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Air Force
Military & Family Readiness Center
Hirahata 64
Aomori-ken Japan 033-0012
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
It’s likely that employment will change when a move occurs, especially for military spouses. The information below will provide you with employment assistance information and resources available such as SECO, MyCAA and MSEP Portals.
There are various options to choose from when seeking employment on Misawa Air Base. Employment opportunities may seem limited at times, but the Misawa Military and Family Readiness Center (M&FRC) is here to assist you in exploring your options. The M&FRC offers various employment related workshops, one-on-one employment counseling, and resume reviews. Please go to https://35fss.com/mfrc/ to see a schedule of classes and appointments available or check out the M&FRC Employment Program Job Board by visiting https://sites.google.com/view/misawajobboard/homeusing a non-network computer. Feel free to call the M&FRC for any questions at DSN 315-226-4735 or 011-81-176-77-4735.
Note: Individuals must have a Social Security Number for employment with Army and Air Force Exchange Service and civilian personnel.
Good Prospects:
Readily available jobs include jobs in childcare, food services, salesclerks, AAFES, non-appropriated fund services and home business opportunities.
Fair Prospects:
Opportunities are available in contracting, substitute teaching, and teaching English off base. Other opportunities, including civil service, professional jobs, and nursing require specialized training or a college degree.
This section has information on AAFES, the Department of Defense, family childcare, federal, NAF and reserve opportunities in the area. In addition to the items listed below, there are several universities, a bank, a credit union, and contract positions on base.
Also, many people have home based businesses or volunteer during their time at Misawa. If you’re interested in volunteering, contact the M&FRC at DSN 315-226-4735 or 011-81-176-77-4735.
Exchange and AAFES
Exchange and AAFES, is a worldwide retail, food, and service business. It is a DOD NAF instrumentality. AAFES participates in the Military Spouse Preference program. The Human Resources Office is accepting applications online. Follow these steps: Select Japan-Misawa Air Base for location of the exchange and search by job type, career area, employment category and vacancy number, then click Apply to job(s) to apply for the position. First-time users will need to create a profile and a resume to apply for a position.
Department of Defense Education Activity:
Call Sollars Elementary School at DSN 315-226-3933 or visit the Department of Defense Education Activity website.
Call Edgren Middle and High School at DSN 315-226-4377 or visit the Edgren High School website.
Applicants for DODEA positions must be U.S. citizens, except for a few host nation hires. DODEA utilizes the Military Spouse Preference program, which gives military spouses a one-time per permanent change of station priority over other applicants. Positions at DODEA schools include teachers, substitute teachers, educational aides, substitute nurses, secretaries, office automation assistants, school administration clerks, health aides, library media clerks, clerk typists, data transcribers, computer clerks, monitors, mail clerks and financial clerks.
There are other support positions hired through AAFES and the Civilian Personnel office. Vacancy announcements can be viewed online and are sometimes advertised locally. Announcements include instructions on how and when to apply. Current vacancies for DODEA can also be found on the employment section of their website.
Family Child Care program:
The Family Child Care program is located in Building 653, Suite 119. Call DSN 315-226-CARE (2273) to contact the Community Care Coordinator, which is a part of the 35th Force Support Squadron. You may care for children in your home once you have been approved by the FCC program. FCC providers are required to obtain CPR, first aid and food handlers’ certificates. The FCC coordinator, fire department and environmental health and safety office inspect the homes. The last step before receiving a certificate is to purchase liability insurance. The approving authority for FCC homes is the 35th MSG/CC.
Federal Employment (Air Force):
The Civilian Personnel Section is located on the second floor of Building 656. Call DSN 315-226-4621. For current vacancies and further information, visit the USAJobs website, http://www.usajobs.gov/. Most civil service positions at Misawa require typing and computer skills. Most of the local hire positions are in the categories of general administration, clerical and office services, human resources, child development, education, and recreation. Other positions such as engineering, security and accounting are occasionally advertised. CPS office hours are Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Federal Employment (Navy):
Misawa point of contact for the Yokosuka Civilian Personnel office is located on the second floor of Building 980. Call DSN 315-226-4674. The Navy has about 19 civilian positions at Misawa, including tenant commands. Most of the positions are clerical or secretarial.
The 35th Force Support Squadron NAF human resources office is located in Building 656, Room 1460. Call DSN 315-226-3108. USAF NAF employment opportunities are available in child and youth care, bowling lanes, outdoor recreation, golf courses, arts and crafts, NAF finance and tours and travel. Applications for NAF positions are only accepted online at USAjobs.gov. NAF HR office hours are8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday.
Contracting Positions:
A small number of contract jobs are available to military spouses. The positions are primarily at the 35th Medical Group, the base education office, and the chapel. Contact the 35th Contracting Squadron for information on available positions at DSN 315-226-3750.
Home Business:
Home Based Businesses are governed by the Housing Management Flight. The approval authority for home business requests is the 35th CES/CEA. Anyone desiring to operate a business out of military family housing must pick up an application packet at the housing office or call DSN 315-226-3200 for more information. Off-base residents who conduct business or marketing on base are also required to register.
Air Force Reserve Opportunities:
If your family member is a reservist and is interested in a reassignment to Pacific Air Forces or to work short-term, active-duty man-day tours, contact the headquarters of PACAF reserve affairs office at DSN 315-449-0584.
Colleges and Universities:
The following colleges and universities employ field representatives: the University of Maryland Global Campus at DSN 315-226-8290 or 011-811-176-77-8290; Troy University at DSN 315-226-3748; and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University at DSN 315-226-2723. An important benefit of the field representative position is the opportunity to take free classes. Please inquire at each school for more information. Offices are located in the Air Force Education office, Building 653, Ste 228 for University of Maryland Global Campus, Ste 223 for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and Ste 226 for Troy University. For more information, please see https://35fss.com/education/
Positions that are available at the M&FRC are posted on USAJobs website and are processed through the Civilian Personnel Section. The Civilian Personnel office (CPO) is located on the second floor of Building 656. Call DSN 315-226-4621.
Employment Documentation
If you plan to seek employment, it is recommended that you hand-carry copies of all employment records, transcripts, diplomas, addresses of previous employers with references, sponsor's orders, and resumes. This will assist in expediting the employment process.
Unemployment Benefits
There are no unemployment benefits while stationed in Misawa. For more information regarding unemployment, please see https://myseco.militaryonesource.mil/portal/article/learn-about-unemployment-benefits
Employment opportunities are limited at Misawa Air Base. Individuals must have a social security number for employment with Army and Air Force Exchange Service, Civilian Personnel and some Force Support Squadron positions. For job opportunities on base, visit the Military and Civilian Personnel Resource website. You can also use USAJOBS website.
If you plan to seek employment, it is recommended that you hand-carry copies of all employment records, transcripts, diplomas, addresses of previous employers with references, sponsor's orders, and resumes. This will assist in expediting the employment process. You can also upload documents to USAJOBS after you create a profile.
TAP is congressionally mandated under 10 U.S.C. 1142, 1143, and 1144. It provides transition assistance, information, training, counseling, and services to enhance preparedness in transitioning to civilian life. TAP applies to all Service Members (SM) who have completed their first 180 days or more of continuous active duty.
Transitioning Service members must begin their transition process no later than 365 days prior to transition for those who are separating or retiring. It is recommended retirees begin the transition process at least two years prior to retirement.
Individualized Initial Counseling (IC) between the Service member and a TAP counselor is the official start to the transition process. During the IC session, Service members complete their personal self-assessment and begin the development of their Individual Transition Plan to identify their unique needs of the transition process and post-transition goals.
Once the individualized IC is complete, pre-separation counseling commences. Pre-separation counseling, just like IC, must start no later than 365 days prior to transition. Pre-separation counseling covers by-law information to include benefits, entitlements, and resources for eligible transitioning Service members.
Managing Your (MY) Transition--provides Service members with an understanding of the importance of preparing for their transition from military service into the civilian sector and provides an overview of the Transition Assistance Program curriculum. The "less obvious" topics of transition, such as personal and family transition concerns, the differences in the culture of civilian and military workplaces, transition-related stressors, and the importance of effective communication during the transition process are introduced. The course concludes with the presentation of both military and civilian resources that can provide support during and after transition to ensure a successful transition experience for military personnel and their family members.
Military Occupational Code (MOC) Crosswalk--demonstrates how to translate military skills, training, and experience into civilian credentialing appropriate for civilian jobs. Service members will document their military career experience and skills, translate their military occupation experience to civilian sector occupations and skills, and identify any gaps in their training and/or experience that need to be filled to meet their personal career goals.
Financial Planning for Transition--builds on the financial training provided during the military life cycle and helps Service members understand how transition will impact their financial situation by discussing the change in income, taxes, healthcare costs, new expenses, and other financial changes related to transition. Online tools are used to calculate the military-to-civilian income equivalent and to research the cost-of-living for at least two geographical locations. Throughout the course, Service members have the opportunity to develop or update a spending plan.
VA Benefits and Services--is a one-day interactive briefing designed to enable transitioning Service members (TSMs) to make informed decisions regarding the use of VA benefits. The program supports each TSM to better understand VA benefits and programs based on their needs and where they are in their transition journey. It is designed around the understanding that no two transitions are the same. Each module builds upon the prior modules and highlights real stories and examples from Service members who have already transitioned from military to civilian life. Critical areas covered include: disability benefits and compensation; memorial and burial benefits; education and economic support; housing benefits; and health care options, including both physical and emotional health needs.
Department of Labor Employment Fundamentals of Career Transition (DOLEF)--lays the foundation of the transition from military to civilian life. This workshop provides an introduction to the essential tools and resources needed to evaluate career options, gain information for civilian employment, and understand the fundamentals of the employment process.
Capstone is a mandatory component of the TAP process. During the Capstone process a commander, or a commander's designee, verifies that the transitioning Service member has met the TAP Career Readiness Standards, has a viable Individual Transition Plan (ITP), and is prepared to transition to civilian life. If the Service member requires follow-on assistance, a "warm handover" will be facilitated to the appropriate interagency partner such as the Department of Veterans Affairs or the Department of Labor. Capstone must be completed no later than 90 days before the date of separation or retirement.
Unemployment eligibility is evaluated by each state's Department of Labor rules. For more information regarding unemployment, please see https://myseco.militaryonesource.mil/portal/article/learn-about-unemployment-benefits
Employment opportunities are limited at Misawa Air Base. Individuals must have a social security number for employment with the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, Civilian Personnel and some Force Support Squadron positions. For job opportunities on base, visit the Military and Civilian Personnel Resource website. You can also use USAJOBS website.
Release 2024.08.27.1