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Air Force
Military Personnel Flight
Osan AB
Pyeongtaek South Korea 459-122
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Figuring out the best way to get around is important when you’re in a new installation. It’s useful to understand the various regulations, local laws as well as license and registration requirements. Whether you need a driver’s license, transport a car overseas or want help buying a car, there are people to assist you at your new installation. Check out the topics below to find information and regulations on vehicles and registration at your base.
State laws vary when it comes to motor vehicle insurance requirements, licensing and registration. The term vehicle generally includes automobiles, motorcycles, vans, trailers, and boats regularly parked or garaged overnight. Service members and their families will want to understand their state’s laws on registration and licensing before moving to a new state.
Contact your sponsor for the most updated version of the SOFA driver's manual ROK. Refer to USFK Pamphlet 385-2, 17 March 2020, "Guide to Safe Driving in Korea."
The Osan Pass and ID office, located in Building 765, is open Monday to Friday (Walk-Ins: 8 a.m.-10 a.m. / Appointments: 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ) Thursdays are reserved for ROKAF Conscripts. Closed Holidays/FW Down Days & FW Training Days. For questions, call DSN: 315-784-4489.
In order to register an automobile at Osan, E-7 or above, there are no requirements. For E-6 and below, who have been authorized to live off base, must show proof of the below listed items, to register vehicle. Waivers may be granted, for E-6 and below, at the discretion of the individual's squadrons. All vehicles must pass inspection, approved by USFK. For Osan only, regardless of command sponsorship, individuals may own one 4-wheel and one two-wheel vehicle.
Prior to registering any vehicle at Osan Pass and ID office, vehicles must first be registered with ROK's DMV. Mopeds and motorcycles are classified as a POV..
To register vehicles at Osan, that was purchased in Korea, you must present the same above documents. However, you do not need to show the customs clearance documents or the orders authorizing shipment. The vehicle registration is good for one year.
US Forces personnel in Korea who wish to drive POVs must have a USFK driver's license. Active duty military personnel, civilian employees and family members, age 18 or older, are required to have a valid driver license, and pass a JKO (online) test, to receive a USFK driver's license.
USFK licenses are good for both Military and DoD civilians for five years. The USFK driver's license must be carried with you, whenever you are driving.
The following items are required, when getting your Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) license (all applicants), from Ground Transportation, Bldg. 1333:
CAC, Orders/Letter of Employment, Valid stateside driver's license, USFK Driver License Exam certificate (JKO)
You may reach the driver's license section at 315-784-4568.
State and local laws regulate the operation of motor vehicles. The below laws may vary according to state:
Refer to United States Forces Korea Pam 385-2, 7 August 2012 "Guide to Safe Driving in Korea."
Hands-free devices must be used while operating a motor vehicle on ALL military installations worldwide.
The accident rate in Korea is high. Consequently, the price you pay to insure your vehicle in Korea is high. You should check with your insurance agent about continued service in the ROK, before your move. While insurance costs are high here, you will find using local companies is usually cheaper than most US companies. Insurance here is an absolute necessity. You cannot register your vehicle without it. Even if you could, you would be running an expensive and potentially career threatening risk. ROK law, often demands high payment, from individuals involved in an accident, especially, when there is an injury or death. And most often, it does not matter who is at fault. Most US insurance companies will not insure in Korea. Check your current insurance company, to determine insurability for Korea.
Currently motorcycle safety training is not readily accessible to Air Force personnel stationed in the Korean Peninsula. If you plan on operating a motorcycle while stationed in Korea, please complete the training prior to your PCS. Contact your local stateside safety office for assistance in scheduling this training. Questions regarding motorcycle safety/training should be sent to 51FWSEG@us.af.mil. or call DSN 315-784-1842/4804.
Vehicles can be picked up and delivered at Pyongtaek Vehicle Processing Center (VPC), located inside Camp Humphreys, Bldg. P7040. Once you are notified to pick up your vehicle, contact the VPC at DSN 315-756-8700, to schedule vehicle pick up. Email: pyeongtaek.vpc@ialpov.us. Go to Camp Humphreys One-stop-service Center, Bldg. 6400, For base registration, contact Osan AB, Pass & Registration (DSN 315-784-4489),
One of the most important things to do, when you pick up your vehicle, is to carefully and thoroughly inspect for damages. Verify the serial numbers on your tires and battery. Check the radio and other installed accessories to ensure nothing has been substituted. Although security at Transportation Motor pool is good, your vehicle has traveled halfway around the world, in various hands. Be sure to document any damage or theft before you leave.