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Air Force
Military and Family Readiness Center
Kansas Road
Bldg 460
RAF Mildenhall
Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk United Kingdom 09459-4702
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
The Military and Family Support Center is one part of a larger network of agencies, programs, services, partnerships and individuals that supports your personal and family readiness. The larger system called the Military Family Readiness System is a web of support for you and your family. The Military and Family Support Center should be one of your first stops once you arrive at a new installation. The programs and services they offer are a key resource for you and your family.
The Federal Voting Assistance Program ensures service members, their eligible family members and overseas citizens have the tools and resources to register to vote and request an absentee ballot, regardless of their state of residence. The Voting Assistance Guide is a reference guide for everything you need to know about absentee voting in all 50 states, the U.S. territories and the District of Columbia.
The VAG is available at: www.fvap.gov/vao/vag. Select your state to find your local election office’s contact information.
Voting forms are available at: www.fvap.gov/eo/overview/materials/forms.
Military and Family Support Centers provide information, education and support programs to help balance the demands of military life. Offerings include:
Military and Family Support Centers may provide other programs such as the following:
Exceptional Family Member Program
Family Advocacy Program
New Parent Support Program
Federal Voting Assistance Program
Services may vary by location and installation. Use the Search tool to find contact information for your installation Military and Family Support Center. Just enter your installation name, Zip code or state.
Relocation Assistance
Cultural adaptation information is shared during briefings to help newcomers and their families learn more about the history, culture and opportunities in the U.K.
Personal Financial Management
Individual appointments are available to discuss any financial goals from building spending plans, overcoming debt, managing student loans, saving and investing and retirement. Various financial topic seminars are held throughout the year.
Emergency Financial Assistance (Air Force Aid Society)
Provides emergency financial assistance for active-duty military members and retirees. Assistance, usually in the form of an interest free loan, is provided on an individual basis and is subject to application and approval. Members are encouraged to contact the M&FRC for more information.
Emergency assistance needed after normal duty hours, on weekends and holidays will be provided through the American Red Cross stateside at www.redcross.org or call 877-272-7337.
After-hours assistance is limited to actual emergencies which cannot wait for normal duty hours such as an e-ticket for emergency travel. During duty hours (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., and Wednesday 11:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) members requiring emergency financial assistance should contact the M&FRC at DSN 314-238-3406 or 011-44-1638-543406.
Employment Assistance
Classes are held to assist with a variety of aspects to help prepare for finding employment, and include details regarding working in the U.K. Individual resume reviews are available by appointment.
Personal and Family Work Life
Classes offered to support and enhance your personal life to ensure the mission can be completed. Classes offered are for families, couples and singles to improve social and emotional intelligence and increase resiliency together. Classes offered vary from communication skills, relationship and self-management skills and family dynamics. Classes are offered during the day, after hours and on weekends to accommodate busy schedules.
Information and Referral
Royal Air Force Mildenhall consultants are able to assist in getting members and their families connected with services both on base and in the local community.
Discovery Center
Our Discovery Center provides a comfortable environment for doing research or just surfing the net. You can bring in your own laptop for wireless internet access or use one of the six desktop computers available, which have the ability to print and scan documents. Additionally, the printer also has copy and fax capabilities.
Additional resource materials include topic areas such as job/career search, parenting, relationships, personal finance, deployment concerns, and books related to living in Britain. All books are available for 30-day loan.
Staff is on hand to also assist with providing information regarding on and off-base facilities and services. Customers can call or walk into book M&FRC one-on-one appointments or schedule attendance at workshops.
In addition, GPS systems are available. However, they are limited to loan for 10 days only due to their high demand and small quantities. You must have a vehicle before borrowing these units. Cell phones are available for a 30-day loan for members who are house hunting and are limited to inbound personnel only.
Grocery coupons are also available. The base exchange and commissary accept manufacturer's coupons up to six months after printed expiration date in OCONUS locations. This is a great way to save money while shopping on base.
Voting Assistance
Visit the M&FRC to get information on updating your address so you are eligible to vote absentee in upcoming elections. Voting forms are available at: www.fvap.gov/eo/overview/materials/forms.
Women, Infants and Children Overseas
The Women, Infants and Children Overseas office is located in building 950 (M&FRC) at Royal Air Force Lakenheath. To make an appointment, please call DSN 314-226-1728/1762 or commercial 011-44-1638-52-1728/1762.
The Department of Defense offers the WIC Overseas program to eligible participants living overseas. WIC Overseas provides participants with nutritious food, nutrition and health screenings and breastfeeding support. The program is available to eligible expectant mothers, mothers, infants and children under the age of five years, who are part of the DoD family overseas, including members of the armed forces, civilian employees and DoD contractors and their family members.
The program provides benefits to a woman during pregnancy and after the birth of her child. Benefits may be provided to the mother until the infant is 6 months old or for mothers who are breastfeeding, until the child's first birthday. Income and family size as well as certain other criteria are considered when determining eligibility. You may also be eligible if you have participated in the stateside WIC program.
Release 2024.08.27.1