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Child Youth Registration and Referral
600 Thomas Ave.
Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Programs and services are available at most installations for children up to age 12. Care may be provided in Child Development Centers, School Age Care Programs, and Family Child Care Homes. Please review the information to find out what programs and services are available at this installation. Please contact the Child and Youth Program point of contact at this installation if you require information, assistance or resources for child care in your local community.
Fort Leavenworth CYS provides childcare for children 6 weeks through age 12 through the following Care Options as listed on MilitaryChildCare.com for Full Day Care, Part-Day Preschool & Part-time Strong Beginnings, Before/After School for Kindergarten-5th grade.
Hourly Care is offered on a space available, reservation based process once CYS registration is complete.
The Fort Leavenworth Youth Sports & Fitness Program offers a variety of activities. Each program emphasizes fun, fundamentals, and maximum participation for your youth rather than winning or losing. The program will allow your youth to gain knowledge of the sport in a variety of positions on the team and encourage each participant to be involved in making decision that build self-esteem and develop healthy, lifelong routines.
The following Sports are available during Fall:
The following Sports are available during Winter:
The following Sports are available during Spring:
The Following programs are available during Summer:
For more information on Sports or becoming a volunteer coach please contact the Youth Sports & Fitness Office at 913-684-7525 or 7526 / DSN: 94-552-7525 or 7526. Located at Building 198 (Resiliency Center), 600 Thomas Ave. Room 211. You can also visit the CYS Section of the Forth Leavenworth Family and MWR website.
Certified Family Child Care Providers will have a Care Option listing on MilitaryChildCare.com. Parents may request care for specific providers or all listed providers and center based care at the same time to increase opportunity for a placement offer. CYS Parent Central manages FCC wait list offers based on a provider's age group availability.
Contact CYS if you are interested in becoming a certified provider at Fort Leavenworth.
Fort Leavenworth's FCC program is managed through the CYS Outreach Services Program: 913-684-4956 /5138 DSN: 94-552-4956
Fort Leavenworth CDC aged programs are located at three different locations depending on program type. All of our Child Development Center programs support the total development of each individual child whether the child is here for a few hours or enrolled in a full day program. CDC staff plan and implement a variety of activities which engage a child's natural curiosity and desire to learn; operating total child enrichment programs for children 6 weeks through age 5.
Main CDC:
Osage CDC/School Age Facility:
Kindergarten Before and After School Care:
Eligibility for any CYS program is contingent on the sponsor’s status. Eligible patrons of Department of Defense Child Development Programs include active duty military personnel; DOD civilian personnel paid from both appropriate funds and non-appropriate funds; reservists on active duty orders or during inactive duty personnel training; combat-related wounded warriors; Gold Star spouses (combat-related); those acting in loco parentis for the dependent child of an otherwise eligible patron; eligible employees of DOD contractors; and others authorized on a space-available basis. In the case of unmarried, legally separated parents with joint custody or divorced parents with joint custody, children are eligible for childcare only when they reside with the military service member or eligible sponsor at least 25% of the time in a month that a child receives childcare.
CYS Registration is completed through the CYS Parent Central & Outreach Services Program. Mandatory information required from all registering patrons: proof of patron & child eligibility (sponsor/spouse military ID card, legal guardianship papers, child military ID card, Tricare Card, DEERS printout from Soldier's account), local residential address, unit, personal and work phone numbers, local emergency contact (other than sponsor or spouse), & immunization records depending on age and school attending, All children 6weeks through 5th grade are required to submit a Health Assessment/Well-child Visit no more than one (1) year old from day of registration (based on date doctor signed). A 30 day grace period can be provided if one is not provided at registration.
Children and youth with special needs may require additional documentation completed by their doctor; depending on indicated conditions & restrictions when registering.
A checklist of registration requirements and forms are available at: https://webtrac.mwr.army.mil.
Detailed information about the registration process & forms, special needs documentation forms, special needs review process prior to program access, & immunization requirements, etc. in the Fort Leavenworth Parent Handbook; available for download from any of the CYS Program pages at https://leavenworth.armymwr.com/.
Parent Central Office Hours:
Email: usarmy.leavenworth.imcom-fmwrc.mbx.ftlvncyssenrollment@mail.mil
Osage CDC/SAC Facility:
The School-Age Care (SAC) program provides before and/or after school care for KG and 1st-5th grade children, including school out days (early out/half days/full days) and summer camp weeks. Transportation is provided to/from each of the elementary schools on Fort Leavenworth. Limited Hourly Care may be available once CYS Registration is complete.
Hours of Operation: 6:00 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday - Friday.
Cost: Based on Total Family Income.
(Based on the grade make-up of the Fort Leavenworth Schools, before school-care (w/transportation) can be requested for youth attending 6th-9th grade on post.)