Davis-Monthan AFB

Cost of Living

Davis-Monthan Air Force Base is located in an average cost of living area for the state of Arizona, however, house sale prices and rentals have increased in the past few years. The median home price in Tucson currently, is approximately $385,000, up 8.5% since 2023. The median for a 3-bedroom rental in Tucson is $1,685. 

Recommend applying for base housing as soon as you obtain orders or contact the DMAFB Housing office at 520-228-3687/5705 or 355CES.HMO@us.af.mil to obtain a list of vetted property management listings and rental properties. They can also provide you with a list of military-friendly housing websites. To apply for base housing before you get here, visit https://www.housing.af.mil 

If planning to rent, please save an adequate amount of money to pay for 1st month's rent, security deposit and pet deposit, if applicable.

There are always out-of-pocket expenses that must be paid up-front when PCS'ing. Many expenses are reimbursable when you file your travel voucher during in-processing, but you still need to plan ahead and have a savings to cover the expenses up-front.

A quick note: Vehicle tires tend to ware out sooner than the average life-span of the tire due to the hot summers in AZ. Check your tire tread regularly and plan to replace your tires every 1.5 to 3 years. A set of 4 new tires can cost from $400 to $2500 depending on the vehicle and tire make. Always have this amount set aside in your savings.