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Personal Property Shipping Office (PPSO)
BLDG 987
Atsugi Japan 252-1101
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Policies and rules for shipping pets vary at each installation. It’s important to understand the regulations, prohibitions and laws at your new installation before moving with a pet. Below, you’ll find installation-specific details for registering, boarding and transporting your pet.
Camp Zama Veterinary Treatment Facility information
Owners are responsible for the shipment of pets both arriving and departing Japan. Owners are responsible for all matters associated with travel arrangements and shipping requirements for their pets. Shipping fees are based on the weight of the dog and kennel. A 49-pound dog plus kennel costs approximately $1,100 shipping fee.
Japanese Animal Quarantine Service Regulations require that all animals entering Japan be examined to determine if they are free from communicable diseases. Animals found to be free from communicable diseases and meeting entrance requirements may be released to the owner's custody, subject to the restrictions discussed below:
Note: All quarantine requirements apply to all DOD military, civilian, DODEA and contractors who bring animals to Japan.
As active-duty military members, members of the civilian component and their respective dependents enter Japan under the U.S.-Japan Status of Forces Agreement, the U.S. Forces, Japan negotiated with the government of Japan over how this new pet quarantine program will affect SOFA status personnel. Because USFJ and Japan function under the U.S.-Japan SOFA, the new pet quarantine program applied to SOFA status personnel, the requirements published by the government of Japan, the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the USFJ may conflict.
To minimize any inconvenience which might otherwise be experienced, we recommend following the guidelines listed below. Do not hesitate to contact the installation veterinarians in Japan if necessary.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries quarantine inspectors and U.S. Army Veterinary Command veterinarians will determine the length of each pet's quarantine period when the pet arrives in Japan. The quarantine periods will range from one to 180 days. All quarantine guidelines, necessary import forms and contact information may be found on the web.
The USFJ veterinarian offers the following recommendations to assist SOFA-status personnel in the movement of their pet to Japan. Each item listed below is very important and must be accomplished as soon as the military member is aware of movement to Japan. This will ease the transition and acceptance of the pets into Japan.
SOFA-status personnel bringing a dog or cat into Japan should be prepared to present documentary evidence that their pet has had at least two rabies vaccinations within the past 364 days. The most recent vaccination must have been given not less than 30 days and not later than 12 months prior to arrival. The most recent rabies vaccination form (DD 2208, Rabies Vaccination Certificate) will be required. The dates for the past two vaccinations will be annotated on the health certificate (MDJ 2209, Veterinary Health Certificate for Import/Export for Japan).
All animals must obtain a microchip before arriving in Japan. ISO or ISO-compatible chips that meet the ISO 11784 and 11785 standard are recommended. HomeAgain and Avid microchips are acceptable. The identification number of the microchip must be annotated on the Rabies Certificate, the Health Certificate, and on the rabies serology test results sheet.
Fluorescent Antibody Viral Neutralization Test
This blood test needs to be performed as soon as possible and is good for up to two years. A FAVN test result which indicates an antibody level greater than or equal to 0.5 IU/ml is acceptable. The microchip number needs to be annotated on the FAVN test- result form. The FAVN blood test can be ordered through Kansas State University Rabies Laboratory or DOD Veterinary Food Analysis and Diagnostic Laboratory, Fort Sam Houston, TX.
Advance Notification
Kadena Air Base and Yokota Air Base currently have capabilities for handling Air Mobility Command arrivals of dogs and cats and the advance notification is not needed. If the animal is traveling by commercial air, the government of Japan requires an advance notification of pet movement as soon as transportation is scheduled. A notification approval will be returned and is used when checking in with the airline. Therefore, in order to avoid problems at check-in with the airline, this prior notification approval form is very important. The advance notification form is found on the Japan District Veterinary Command website.
The advance notification form is required to be sent by mail or fax to the port of entry. Addresses and fax numbers for the respective port of entry may be found at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries website.
All incoming animals must enter Japan through officially designated ports:
Health Certificate
An individual health certificate is required for each animal that is moved into or out of Japan. The health certificate is valid for 10 days and must be completed within 10 days before arrival. Please note that the traveler will lose one day during travel to Japan from the U.S. The MDJ Form 2209 (Veterinary Health Certificate for Import/Export for Japan) may be used by military veterinarians. The MDJ Form 2209 may be found on the Japan District Veterinary Command homepage.
USDA Certification
If a health certificate is issued by a licensed civilian veterinarian, the health certificate and rabies certificate must be certified by a USDA state veterinarian and bear the USDA raised embossed seal. Health certificates issued by a military veterinary treatment facility using the MDJ Form 2209 do not require the USDA certification.
Age Requirement
Japan discourages the importation of dogs and cats under the age of 10 months. These pets rarely meet the vaccination and FAVN test requirements. Pets under the age of 10 months can be imported but must start out with a 180-day quarantine period. This quarantine period may be reduced as more of the steps above are completed. Primary emphasis is placed on microchipping, rabies vaccinations (one at 91 days of age followed by a second one at least 30 days after the first), and the FAVN test (must be drawn at least 30 days after the second rabies vaccination). For animals over the age of 10 months, all the previous recommendations apply.
Official Travel Orders (two copies)
Pet owners must submit official travel orders to the Animal Quarantine Service to verify SOFA status.
MDJ Form 270 (Pet Quarantine and Examination Certificate; two copies)
All SOFA-status personnel entering Japan with a pet are required to complete a MDJ 270. The MDJ 270 which allows your pet to be released to you for transportation to your U.S. Military Quarantine Facility. The form may be downloaded from the JDVC website and should be completed prior to arrival in Japan. You are required to submit the form to your U.S. Military Veterinary Treatment Facility within 72 hours of entry into Japan.
380 EJ Form (Customs Free Import or Export of Cargo or Customs Declaration of Personal Property)
This form is needed when your pet(s)enters Japan unaccompanied as cargo or on a different flight as the sponsor. You can only use this form within six months of PCSing to Japan. After six months you may be required to pay any customs duties associated with bringing a pet into country. You may obtain the form by having your sponsor take a copy of your orders to the transportation office at your gaining command. The base transportation officer will sign the appropriate box after verifying your orders.
Pet owners or their authorized representatives should be prepared to provide the following information:
Note: Placing the above certificates in a zip-lock plastic bag and taping it securely on top of the pet's cage seems to work best. These forms must accompany the animal during transit. Ensure these forms are completely filled out and it is suggested that you carry in your possession one copy of each certificate.
Determination of the quarantine period is quite complicated. USFJ has been able to champion home quarantine as a concession for U.S. SOFA personnel. The quarantine allows service members to maintain their pets under their custody within their assigned on-base quarters during the assessed quarantine period. Those individuals that will be most affected are SOFA personnel that are required to live in off-base housing. If a quarantine is assessed, then these military members that live off-base will be required to pay for quarantine boarding expenses for their pets in on-base kenneling facilities or incur the significant expense of quarantining their pet at the Airport Animal Quarantine Station Facility. Service members that will be required to kennel their pets for up to 180 days will incur a tremendous cost. The Joint Federal Travel Regulations and the Joint Travel Recommendations provide limited reimbursement for quarantine costs for service members ($550) and DOD civilians ($500 to $1,000), respectively. Unfortunately, the majority of military pet owners serving throughout the world are in the paygrade of E-4 and below who can't afford those types of expenses. The sooner the pet meets the microchip, vaccination and FAVN standards, the shorter the quarantine period will be (between one day and 180 days). Those pets that meet these requirements will be allowed to complete the quarantine time in the owners home on base. Those that do not meet the requirements must quarantine their animal(s) at the owner's expense in a quarantine facility. When clearing customs, all supporting documentation, including the animal's health record, needs to be available for referencing in case of any questions concerning the health and identity of the animal and validity of the records.
Should your pet be in quarantine and you locate off-base housing, the dog must stay in the kennel for the duration of the quarantine. If the dog is removed from the base prior to the completion of quarantine; The U.S. Army vet is required to notify the government of Japan. There is a possibility of the animal being confiscated and up to a $3,000 fine
All forms and information may be found at the Japan District Veterinary Command webpage. All contact information to include phone, email and fax information is also found at the JDVC website. A pet-process checklist is also available to assist clients and veterinarians in completing all requirements in a timely manner. Any other questions may be forwarded to the respective branch chief or to commander, JDVC.
The Embassies in Rome, Santo Domingo, (APO) Miami and Manila do not have the required stamp, therefore all dogs coming from these areas can expect a very lengthy quarantine if the certificates were issued by a civilian veterinarian. Pets coming from the Philippines will be required to be revaccinated as well as quarantined if the rabies shot was administered by a civilian veterinarian. Save yourself a lot of trouble by having the rabies shot administered at a military facility and having the health certificates issued by a military veterinarian.
Pet Travel and Quarantine
Naval Air Facility Atsugi does not have a veterinary treatment facility. All Military Defense Department civilian families and contractors with pets are required to take the pet to Camp Zama Veterinary Treatment Facility within 72 hours of arrival to Japan. Pets owned by NAF Atsugi personnel are treated at the Camp Zama Veterinary Treatment Facility. Camp Zama is located only 25-45 minutes by car (depends upon traffic conditions) from NAF Atsugi.
U.S. Army Camp Zama Veterinary Treatment Facility.
Since the veterinary mission encompasses many duties beyond the treatment of privately owned animals, the Camp Zama VTF hours for small animal care are limited to the following: Appointments are available Monday through Friday. Business hours are Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 to 4:30 p.m. VTF is closed on Thursdays for training. The Camp Zama VTF is closed on the last working day of the month for inventory. Camp Zama phone number is DSN 315-263-3875 or visit on Facebook.
Please check the pet import policy on the Camp Zama Facility
The newly renovated kennel is located close to Naval Air Facility Atsugi’s main gate, in Building 26. Hours of operation are 8 a.m.-4 p.m., on weekdays and 8-10:30 a.m., and 3:30-5 p.m., on weekends and holidays. The kennel has 12 rooms for dogs and additional rooms for cats. Dogs are walked twice daily.
Advanced reservations are highly recommended. These facilities provide boarding only. They do not provide veterinary services.
Boarding Fees
Second and/or subsequent pets from same family receive 20% off regular fees.
Shipment of animals to the United States is usually an uneventful task if arrangements are made in advance. Contact your nearest Military veterinarian for current guidelines for shipping pets. As a general rule, if all vaccinations have been given more than 30 days prior but less than one year prior to departure, and if a health certificate is issued within 10 days of shipment, then requirements have been accomplished for most. However, if the animal is leaving Japan only to return from the trip or vacation then all new requirements listed above are required for reentry. If shipping animals to Hawaii or another country, check with the local veterinary treatment facility and the personal property office for any additional requirements.
You may bring your pet with you to NAF Atsugi. However, check with your sponsor for assistance. Pets are not allowed on government shuttles from the airport or in the barracks. Most Japanese landlords do not rent to pet owners. Also NAF Atsugi housing facilities is very limited in pet-friendly units. Finally, civilian kennel care in Japan often falls short of Unites States standards and can cost up to $100/day. With the assistance of a good sponsor, most problems can be avoided and questions answered. Your sponsor can pick you and your pet up at the airport/Yokota Air Force Base and make kennel reservations at the Atsugi or Camp Zama kennel for your pet. You may opt to leave your pet(s) with a friend, family member, kennel or vet to be shipped at a later date, after locating housing.
Bear in mind dogs are ONLY allowed in first and second floor of the high-rise, on-base housing facilities. As well, only domesticated animals are allowed in any housing facility (dogs, cats, birds, fish). For animals requiring rabies vaccinations (dogs and cats), there is a limit of two pets per on-base housing facility. So, for example, one may have only two dogs, cats, etc. but one may have a fish tank with many more fish. Breeding and commercial raising of animals is prohibited in government quarters. Refer to the Atsugi Housing Welcome Center should you have any questions about on-base regulations governing pets.
Check with your local Sato office for details on shipping your pet. Dogs and cats may accompany the military family on commercial flights (at owner's expense) and are allowed to travel on Air Mobility Command-contracted flights. Some airlines have specific restrictions for cats and birds. For further information, check with the Atsugi Sato office and the Yokota Air Force Base passenger terminal.
To pick up your pet from Narita Airport
Upon arrival, you may claim your pet from the Japanese Animal Quarantine officials between the hours of 8 a.m.-11 p.m. to avoid overtime charges. However, to avoid any problems, schedule your pet's arrival between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday-Friday when the Japanese Animal Quarantine Office is fully staffed. If your pet is still at the quarantine office after 4 p.m., you will pay a hefty overtime fee.
Government bus transportation
Pets are NOT allowed on government bus transportation from Narita Airport or Yokota Air Force Base. As soon as possible let your sponsor know you are bringing a pet, what kind of pet, how many pets, when you will arrive, and on what airline into which terminal you will arrive. NAF Atsugi Base Transportation.
U.S. Army Camp Zama boarding facility
Reservations must be made in advance. Hours are subject to change based on the availability of help. Dogs must have Bordetella vaccine and cats must have current annual feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus test prior to boarding. Please see our website for more information.
Release 2024.08.27.1