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Financial Readiness Program (ACS)
Building 10A General Patton Road
Camp Nainhof
Hohenfels Germany 09173
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Resources are available to help you understand and manage your finances, including one-on-one financial counseling to assist you and your family with financial readiness. Services are designed to focus on money management issues throughout your active-duty lifecycle and into retirement. Financial readiness educational opportunities range from basic planning to long-term investing. Check out the information below to see what’s available at your installation.
The Financial Readiness Program (FRP) was created by the Army to help all members of the Army community become and remain financially ready for whatever the future might hold, including emergencies, expiration of term of service, permanent change of station moves, marriage, children and retirement. A wide range of services and classes are available to assist and enable soldiers and their families to live within their means and invest for the future. All services are free.
The main program components are:
We focus on all aspects of financial readiness, including:
Financial Assistance
Financial Readiness Program (FRP) offers holistic, personal financial support to Soldier’s, their families, and DOD civilians within the USAG Bavaria footprint. Services include trainings, in-depth financial counseling, consumer advocacy, and Army Emergency Relief Assistance.
Trainings include Unit and Community classes on the mandatory Milestone trainings as well as ancillary classes such as Save and Investing, Credit Management, and Preparing Your Taxes.
Plan a PCS Budget
Start with reviewing your income and expenses at your current location. A PCS to Hohenfels will inevitably cause changes. Some common changes include:
Housing: One common change is Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH). Many families in Hohenfels live on-post or in government-leased quarters and do not receive a housing allowance. Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) is provided to those in private rentals and is a reimbursement to partially defray housing costs. If you move into a private rental, a security deposit ranging from one to three months’ rent may be required. If you will be living in a private rental, consider the option of storing your 110-volt appliances stateside and buying 220-volt appliances once you arrive. You can purchase appliances almost anywhere, including at the Thrift Shop. Transformers can convert your 110-volt appliances to 220 volts, but it is not efficient and will increase your electric bill. If you reside on-post or government-leased quarters, you will likely have both voltages available in your house. Speak with the Housing office regarding your specific situation.
COLA: Cost-of-Living Allowance (COLA) is a non-taxable allowance designed to offset the higher cost of non-housing goods and services for those stationed in Hohenfels.
Phone Services: Consider the cost of maintaining your US phone versus starting a new plan in Germany. Review Servicemember Civil Relief Act protections for cell phone contracts. Be aware of roaming and international charges. It is common for providers to charge per minute for phone calls to foreign countries (ex. A US cell phone calling a German number, or a German cell phone calling a US number). Utilizing internet-based calling or message apps may help reduce costs while keeping connected to friends and family in the States. If stopping US cell phone service, change any two-factor authentication previously set up for that number.
Transportation: Hohenfels is located in a rural area with limited public transportation. If you are shipping your US vehicle, please consider if it will meet your needs in Germany. While parking and roads in the rural area may fit a larger vehicle, it will be more difficult in towns and cities. Germany requires an inspection to register the vehicle and specific tires during the winter. Fuel purchased on the German economy will be significantly more expensive but utilizing the fuel ration on post will provide a lower price.
The Financial Readiness Program can assist in relocation budget planning. Contact your local Army Community Service for assistance. Upon arrival, schedule an appointment with the Personal Financial Readiness specialist to assess your budget.
We encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities, programs, tools, training and assistance that the Financial Readiness Program has available for you! For further information, contact the Personal Financial Readiness specialist at DSN 314-522-4860 or commercial 09472-708-4860, or call +49 94727084860 when calling from the United States. Hours are Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.