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Air Force
Military and Family Readiness Center - Relocation Assistance Services
Building 535
Yokota AB (Fussa) Japan 197-0001
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Service providers are available with support both before and after a PCS move. Learn more about how to put the military’s relocation assistance program to work for you. See below for an overview of Military and Family Support Center Relocation Assistance services. Services vary by installation, so check the “Other” section below to see what other services are available at your location.
Your Military and Family Support Center provides relocation assistance to help make PCS moves as smooth as possible. Resources include:
Contact the Yokota Military and Family Readiness Center (M&FRC) for Relocation Assistance. If you are calling Japan from the United States, our commercial number is 011-81-42-552-2510 ext. 58725. In addition, your sponsor will provide you with a list of base resources, to assist with your relocation.
We invite all active-duty service members, spouses (if applicable), civilian, contractors and any base related new members to attend our two-day Newcomers Orientation offered every Wednesday and Thursday. Mandatory briefings include medical in-processing, travel vouchers, cultural adaptation and drivers' license course (offered on day 2) and more. Also, the Newcomers' Orientation include an information fair hosted during day 1, where various agencies offer resources to further assist with your successful transition.
Be sure to register with Security Forces, to complete the Driver's license portion on Thursdays. Security Forces can be reached at DSN 315-225-8333 or commercial 042-552-2510 ext. 5-8333.
The M&FRC "Loan Locker" offers a number of basic kitchen appliances and utensils available for your use as you await the arrival of your household goods (HHG). A copy of your orders is required, to sign out items. During the high permanent change of station (PCS) rotation (May through August), expect some shortages in supply.
Please note: The Yokota M&FRC does not provide bed linens, vacuums or televisions.
The Air Force Aid Society will pay for 20 hours of child care under the PCS Child Care program for all Air Force members, up to 60 days after arrival. Contact the Yokota M&FRC upon arrival for assistance. This program is based on availability of Child Care Providers.
Installation-Specific Information
Advance Planning is the Key to Success -- Of all the moves in your military career, the one to Yokota AB may be one of your most complicated, especially if you have family members and pets. There are three ways to ensure a smooth transition:
Take time to thoroughly review the information provided on this website and have your sponsor clarify any additional information necessary to ensure a smooth and successful transition.
Passports -- Start your paperwork as soon as possible for your passports. No fee passports are required for U.S. citizens who are dependents of military members coming to Japan. At some bases you do not need to have orders before you start the paperwork. Check with the Military Personnel Flight at your base.
Housing -- All newly assigned military personnel will reside on base. Civilian employees may be offered on-base quarters on a space-available basis. It is imperative to complete the Housing Early Assistance Tool (HEAT) to reach out to the installation housing office for information and completion of housing application. HEAT can be accessed on the https://www.homes.mil website, by clicking on the “HEAT” logo, after selecting Yokota Air Base as your installation.
Permissive Temporary Duty Travel -- Because of the distance involved and the extremely high cost of transient living in the Tokyo area, a separate house hunting trip before your PCS move is not recommended. Off-base housing can normally be found within 15 days after arriving at Yokota. House hunting is best made in conjunction with your move. If you decide to take PTDY, a maximum of eight calendar days may be approved as house hunting, if you intend to reside off-base. One house hunting trip is authorized for each set of PCS orders. Keep in mind, all allowances don't start until you are off PTDY status.
The Yokota M&FRC is the focal point for all of your relocation needs. Other programs such as Information and Referral are there to help in all circumstances. The Yokota M&FRC offers classes on a regular basis; which include:
The Yokota M&FRC staff members are present to offer assistance to DoD Identification card holders and their family members. The Yokota M&FRC acts as a one-stop information center that can respond to a query of any nature, from the simple to the most complex issues. For additional information, contact the M&FRC by emailing 374fssfsfr@us.af.mil, calling DNS 315-225-8725or commercial 042-552-2510 ext. 58725.
Release 2024.08.27.1