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Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Deployment can be a challenging phase of the military lifecycle, but it’s important to know that you don’t have to go through it alone. The military provides a variety of resources and support programs — ranging from educational briefings to morale calls — for your loved ones, children and service members to ease the stress of deployment. Military members may be assigned to a specific installation but support may come from local communities, Yellow Ribbon events or the installation itself.
Marine and Family Programs' Marine Corps Family Team Building programs enhance unit readiness by providing quality educational programs to deploying and returning troops and building confident military families.
Pre-Deployment Brief:
Topics covered include MCFTB programs, financial planning and emergencies, powers of attorney, legal, personal preparation, spouse relocation, TRICARE, preparing children and loved ones, family care plans, deployment stress and the Combat Operational Stress Continuum, the American Red Cross, postal, communication, Military OneSource and Casualty Assistance Calls Officer (optional). This brief is for both single and married Marines and sailors, and is facilitated on a unit-specific basis 30-60 days before a deployment. Family readiness officers or members of a command team can call to schedule a brief with a Readiness and Deployment Support Trainer.
Warrior Kids Workshops:
This series is for youngsters ages 5-12 who have a parent who’s has already deployed. Each workshop in the series will touch topics focused on expressing emotion, staying connected and preparing for the homecoming. This series is offered base-wide only.
Kids and Deployment, Ages 5-12:
These workshops are 90 minutes long and will be facilitated by RDSTs and the Families OverComing Under Stress Project. Target audiences are children, along with the parent who remains behind, at the beginning of the deployment cycle. This workshop is split, with parents attending a workshop in one room, while the children receive a kids version in a separate room. Parents and kids are brought together during the last 30 minutes of the workshop for a team-building exercise. This workshop is offered base-wide only and child care will be offered for children age 4 and younger.
In the Midst Ages, 5-12:
These events are two hours long and will be facilitated by RDSTs and the FOCUS Project. The target audience for this workshop are children ages 5-12 in the midst of a parent’s deployment. This fun event will feature a short FOCUS workshop as well as three stations for the kids to create and complete projects and activities. This workshop is offered base-wide only and child care will not be provided for this event, as the parents do not attend.
Lifestyle, Insights, Networking, Knowledge and Skills:
This program provides basic training, introducing participants -- especially new spouses -- to the Marine Corps and to provide coping skills for meeting its challenges.
Deployment and Readiness Support:
Deployment and Readiness Support provides tools for personal and family readiness. DRS enhances unit readiness by delivering mobile family education programs to all ages. DRS provides information and assistance to families involved in separations due to deployment. Provided are:
Designed specifically for Marines, sailors and their families, these programs increase their awareness of relevant readiness issues, while offering individuals coping skills and ideas to build a healthy family.
Check out the Marine Corps Community Services Camp Pendleton website for more information.
Release 2024.08.27.1