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Housing Office
Camp Walker
Soldier Support Center
APO South Korea 96218-0562
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Learn about the variety of housing possibilities available as well as information about setting up utilities in your home . Housing options are available to your unique situation including: housing for families, single service members, families that are enrolled in the exceptional family member program, pet owners and unaccompanied personnel. Explore your options to find a home that best fits your needs.
AR 420-1 requires all service members, civilians and their families report to the housing office upon arrival to U.S. Army Garrison Daegu. Personnel will be advised of the local housing conditions, government housing, and will be assisted in applying for and locating housing.
Since government or economy housing may not be immediately available upon arrival, both civilians and military personnel may be required to temporarily live in on-base lodging or a hotel off base. Temporary Lodging Allowance offsets most additional expenses.
Housing Allowance and Living Off-Post
Go to the defense travel website for information regarding your Overseas Housing Allowance. OHA provides you rent based on your rank, with or without family, and utility costs. The amount of OHA changes slightly each month in relation to the Won exchange rate.
Weight allowances are restricted coming to Korea. Command-sponsored families are authorized 50% of the normal joint travel regulations weight allowance while unaccompanied personnel are authorized only 25%. Because of this, you will be provided government appliances and furniture. We encourage you to bring some furnishings and electronics (most off-post housing is equipped with both 110V and 220V outlets) with you. You may contact the housing furnishing management branch at DSN 315-763-4589 or 011-82-31-503-363-4589 if you have specific questions.
Waiting time for government housing depends on the soldier and their family's arrival. Normal wait time is estimated to be within a week of arrival to U.S. Army Garrison Daegu. During peak season (May-August and November-December), it can take up to 14 days for government housing.
Civilian employees are not eligible for government housing and must rely on the local economy for housing unless they are in Key and Essential positions.
Living on the Economy
Command-sponsored and authorized unaccompanied personnel will receive an Overseas Housing Allowance to help offset the cost of living on the local economy. Civilian personnel will receive a Living Quarters Allowance determined by the employee's grade, duty station and the number of family members. Current rates can be obtained from any military Finance Office or Civilian Personnel Advisory Center.
Concurrent travel will be granted for all civilian employees who are authorized dependent travel. Civilian employees recruited in the United States, traveling under full or elective Joint Travel Regulations weight allowance are only authorized loaner government furniture for 90 days (inbound) and 60 days (outbound). Washers, dryers, gas oven/ranges and refrigerators are available for the duration of your tour. Civilians traveling with full JTR should ship all furnishings needed to maintain a stateside standard of living. It is not recommended that you bring oversized furniture. Prior to shipping your furnishings, coordinate with your Transportation Office to determine if large items such as king-size beds and large sofas are recommended.
Many different types of housing are available on the local economy, from one-bedroom to five-bedroom apartments. Housing is always available when living off post; it's just a matter of finding the right house for the soldier and their family members. Housing in Daegu, on average, costs $1,300-$1,700 a month and about $700 extra for utilities, while housing in Waegwan (the Camp Carroll area) is $1,300–$1,700 and about $400-$500 for utilities.
Eligibility for unaccompanied personnel housing is E-7 and above.
All unaccompanied E-7 and above must report to the Housing Office for assignment to bachelor officers quarters or senior enlisted quarters within 24 hours of arrival to Area IV (U.S. Forces Korea Regulations 37-57).
If on-post unaccompanied housing is not available within 30 days of arrival, soldiers will be issued a Certificate of Non-Availability to reside off post. Soldiers will be given a list of registered real estate agents to assist in finding adequate housing. This process can take up to two weeks.
Visit InMyArea.com to search for utility providers based on your zip code. This website serves as a one-stop shop where you can explore your options, compare prices and purchase services.
Government housing is mandatory in Area IV unless an exception to policy is approved by the commander of U.S. Army Garrison Daegu.
Pets are authorized in Army Family Housing; however, only two pets per household are permitted.
U.S. Army Garrison’s Army Family Housing includes:
The four 15-story towers contain 240 three-bedroom units, 104 four-bedroom units and 16 five-bedroom apartment units.
Camp Carroll Waegwan area has no AFH.
Through fiscal year 2023, we will experience a shortfall of on-post housing for field grade and senior grade and sergeants major due to the construction of Gaya Tower on Camp Walker. The surrounding off-post housing communities may be challenged due to families being assigned to off-post housing during this transition.
Contact the Daegu Housing Office at DSN 315-763-4573 or visit the Army Housing website.