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Marine Corps
Housing Referral Office
Building 1525 Fifth St
Twentynine Palms, CA 92278
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Learn about the variety of housing possibilities available as well as information about setting up utilities in your home . Housing options are available to your unique situation including: housing for families, single service members, families that are enrolled in the exceptional family member program, pet owners and unaccompanied personnel. Explore your options to find a home that best fits your needs.
There are 10 family housing areas located both aboard the Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center and in the Twentynine Palms community. There are 2,210 homes and apartments for married and bachelor personnel.
Married personnel arriving in Twentynine Palms for permanent duty should report to the Family Housing Office in Building 1525. Call them at 760-830-6611 prior to executing any commitment of private or commercial rental agreement.
Liberty Military Housing provides property management for Military Family Housing aboard Twentynine Palms.
All officers and enlisted personnel accompanied by their bona fide family members are eligible to apply for MFH.
The wait time for family housing varies, depending on rank and the number of dependents. The summer months are usually very busy and wait times can vary greatly as compared to other times of the year. Wait times vary from 30 days to 12 months.
Single Service Member Housing
Bachelor housing is available to single active-duty service members. All bachelor housing is controlled by the commands. You will be assigned to bachelor housing when you check in to your new unit.
Exceptional Family Member Housing
Service members who have special housing needs for exceptional family members can request assistance from the Exceptional Family Member Program coordinator. Call 760-830-7740 for more information.
We strongly suggest that you contact the Housing Office prior to your arrival at Twentynine Palms to determine current wait times for base housing and to obtain referrals regarding off-base housing. The office can be reached via phone at 760-830-6611 or DSN 312-230-6611. Please note, the summer months are usually very busy and wait times can vary greatly compared to other times during the year. Other options for off-base, non-government housing can be found in the nearby towns of Twentynine Palms, Joshua Tree and Yucca Valley.
Housing Referral Office -- Your contact for any problems you may encounter (discrimination complaints, tenant/landlord disputes or any questions/problems about off-base housing) is the HRO. Staff are available to assist you in a person-to-person basis to make your move to this installation an easy and pleasant one. They can provide a list of rentals with corresponding locator maps and give you information regarding the area in which rentals are located.
Rental and purchase options -- If base housing is not available when you check in or if you prefer off-base housing, contact the housing referral specialist for assistance. The housing referral specialist has access to all real estate listings in the high desert and can search for listings according to your specific needs (size, cost, etc.). Call 760-830-1706 for more information.
RV Park -- The Combat Center has 83 RV spaces available for daily, monthly and yearly rental. Contact the Twilight Dunes RV park office at 760-830-6583, located in Building 690, for current rates. Pets are to be on a leash and supervised while in the RV park.
Visit InMyArea.com to search for utility providers based on your zip code. This website serves as a one-stop shop where you can explore your options, compare prices and purchase services.
There are 10 family housing areas located both aboard the Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Air Guard Combat Center and one in the Twentynine Palms community. There are 2,210 homes and apartment units and an 83-space mobile home park for married and bachelor personnel. Liberty Military Housing provides property management for the Military Family Housing aboard the Combat Center as well as the Vista Del Sol housing units in the Twentynine Palms community. Married personnel arriving in Twentynine Palms for permanent duty should report to the family housing welcome center Building 1525, which can be reached telephone by calling 760-830-6611 or DSN 312-230-6611, prior to executing any commitment of private or commercial rental agreement.
Content Link: www.livelmh.com/installations/ca/twentynine-palms/tp-mcagcc/