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Marine Corps
Visitor and Registration Center / Joint Reception Center
Main Gate/East Gate
6200 Miramar Way
Bldg. 6200 (Located outside of gate)
San Diego, CA 92145
Registration Center
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
When you arrive at your new installation, you’ll need to follow installation-specific procedures. Each installation and service handles in-processing differently. Here, you can find installation-specific guidelines and a list of documents to bring with you when checking- in. Reach out to the contacts provided if you have specific questions.
Check-In Procedures
Between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. military personnel reporting for duty aboard Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, including all branches of service, active and reserve, must check in with the Installation Personnel Administration Office located in building 8380 near the Flight Line off Smith Road.
After 4 p.m. and on weekends and holidays military personnel will check in with the command duty officer located at the Headquarters Building, building 8630. The Command Duty Officer can be reached at 858-307-1141. Directions to either location can be obtained from the military police gate.
Marines reporting for duty must be in the service alpha uniform. Personnel of other branches of service will be in the appropriate uniform of the service and season.
Welcome Aboard Orientation
Service Members in the following grades: E1-E6, WO1, O1-O2 are required to attend the Welcome Aboard Orientation brief upon arrival. To sign up for the next available session, visit: https://www.MiramarTRS.eventbrite.com
Temporary Lodging on Station
The Permanent and Transient Unaccompanied Personnel Housing section operates quarters for officers, staff NCO's, enlisted Marines, and civilians. They also operate Distinguished Visitors Quarters for O-6 and above. All unaccompanied Marines are required to check in with the Consolidated Bachelor Quarters, Bldg. 4312, before attempting to acquire temporary lodging. Marines who check in prior to 4 p.m. and will be occupying single type government quarters should check in with their respective unit’s barracks manager to acquire a permanent room. The CBQ phone number is 858-307-4233. To make reservations, dial: 858-307-4235. The office is open 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.
Note: If the CBQ does not have rooms available, you must get a certificate of non-availability in order to book temporary lodging and receive TLE.
Planning and organizing your move is key to a smooth and successful travel. List important documents and phone numbers to hand carry enroute to your next duty station. San Diego is a high cost living area, and best known for its near-perfect climate, natural beauty and lots of fun-filled outdoor activities. Hotel rates are normally higher when looking for temporary lodging.
Active duty personnel should begin making temporary lodging reservations through the Inns of the Corps for eligible Temporary Lodging Expenses (TLE). The Inns of the Corps - Miramar is located aboard MCAS Miramar, Bldg. 2515. To get information or make a reservation, call: 858-271-7111. To view accommodations and amenities, visit: Inns of the Corps or MCCS Inns of the Corps
If you are planning to get married before your permanent change of station, you must inform your commander and follow the procedures exactly as you are given them. The military will not pay for travel and housing of your spouse if you do not follow proper procedures.
Ensure that your new dependent(s) are enrolled in DEERS to ensure eligibility for benefits and military ID cards.
If PCSing overseas with family members, it is important to make sure that you have approved command-sponsored orders in order to qualify for entitlements at your overseas duty station.
Release 2024.08.27.1