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Marine Corps
School Liaison
814 Radford Boulevard
Bldg 3600, MCCS Main office
Albany, GA 31704
Contact School Liaison
School Liaison Cell
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
Public School Information
Active duty children, assigned to Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany, living aboard the installation may attend Dougherty, Lee or Worth County schools. The installation School Liaison Officer will assist parents in selecting the school district that is most conducive to their child's needs. Please contact the MCCS School Liaison Office at 229-639-7497 or (DSN) 312-567-7497 for additional information or email the School Liaison Office, mclbaschoolliaison@usmc.mil.Dougherty County School System
Currently, Dougherty County School System has 14 elementary schools, 5 middle schools, and 3 high schools and 6 other learning centers. Learning centers include Magnolia Pre-K Center, Gifted Education, College and Career Performance Learning Center, Commodores Conyers College, and Career Academy, and Southwest Georgia Achievement Center.
Children of active duty stationed at Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany, and reside in Dougherty County, have the option to attend the school of their choice in Dougherty County School System. DCSS provides bus transportation aboard the base. The bus picks up and drops off in Liberty Housing. Your child will need to go to the nearest bus stop for pick up and drop off. Please contact School Liaison for bus schedules.
When registering your child for school, a proof of residency form must be completed. Please have a copy of your housing lease agreement, and/or proof of active duty military orders to present to the Dougherty County Board of Education Registrar. Registration can also be completed online and then you can contact your school of choice to complete any other documentation needed to complete the registration process. You can also call 229-431-1264 for more information or www.docoschools.org.
Worth County School System
Currently, there are 4 schools in Worth County. Worth County Primary (K-2nd grade), Worth County Elementary (3rd-5thgrade), Worth County Middle School (6th-8th grade) and Worth County High School(9th-12th grade). Worth County also has a Pre-K center for children entering Pre-K. Per state of Georgia educational guidelines, your child must be 5 years of age on or before September 1, of the current school year.
Children of active duty, stationed at Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany, and reside in Dougherty County, can attend Worth County School System. Bus transportation is provided by WCSS,. The bus does pick up and drop off in Liberty Housing. Please contact the School Liaison for bus schedules. Registrar office is located at each perspective school in Worth County for registration, visit www.worthschools.net.
Lee County School System
Currently, there are 8 schools in Lee County. Lee County has Lee County Primary (K-2nd grade), Kinchafoonee Primary (K-2nd grade), Lee County Elementary School (3rd-5th grade), Twin Oaks Elementary School (3rd-5th grade), Lee County Middle School (EAST and West Campus 6th-8th grade), Ninth Grade Campus and Lee County High School (10th-12th grade)
Lee County also has a Pre-K program for children entering Pre-K. Per state of Georgia educational guidelines, your child must be 5 years of age on or before September 1, of the current school year.
Children of active duty stationed at Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany, and reside aboard the installation; have the option to attend the Lee County School System. Parents must provide transportation. If you are a Lee County resident, bus transportation is provided. Please visit the Lee County website and complete the online registration. You will need a copy of your lease agreement or rental agreement for your home. If you do not have a proof of residency, you can present your military orders to Lee County Registrar office and you will have 30 days to provide proof of residency. Lee County School System - Lee County School System
Once you have completed the online registration, you will then contact 229-903-2133, Central Registrar at Lee County Board of Education.
The Voluntary Education and Personal & Professional Development Office has the latest information on local colleges, continuing education, tuition assistance and adult education. In-state rates apply for the active duty military and their family members. The Base Education Office should be your first stop if you are considering starting or completing your higher education goals. For additional information, please contact the Lifelong Learning Staff at 229-639-5426/5767.
School Liaison Program (SLP)
The SLP mission is to identify and coordinate community resources to reduce the impact of the mobile lifestyle on military school-age children and families, to implement predictable support services that assist children/youth with relocations, life transitions, and achieving academic success, and to provide a wide range of resources that facilitate successful school transitions for parents, students, schools, commanders, and communities.
School Liaisons provide direct connection between commands, military parents and schools and shall only be involved in organizational K-12 educational issues including transition into kindergarten and transition to post-secondary education.
The School Liaison for Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany (MCLBA) takes pride in providing educational assistance to our military families. Information is provided to our families that have school-age children grades K-12 on educational matters relating to public, private, and home schooling.
There are no Department of Defense schools located aboard MCLBA; therefore, our active duty families assigned to MCLBA who live aboard the installation have a choice to attend Dougherty, Lee, or Worth County schools. If a military family chooses to lives out in town, then your child(ren) will attend the school district in which your home resides.
Please contact the School Liaison Program for questions and assistance with school information, (229) 639-7497 or MCLBASchoolLiaison@usmc.mil.
MCLB Albany School Liaison email address: mclbaschoolliaison@usmc.mil
Active-duty families who are assigned to MCLB Albany and live aboard the Installation have various school opportunities with our local and surrounding county school districts.Public School Information:
Baconton Community Charter School (BCCS)
Registration requires domicile in Dougherty, Worth, or Lee Counties. Please call (229) 787-9999 for more information.
Dougherty County School System (DCSS)
Children of Active-duty servicemembers living aboard MCLB Albany Liberty Housing, and/or residing in Dougherty County, have the option to attend the school of their choice in DCSS. DCSS provides bus transportation aboard the Base. Please visit the school website to complete online registration. If there are questions, call 229-431-1264 for assistance. Be sure to have a copy of your housing lease agreement and/or proof of active military Orders when registering for school.
Lee County School System (LCSS)
Children of Active-duty, assigned to MCLB Albany, and residing aboard the Installation, have the option to attend LCCS. Parents must provide transportation. If you are a Lee County resident, bus transportation is provided. Please visit the Lee County website and complete the online registration. If you have any questions, email registrar@lee.k12.ga.us or call 229-903-2133. You will need a copy of your Liberty Housing lease agreement for proof of residency, as well as your military Orders for enrollment. Proof of residency must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office within 30 days of registration.
Worth County School System (WCSS)
Children of Active-duty, stationed at MCLB Albany and residing aboard the Installation, may attend WCSS. Bus transportation is provided by WCSS for pick-up/drop-off, throughout Liberty Housing. Please visit the WCSS website to complete the registration online. Be sure you have a copy of your Liberty Housing lease agreement and/ active military Orders for presentation to the Worth County Board of Education Registrar as proof to complete the residency form.
Private School Information:
**Note: Tuition assistance is available for Sherwood Christian Academy and Deerfield Windsor through their FACTS application process located on the school’s website.
For military families interested in homeschooling options, you can find more information by searching on the below:
Dual Enrollment Information:
There are several dual enrollment programs which affords high school students the opportunity to take college courses during their matriculation in high school. By the end of their high school year, students can receive an Associate’s Degree when they graduate from high school. Several of the public high schools and private schools (9th-12th grade), have partnerships with the local and surrounding county colleges/universities. Dual enrollment can be discussed with your child’s assigned Guidance Counselor once school enrollment and registration are complete. Please ensure your child has taken the ACT, SAT, or even the ACCUPLACER test to assist in the evaluation process. These assessments are just a few examples of accepted placement testing scores colleges will use for participation in dual enrollment programs.
Required Documentation for School Registration:
**Note: The family member(s) that are being enrolled in the school must be listed on the service members Orders.
Immunization Information:
All immunization records must be transferred over to the GA form once you arrive and register your child for school. Most schools will give you 30 days to get this information to the Registrar’s Office. If you are assigned to the Naval Branch Health Clinic Albany, they will assist you with this form. Please call 229-639-7886.