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520 Brown Ave
Fort Jackson, SC 29206
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
When planning for a move with the military, you might consider moving into government housing. Government housing is owned and maintained by the Department of Defense and is typically on the installation. Eligibility and availability for this type of housing may vary by service member, family size and installation. Learn more about the different options, benefits and discounts that may be available to you through government housing.
Privatized housing is managed by Fort Jackson Family Homes, a Balfour Beaty Communities property with 850 family homes in eight neighborhoods. Two-, three- and four-bedroom homes are available for all ranks, retirees, and civilians. Call 803-738-8275 or visit fortjacksonfamilyhomes.com. The Housing Service Office (HSO) is your housing community advocate and should be your first point of contact for housing, regardless of where you decide to live. You can benefit from the services that the HSO provides. Call 803-751-9339 to receive a housing welcome packet.
Current FJFH and Garrison Pet Policies #17 restrict the following breeds: Akita, Chow, Doberman, Pit Bull, Rottweiler, American Staffordshire Terriers, English Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Wolf Hybrids or any other breeds with dominant traits geared toward aggression. Only domesticated animals are permitted with 2 limit per household with proper documentation from vet clinic. Exception to Policy must be initiated prior to move in for additional domesticated pets.
The average wait time depends on the size of home needed and the arrival date. A FJFH Leasing Agent will be able to assist you. Current wait times are 45-90 days.
The eligibility date is the final out date of the previous duty station. In the case of unaccompanied tour, the eligibility date is the final out date of the duty station prior to the unaccompanied tour, up to 14 months.
Eligibility The eligibility date signed out date of the previous duty station. In case of unaccompanied tour, the eligibility date is the final out date of the duty station prior to the unaccompanied tour,up to 14 months. This includes TDY en route. Supporting documentation must be provided to FJFH to validate eligibility date.
PRIOR TO ON POST LEASE SIGNING A PLAN LANGUAGE BRIEF MUST BE CONDUCTED AT THE ARMY HOUSING OFFICE. CALL803-751-9339 to schedule a briefing before moving into on post housing.
Solidiers assisgned to Key and Essentila and Drill Sergeant positions have priority on waitlist based on policy#23.
Priority 1: Key and essential military and civilivan personnel.
Priority 2: Accompanied military personnel assigned or attached for duty at Fort Jackson.
Priority 3: Accompanied military personnel assigned or attached for duty at other military installations within 50 mile radius.
Priority 4: Unaccompanied family member of military personnel with an approved request for Retention of Family Housing.
Priority 5: Unaccompanied family member personnel (married and single) assisgned or attached for duty at Fort Jackson.
Priority 6: Accompanied retired military personnel and spouses.
Priority 7: Accompanied DOD, Department of Transportation (Coast Guard) and Federal Agency Civilians (other than desiignated Key and Essential).
Priority 8: Non-Military or non DOD or non Federal Agency personnel (general public)
Application Procedures
Call 803-738-8275 or visit fortjacksonfamilyhomes.com for information and application submission, or families can come into the FJFH office, 520 Brown Ave. to fill out an application. The application can be submitted as soon as a Soldier receives orders to come to Ft. Jackson. Soldiers must submit along with the application a copy of their DEERS, recent LES, orders, and military ID for family members.
Unaccompanied Single Soliders in grade E5 and below are manadated to be assigned to reside in the Single Soldier Complex. Please contact your incoming unit barracks manger for room assignment. Please contact Mr. Ursey at 520-671-8250 for questions regarding barracks.
Single Service Member Housing
the Freddie Stowers Single Soldiers Complex. Requests for an exception to policy may be submitted by the soldier through their complete chain of command to the Army Housing Office for recommendation to the garrison commander.
E1s-E4s are assigned a separate bedroom with a shared kitchenette and full bath. Soldiers are responsible for maintaining their private room and the common areas. Soldiers must be respectful and considerate of others. E5s are assigned the entire suite, converting one bedroom into additional living space.
Single soldiers E6 and above are authorized to reside off post. Apartments, townhomes and houses are available for rent. In some cases, soldiers may decide to purchase.
Most off-post rental housing is unfurnished; however, through the Housing Services Office, we may assist you with locating a furnished place, if necessary.
Release 2024.08.27.1