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Education Center
6501 E. 11 Mile Road
Building 230, Room 1266
Warren, MI 48397-5000
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
If you’ve ever considered taking your education a step further, you should look to your installation for more information and assistance. They can help you decide if receiving an advanced degree is right for you, tell you which local colleges and classes are offered and find out if you’re eligible for tuition assistance. The Voluntary Education Center, or Installation Education Center, is available to help you put together a plan to advance your education.
Military spouses can also choose to engage with an education and career coach through the DoD’s Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program, or SECO. These coaches can assist them in exploring multiple tools, resources and information to reach their educational goals. To contact a career coach call 800-342-9647 or visit https://myseco.militaryonesource.mil.
Because of the unique mission of USAG-DTA, there are no on-post colleges offering courses sponsored by ACES on the installation. ACES has developed a close working relationship with nearby colleges and university, however, the majority of Soldier college enrollments are web-based through GAE.
Army Continuing Education Services (ACES) is a program that falls under, US Army Garrison – Detroit Arsenal (USAG-DTA), Directorate of Human Resources (DHR). It is located in Building 230, Room 1260, Suite 1265, 6501 East 11 Mile Road, Warren MI, 48397. The mission of ACES is to provide adult continuing education support to active duty military, adult family members (18 and over registered in DEERS) and retirees. Central to ACES is the Army Tuition Assistance (TA) program. GoArmyEd (GAE) is a web-based program allowing active duty Soldiers to enroll and participate in college degree programs 24/7 from any location in the world. It is located at GoArmy.com. As well as management of GAE, academic counseling, academic testing, Army Personnel Testing and a variety of other national standardized tests and certifications are administered at the education center. In addition to the above, ACES provides support services to Activated Army Guard and Reserves (AGR). Our geographical area of responsibility is the entire state of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Soldiers deployed from Ft. McCoy, Wisconsin.
Anyone interested in participating in ACES programs and services must contact the Education Center at 586-282-8793 or email usarmy.detroit.id-sustainment.mbx.aces@army.mil.