call: 803-895-2273 for the medical clinic on Shaw Air Force Base.
Student’s Birth Certificate
Proof of residence (normally two sources)
School records from previous school if available
Special Education records, if applicable
Proof of guardianship, if applicable
Latest report card, if possible
South Carolina High School Diploma
Visit the South Carolina Department of Education for South Carolina Diploma Requirements.
Educational opportunities available at Shaw Air Force Base include:
Tuition Assistance
Air Force tuition assistance, at 100% of course cost, is available to all active-duty members. Many sources of financial aid, including the Pell Grant, are available from colleges for military and family members. Military members and their dependents pay in-state tuition costs rather than the higher out-of-state costs when they attend state-supported colleges in South Carolina. (Not all schools do this. Some charge dependents out-of-state tuition rates.)
Air Force Aid Society Educational Scholarship information is available at afas.org.
Adult Education
For adults, many educational opportunities are offered at Shaw Air Force Base and the focal point for all education programs is the Base Education Center. Professional education specialists are available for both active-duty service members and dependents on an appointment and walk-in basis. They can direct you to courses of study at the local community college as well as programs through a couple of colleges and universities who hold classes on base or through distance learning,
Air Force Aid Society Educational Scholarship information is available at afas.org under education.
English as a Second Language
Free classes are offered by the Sumter County Literacy Center and county adult education programs, such as one-on-one adult tutoring, computer-assisted instruction, and citizenship. For information, call 803-778-6432.
High School Completion
Nongraduates may enroll in classes at the District Adult Education Office. Adults ages 17-19 must test for the state high school diploma. Adults 20 and over may take the GED exam. For information, call 803-778-6432.
Children who will be five years old on or before 1 September must register for kindergarten.
Children who will be four years old on or before 1 September may be eligible for pre-school, but qualification guidelines may apply. Contact the school in your attendance zone for available slots and eligibility requirements.
Note: According to South Carolina Law, school-aged children must be transferred / enrolled in school within 10 days.
For specific information contact the school, or the local district office.
South Carolina’s department of education
South Carolina's Office of Special Education Services website provides a wealth of information on the state's programming. Local school resources can also be found on each district’s webpage. Contact the School Liaison or EFMP Coordinator if you need assistance.
The Base Education Center can provide information on Adult Education programs. It offers a wide range of educational services and programs to fulfill educational goals. The local school districts also have Adult Education Programs. Department of Education Resources are available through Adult Education Services.