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Marine Corps
School Liaison
2034 Barnett Ave.
Quantico, VA 22134
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
The Marine Corps Base Quantico (MCBQ) School Liaison utilizes community-based resources to enhance the academic learning environment of military school age children as they navigate the transitions unique to the military lifestyle.
The MCBQ School Liaison partners with the command staff, MCCS Marine and Family Programs and the local school community to address educational issues that involve Quantico's military children. The School Liaison acts as the communication link between the installation, Marine and Family Service programs, the military family and the surrounding school districts.
The local schools benefit by having a direct contact person at Quantico who can help them understand the specific challenges military students experience and give them the necessary tools and support to help military children succeed in their academic environment.
For more information about the schools on and off installation, please contact the MCBQ School Liaison Program at 703-784-4729.
Installation Schools - DODEA
Children who reside on the installation may attend one of two Department of Defense Elementary and Secondary Schools (DDESS) located on MCB Quantico. These schools are a part of the Department of Defense Education Activity. Children who are in grades pre-kindergarten through 5 may attend Crossroads Elementary School. Children in grades 6 through 12 may attend Quantico Middle/High School. Families who reside in the local community will find high-quality education options available in the counties of Prince William, Stafford and Spotsylvania. For more information about the schools on and off the installation, please contact the MCB Quantico School Liaison Program at 703-784-4729.
Families must reside on installation to attend the Department of Defense Elementary and Secondary Schools.
Entrance Requirements:
By September 1st of the enrolling year, a child must be:
If you have any questions about exceptions, contact the DoDEA District Superintendent’s Office at 703-630-7012.
Bus Service -- Bus service is provided to students whose families reside on MCB Quantico. The bus service operated by Motor Transportation on the installation if they are outside the mandatory walking zone for the neighborhood school.
Meals -- Both schools have a breakfast and lunch program available to students.
School Sports Programs -- Quantico Middle/High School offers a range of sports activities at both the middle and high school level.
MCJROTC—Quantico Middle/High School offers Marine Corps JROTC for students in grades 9-12
Exceptional Children Programs -- Both schools work with the installation's Exceptional Family Member Program to meet the needs of students. Children who have identified needs in this area are also supported by DDESS' New York/Virginia Superintendent's Office who has personnel who oversee this program in all schools in the district.
Enrollment size within the system -- There are currently 332 students at Quantico Middle/High School and 700 students at Crossroads Elementary School; however these numbers are subject to change weekly.
Grading System -- The system-wide grading system is:
Magnet Schools -- DDESS has no magnet schools within the system.
Alternative Education Programs -- DDESS has no alternative education programs within the system
Parents are urged to register students for school as early as possible to assist school personnel in planning class placement and schedules. The Military Interstate Children’s Compact (MIC3) requires schools to accept hand carried school records. Hand carrying unofficial copies of school records can help expedite the enrollment process.
To enroll in DoDEA schools students MUST meet specific immunization requirements. As of July 2010, DoDEA aligned with the immunization guidance prescribed by the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children. As a result, provision has been made to permit students transferring to a new location up to 30 calendar days after enrollment to obtain any immunization(s) required by the receiving state. For a series of immunizations, initial vaccination must be obtained within 30 days of initial enrollment and be on schedule for completion of the series. Students who have immunizations come due during the school year will have 10 calendar days from the due date to receive their vaccine(s) and to submit documentation to the school.
For details on specific immunization requirements for DoDEA schools on installation, follow the link below:
Students that will be attending schools on installation may also have records mailed to:
Student RecordsSuperintendent of SchoolsVirginia Domestic Dependents Elementary and Secondary Schools3308 John Quick Road, Suite 201Quantico, VA 22134-1702
Parents are encouraged to begin the registration process through the DoDEA Online Registration for Students (DORS) link Registration Process - Eligibility and Enrollment | DoDEA
Education - Public Schools
Families who reside in the local community will find high-quality education options available in the counties of Prince William, Stafford and Spotsylvania. For more information about the schools in the local communities, please contact the MCB Quantico School Liaison Program at 703-784-4729.
Age RequirementsVirginia law requires children who will be 6 years old on or before Sept 30 to enroll in school unless the parents notify the school system that they do not wish the child to attend. State law allows children who are 5 on or before Sept 30 to enter kindergarten.
ImmunizationsCode of Virginia requires that children receive a comprehensive physical examination (§ 22.1-270) within twelve months prior to the start of school and be adequately immunized before entering public kindergarten or elementary school.
Virginia Schools abide by the provisions afforded to military dependents through The Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children (MIC3) to permit students transferring to a new location up to 30 calendar days after enrollment to obtain any immunization(s) required by the receiving state. For a series of immunizations, initial vaccination must be obtained within 30 days of initial enrollment and be on schedule for completion of the series. Students who have immunizations due during the school year will have 10 calendar days from the due date to receive their vaccine(s) and to submit documentation to the school.
For specific immunization requirements for all Virginia Public Schools, follow the link below provided by the Prince William County Public Schools:
Most counties require parents or legal guardians of a new student to present the student's birth certificate, Social Security number, evidence of immunizations and a transfer slip or report card from the student's previous school upon registration.
Standards of Learning (SOL)
The Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools describe the commonwealth's expectations for student learning and achievement in grades K-12 in English, mathematics, science, history/social science, technology, the fine arts, foreign language, health and physical education, and driver education.
These standards represent a broad consensus of what parents, classroom teachers, school administrators, academics, and business and community leaders believe schools should teach and students should learn.
In the four core areas of English, mathematics, science, and history/social science, a curriculum framework also is provided that details the specific knowledge and skills students must possess to meet the standards for these subjects.
All schools encourage beginning the registration process online through the designated portals:
Prince William County Schools
Spotsylvania County Schools
Student Pre-Registration | Spotsylvania County Public SchoolsStafford County Schools