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School Liaison - Baumholder
Building 8876, Wetzel Kaserne
Baumholder Germany 55774
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Europe Central District operates 16 schools in Germany. Two of the schools are located in the Baumholder Military Community, Smith Elementary and Baumholder Middle High School.
Smith Elementary serves grades Pre-K to grade 5. Smith Elementary offers a Universal Pre-K program. Children must be 4 by 1 September of the enrolling school year to be eligible..
Students are eligible for Kindergarten when they are 5 by 1 September of the enrolling school year.
School Transportation:
Transportation is available for student who lives off-post, they must live in one of the villages listed on the school feeder zone. For families that lives on base transportation will provided if the school is on another Kaserne.
School Registration:
School registration can be completed online. For further information, please contact the School Liaison Officer. Families can begin the registration process while they are still stateside. Once families arrive in the community, they will need to complete the registration process at the school, by contacting the school registrar.
The following documents are required to enroll students in DoDEA:
To check out the standards and curriculum which are taught in the schools, please visit https://www.dodea.edu/Europe/schools-by-area.cfm
There are two DoDEA schools located in the Baumholder Military Community, Smith Elementary School and Baumholder Middle High School. The School Liaison Officer is a great resource for families transitioning in and out of the communities. Please reach out to the School Liaison Office.
Army Continuing Education System
USAG Rheinland-Pfalz Army Education and Personnel Testing Centers
The Army Education and Personnel Testing Centers support the lifelong learning concept and offer a myriad of educational opportunities, programs and services for Service Members, eligible Family Members, Veterans and Civilians of the Kaiserslautern Military Community. Services include, but are not limited to Military Tuition Assistance and Credentialing Assistance, college and university comparisons and resources, assistance in applying for colleges and college level courses, seeking and obtaining funding sources, education and career path planning, as well as Military Defense Language examinations and other Army Personnel exams. The National Testing Center offers CLEP and DSST examinations, PearsonVue and proctored exams, licensing exams for healthcare workers and some proctored exams.
Grading information can be found at https://www.dodea.edu/Europe/
Unique Opportunities
Students who are in grades 1-12, have the opportunity to attend German schools. Please be mindful that German Schools do not run on the same school schedule as DoDEA schools. The Principal makes the final decision on acceptance into the school. Some knowledge of the German language by parents and students is most helpful, but not mandatory.