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Marine Corps
School Liaison
Bldg. 495 Unit 35023
Camp Foster
APO, AP 96373
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
There are thirteen DoDEA Schools on Okinawa:
Check out the DODEA Okinawa individual websites for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions for Okinawa DoDEA Schools:
1. Where will my child go to school?
Your housing location will determine your school zone. Once you accept housing on or off-base, the housing office will tell you the school your child will attend.
2. How do I register my child?
Once you know your school zone, please visit the school's Main Office to register your child. In addition to a registration packet, you will need the following items:
3. When will my child begin school?
It normally takes 2 days to process registration forms for your child to begin school.
4. Can I register my child prior to arriving on Okinawa?
Your child must be physically on Okinawa to register him/her.
5. Can I enroll my child before I have accepted housing?
While in temporary quarters, you can register your child at BHPS, AEIS, KES, KMS, or KDHS for those staying on Kadena or ZES, LMS, or KBHS for those staying on Foster. Once you accept housing, your child may have to change schools if the house is not in the zone for those schools.
6. What if I have a child on an IEP?
Please be sure to inform the registrar of your child’s IEP when you register. It is also imperative that you have a current copy of your child’s IEP at that time. For mild to moderate disabilities, all DoDEA Okinawa schools have special education programs. If your child has a moderate to severe disability, there are specialized programs at certain schools. He/she may attend a different school if services require.
7. What pre-school programs are available?
DoDEA has a Sure Start program which is a pre-school program for students who turn 4 years of age by 1 September. It is not an automatic enrollment for all students. It is application based. Applications can be picked up at any school between April and August. Applications are scored against a comprehensive rubric and class lists are created in mid-August. Each Sure Start class consist of 18 students. There are several off base pre-schools available as well as the on base CDC programs.
8. When can my child begin kindergarten?
Students must turn 5 by 1 September to enroll in kindergarten and they must turn 6 by 1 September to begin First Grade.
9. Is there a gifted education program?
Yes. Teachers or parents can refer a child for evaluation.
Numerous post-secondary school courses are available through such field offices as the University of Maryland University College and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. The curriculum you'll study for these classes is imported straight from your school of choice, so there is no loss of quality. Children of military families have the opportunity to receive a quality education that rivals school systems in the United States.
Even master's degree programs are available here for the motivated education seeker. Programs such as counseling, community services, public administration and business administration are among the many choices offered.
Education & Career Centers
The MCCS Education Centers assist active duty and family members with their educational goals. Guidance Counselors can provide academic/vocational guidance, financial assistance information, and assist in developing educational plans.
For additional information or assistance please contact any of the MCCS Education & Career centers:
Web: https://www.okinawa.usmc-mccs.org/marine-family-support/education
Student Meals Program
The Student Meal Program (SMP) follows U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) guidelines and regulations, and our purpose is to provide wholesome, nutritious meals to children daily. DoDEA schools serve over seven million meals annually in the United States and overseas.
In the Pacific, the SMP is operated by a School Food Authority (SFA) and is responsible following USDA regulations, guidelines, and requirements. The Department of Defense Participates in the National School Lunch Program. This program is a federally subsidized and your dependents may be eligible to receive free or reduced priced meals. All parents need to apply/re-apply each school year for the Free and Reduced-Price Lunch Program. For additional information please visit: https://www.aafes.com/about-exchange/school-lunch-program/
Bus Transportation
The Student Transportation Office (STO) is dedicated to providing the community with safe school bus transportation services that are timely and comfortable. Highly trained and capable transportation specialists assist in overseeing the entire Okinawa District Student Transportation operation. If you need to register your child for bus service, have a bus transportation concern or question, please contact the Okinawa STO:
Okinawa Student Transportation Office (STO)
DSN: 315-645-7820/2036 | Comm: 011-81-98-970-7820/2036
Email: okin-bus@pac.dodea.edu | Web: https://www.dodea.edu/Pacific/south/transportation.cfm (School Bus Zone PDF available)
DoDEA Okinawa Schools
* Bechtel Elementary will be closed for renovations from 2023-2026.
Entrance Requirements
The age requirements are:
Parents of students moving to Okinawa should insure that extended leave and travel time will not jeopardize their child's class standing. Though students can read missed chapters in a book, they cannot duplicate class discussions and projects which enhance understanding and may be a part of semester examinations.
Please make sure you bring the following with you when you PCS to Okinawa:
PTA/Parent Volunteers
We welcome parent volunteers in our schools. Many programs in our schools are enhanced through the time and efforts provided by parents and other interested adults in our community. Please let the school know when you will be available to help and the kind of help you wish to offer. We have active Parent Teacher's Associations in each school that are affiliated with the National PTA in the U.S.
Please let the school know about work experiences you are willing to share with students or faculty. Some of our resources to reinforce good work habits, academics, and preparation for seeking jobs have come from parent volunteers. We have many teaching materials in our schools, but the next best thing to personal experience is personal interaction.
School Liaison Services
The School Liaison Services focus is to assist family members in being advocates for their children's education and in dealing with the unique challenges facing military children (PCS moves, varying school-to-school academic curriculum and schedules, varying graduation and records transfer requirements), and other major challenges such as Installation-School-Community-Partnerships, and Home Schooling.
School Liaison Information
School Liaison Officer
MCB Camp S.D. Butler
DSN: 315-645-3205 | Comm: 011-81-98-970-3205
Email: schoolliaison@okinawa.usmc-mccs.org | Web: https://www.okinawa.usmc-mccs.org/marine-family-support/child-and-youth/k-12-school-liaison-program