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Relocation Readiness Program (RRP)
Normandy Drive
Soldier Support Center
Bldg. 4-2843
Fort Liberty, NC 28310-5000
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Service providers are available with support both before and after a PCS move. Learn more about how to put the military’s relocation assistance program to work for you. See below for an overview of Military and Family Support Center Relocation Assistance services. Services vary by installation, so check the “Other” section below to see what other services are available at your location.
Your Military and Family Support Center provides relocation assistance to help make PCS moves as smooth as possible. Resources include:
Relocation Assistance – Other
A Newcomer's Orientation and Bus Tour of Fort Bragg is held at ACS on the 1st Tuesday of the month, beginning at 9:00 a.m. The Newcomer's Orientation is a great way for Fort Bragg Soldiers, Family Members, and DoD employees to become familiar with the services and agencies available on the installation. Please call 910-396-8682/8683, for more information or to register.
The Lending Closet is for families PCSing to or from Fort Bragg. Soldier/family members may borrow basic household items for 15 to 30 days while awaiting shipment of household goods. You need to bring a copy of orders and ID card Call the Lending Closet at 910-396-6013/910-907-2842
The Airborne Attic provides Soldiers and family members E4 and below with items of furniture, household goods and baby clothing free of charge. They can be reached at 910-907-2842.
Installation Specific Information
The Army Community Service (ACS) Relocation Readiness Program (RRP) provides assistance to military personnel and family members who will be moving to the Fort Bragg/Fayetteville community and those relocating to other military installations. Services provided: Installation Guide from all active military installations CONUS and OCONUS, OCONUS reference Books for various countries, Installations Welcome Packets, and other information. RRP is located in Bldg. 4-2843 Soldier Support Center, Normandy Street.
During your in-processing period at the Fort Bragg Reception Company, you will have the opportunity to attend the Newcomers/Reentry Orientation. The Newcomers Welcome Brief and community bus tour is held on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. in building 4-2843, Soldier Support Center (Army Community Service). For more information, please call (910) 396-8682/8683. Spouses are encouraged to attend, and all are given an opportunity to sign up for the monthly Newcomers Welcome Brief and bus tour to introduce you to the Fort Bragg community.
Our Lending Closet provides assistance with small electrical appliances, pots, pans, dishes, ironing boards, infant cars seats, cots, high chairs, coffee pots, microwave ovens, and others.
The Relocation Readiness Program also provides PCS Pre-Move Briefings and Welcome Packets. All PCS soldiers or soldiers assigned from an 18th Airborne Corps non-divisional unit or the 82d Airborne Division must attend an out-processing briefing at the Soldier Support Center (Bldg. 4-2843, Normandy Drive).