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Air Force
Davis-Monthan DEERS Office
5260 E Granite
Building 3200 1st Floor
Tucson, AZ 85707
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Figuring out the best way to get around is important when you’re in a new installation. It’s useful to understand the various regulations, local laws as well as license and registration requirements. Whether you need a driver’s license, transport a car overseas or want help buying a car, there are people to assist you at your new installation. Check out the topics below to find information and regulations on vehicles and registration at your base.
State laws vary when it comes to motor vehicle insurance requirements, licensing and registration. Service members and their families will want to understand their state’s laws on registration and licensing before moving to a new state.
Arizona state law requires you to have sufficient liability insurance and a valid driver’s license in order to operate a vehicle. The term “vehicle” generally includes automobiles, motorcycles, vans, trailers and boats regularly parked or garaged overnight. Further, your vehicle must be properly registered. Even though you are in the Military, you may be required to register your vehicle in-state and obtain an in-state license within a few months of moving.
Active-duty military personnel stationed in Arizona who are not Arizona residents are exempt from paying the vehicle license tax portion of the annual vehicle registration.
To register a vehicle, nonresident active-duty military personnel must:
When the nonresident service member is assigned overseas and the spouse or dependent must remain in Arizona, the exemption still applies if the nonresident service person was on military assignment in Arizona at the time the overseas orders were issued.
For more information, visit the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) website at https://azdot.gov/motor-vehicles/vehicle-services/military-personnel/nonresident-exemptions.
Lieu Tax Form -- To receive discounted vehicle registration fees, active-duty members may obtain a statement, available at the Base Legal Office, affirming that they are physically assigned in Arizona. Members must provide a copy of their Leave and Earning Statement (LES) indicating their state of residence, proof of ownership, including VIN, and ID at an AZ DMV. Member must be stationed in Arizona and NOT an Arizona resident.
New Vehicles require a visit to Base Legal Office (520-228-5242). Spouse or others must have a Special POA to register vehicles. DMV does not accept General POA.
Vehicle Checks -- All vehicles entering or leaving Davis-Monthan are subject to search and must have current registration and insurance.
Motorcycles – Novice motorcycle riders must complete both Basic Rider’s course and Intermediate Rider’s Course to receive a base decal. Contact 355 Wing Safety Office at 520-228-5342 for motorcycle information and the mentorship program. Each unit has a motorcycle safety representative.
Speed Limits -- Speeding on Davis-Monthan Air Force Base is not tolerated. All roads on base are routinely patrolled and radar is used to find and ticket violators. Do not expect any flexibility in the posted speeds. Base housing is of particular concern due to adults and children traversing the streets. Be especially careful in these areas. The speed in all parking lots on base is 5 m.p.h. Violators are ticketed. The Air Force directed points system is strictly enforced, so don't be surprised if you see people taking the "shoe leather express" to work for having too many moving violations on the base.
Cell Phones -- You cannot use a cell phone if you are the operator of a vehicle on base, while the vehicle is in motion, unless you are using a hands-free device. Otherwise, pull to the side of the road or into a parking lot before answering.
Traffic -- Arizona state traffic laws apply on Davis-Monthan AFB. Seat Belts are mandatory. Child car seats and restraints are mandatory for children under 40 pounds and/or under the age of five.
Child Safety Seats -- Arizona law requires all children under 8 years old and under 4’9” to be properly secured in a child safety seat. Child safety seats include infant seats, convertible seats, forward-facing seats or other federally-approved safety devices. The seat must meet appropriate height and weight specifications for the child. There is a fine of up to $176 for violation of Arizona State Law 28-907.
Certified child passenger safety technicians are also available to assist with child car seat safety checks and installation help. Safety checks are held at several different locations and are by appointment only. For a list of agencies and phone numbers to schedule a safety check appointment visit https://www.tmcaz.com/assets/documents/pediatrics/skpc-car-seat-inspection-list-2-2019.pdf
Under the Military Spouse Residency Relief Act, spouses who do not become legal residents of Arizona are not required to obtain an Arizona drivers license. (The Servicemember's Civil Relief Act (SCRA). SCRA gives servicemembers the ability to maintain a home of residency, regardless of placement by military orders, which has given servicemembers tax relief and also made a change in driver's licenses and vehicle registration unnecessary. The Military Spouse Residency Relief Act gives military spouses the same benefits as they relocate with their active-duty spouses.
State and local laws regulate the operation of motor vehicles, and these laws can vary by location. Many states regulate the following:
Learn more about motor vehicle laws in the State of Arizona at: https://azdot.gov/mvd/services/enforcement/new-entrant-program/laws-and-rules
Arizona drivers are required to have proof of financial responsibility when operating a motor vehicle on Arizona roadways.
Visit the Arizona Department of Insurance website at: https://difi.az.gov/consumer/i/auto/minimum-coverage#:~:text=%2425%2C000%20for%20one%20person%20sustaining,for%20damage%20to%20others'%20property. for more information and minimum insurance coverage limits.
If you are driving with Arizona license plates, you must comply with Arizona's emission laws. Emissions testing is required annually. Automobiles that are less than five years old do not need to be tested. Alternative fuel automobiles whose model years fall after 2003 do not need to be tested. Bring your certificate of title and fee to the emissions station. The closest station is 1301 S. Stocker Drive. Payment Methods include cash, personal checks (must be from an Arizona bank and have an imprinted name and physical in-state address), Visa and MasterCard credit or debit cards. For additional vehicle emissions test questions, contact the Installation Air Quality Program Manager at 520-228-4829 (355 CES/CEIE)
Sales Tax
No matter what state the member is a resident of, a "sales tax" of up to 5% of the purchase price of the vehicle, based upon the bill of sale, will need to be paid if the vehicle is purchased from a licensed dealer, whether in Arizona or another state. If the vehicle is registered in another state before arriving here and an amount of sales tax is collected there, then that portion not collected (up to 5%) will be collected upon registration here. This should not be confused with property or excise taxes paid.
If the member is an Arizona resident and the vehicle is titled in his or her name, then the member must pay "only" a Vehicle License Tax (VLT). Call Arizona Office of Transportation at 520-629-9808 for further information. Visit https://www.azmvdnow.gov for more information.