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New Parent Support/First Steps Program
Dixie Road
Bldg 2652
Fort Moore, GA 31905-5637
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
You may be expecting your first baby or busy with a toddler. That probably means you have your hands full, and may have questions. Thankfully, help is at hand.
The New Parent Support Program is a free service that helps military parents, including expectant parents, transition successfully into parenthood and provide a nurturing environment for their children. Services vary, but may include home visits, parenting classes, playgroups or prenatal classes.
The New Parent Support Program is a team made up of nurses, social workers and home visitation specialists who offer support and guidance by helping parents:
Learn more about the New Parent Support Program and contact your installation New Parent Support Program office to find out what’s available at your installation.
New Parent Support Program staff are child development professionals, including registered nurses, clinical social workers, and para-professionals trained in the delivery and practice of established home visiting models. The program is supervised and monitored at the installation level by the Family Advocacy program manager.
The program is available to military families who are expecting a baby or have children age 3 or younger. Marine Corps eligibility includes families with at least one child under 5.
Contact your installation New Parent Support Program office or Family Advocacy Program office.
The New Parent Support Program (NPSP) is a program offered to Army Families to enhance parent and infant attachment, increase knowledge of child development, and provide connections to the support services that allow parents to become nurturing and capable caregivers.
The NPSP staff consists of registered nurses who provide in-home parenting education, support, and resource linkage. NPSP targets all Families with children 3 years of age and younger. Program entry may occur by self-referral, referral by a health professional, or by the Command. The program activities include risk assessments, home visits, provision of health and child development services, clinic and hospital visits, respite support, parenting classes or other concrete services as needed.
Home Visitation -- Our professional staff provides supportive and caring services to military Families that are pregnant, or with children through the age of three years. They can talk about your concerns as a parent or parent-to-be, and help you learn to cope with stress, isolation, post deployment reunions, and the everyday demands of parenthood in the privacy of your home. To schedule a home visit, call (706) 545-6316.
Play and Learn -- An interactive playgroup to assist parents in learning developmentally appropriate play techniques and to help children improve their social, cognitive, and motor skills. Structured activities include singing and dancing, story time, a craft project, and free play time. We meet the first, third, and fifth Thursday of the month from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., Building 2652, 6980 Dixie Road. No registration is required. For questions please call 706-545-6316.
Release 2024.08.27.1