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Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Resources and services differ by branch of service. These family and community services are specific to your installation. Use the information below to learn more.
There is a wide variety of programs and services available on MCAS Miramar.
For a list of programs and facilities, click on the links below:
Can't seem to find what you are looking for? Contact the base operator at 858-307-1011 or contact your Information & Referral Specialist for assistance at: 858-307-1428 Email: smbmiramarmccs.iandr@usmc.mil
Marine and Family Programs
Marine and Family Programs supports the needs of Service Members and their families with a variety of programs, services, and trainings in order to enhance the force's resilience and readiness to accomplish its mission.
Marine and Family Programs is composed of four divisions:
For a list of programs and services offered through Marine and Family Programs, visit: Marine Family Programs - Marine Corps Community Services | MCAS Miramar (mccsmiramar.com) or call: 858-307-1279.
Release 2024.08.27.1