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Air Force
Personal Property Shipping Office (PPSO)
Building 920, Room 117
Yokota AB (Fussa) Japan 197-0001
Inbound Phone
Outbound Phone
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Policies and rules for shipping pets vary at each installation. It’s important to understand the regulations, prohibitions and laws at your new installation before moving with a pet. Below, you’ll find installation-specific details for registering, boarding and transporting your pet.
There are very specific instructions and guidelines to follow when importing a pet to Japan.
Advance notification of pet arrival to Japan is mandatory even if flying on the AMC rotator. You must notify Animal Quarantine Service at the expected port of entry not less than 40 days before arrival in Japan. Refer to the website for forms and further information: https://www.maff.go.jp/aqs/english/animal/dog/import-other.html.
Call the Yokota Veterinarian Office for licensing requirements at DSN 315-225-4363 or email YokotaABVTF@gmail.com and visit their Facebook page at Yokota AB Veterinary Clinic or or USDA APHIS Pet travel from the U.S. to Japan for additional information to include Import Guidelines.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries quarantine inspectors and US Army Veterinary Command veterinarians will determine the length of each pet's quarantine period when the pet arrives in Japan. The quarantine period can range from 12 hours to up to 180 days depending on the required paperwork. All quarantine guidelines, necessary import forms, and contact information may be found on the Japan District Veterinary Command website.
United States Forces Japan has been able to champion "Home Quarantine" as a concession for United States Status Of Forces Agreement personnel. This quarantine allows service members to maintain their pets under their custody within their assigned on-base quarters during the assessed quarantine period. Those individuals that will be most affected are SOFA personnel that are required to live in off-base housing. If a quarantine period is assessed, then these military members that live off-base will be required to pay for quarantine boarding expenses for their pets in on-base kenneling facilities or incur the significant expense of quarantining their pet at the Airport Animal Quarantine Station Facility.
The following documents are required when bringing an animal into Japan:
NOTE: Kennel Cough Vaccination (aka Bordetella Vaccination) must be given no less than five days prior to being boarded at Yokota Pet Care Center. You must specifically ask for this shot as it is not typically included in the annual vaccinations. For more information, or to download required forms, visit the Japan District Veterinary Command website or Yokota.af.mil webpage.
Be aware that the daily airport shuttles to Narita and Haneda operated by the 374th Force Support Squadron will not accept your pet for transport. You will need to arrange with your sponsor for a 374 FSS Van to pick you up with your pet. Ask your sponsor to send you a copy of the Memorandum For Pet Owners. It includes a map of the cargo area at Narita Airport. Transportation cost for renting a chauffeured van to transport you and your pets, to or from Haneda or Narita, starts from $180.00 and varies based on total duration and parking fees incurred. As each case is unique based on pet size, total passengers, quantities of luggage, etc, please contact the Force Support Squadron Vehicle Operations by phone at DSN 315-225-9520 or via e-mail at 374fss.fscvo@us.af.mil for more information.
Yokota's Pet Care Center helps pet owners adjust to their new life in Japan with pets. It also offers a safe haven for pets when owners are on temporary duty assignment or on leave out of the local area. Dogs to be kenneled or boarded must have their Rabies, Bordetella and Distemper immunizations up-to-date before acceptance into the facility; these vaccinations must be requested from the veterinarian. Vaccines must be given at least 72 hours prior to drop off.
For more information, see Yokota Pet Care Center and you may contact the Pet Care Center by phone at DSN 315-225-8906, 042-552-7353, +1(210) 547-9935 or at YokotaPetCare@gmail.com.
The Japan District Veterinary Command provides control and guidance of all veterinary elements in support of U.S. Forces Japan. Since June 2005, Japan began enforcing requirements which may make your pet's relocation into the country a costly and complicated process. While we do not discourage you from bringing your pets to Japan, you will need to prepare for costs resulting from extended quarantines, pet boarding and other unexpected costs. For more information visit Pet Care Center - Yokota FSS
If you plan to bring your pet with you, we recommend that you refer to the information provided on Public Health Activity - Japan (army.mil).
In addition, you can contact Yokota Veterinary Services at 315-225-4363 or YokotaABVTF@gmail.com for more information and updates.
Release 2024.08.27.1