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Marine Corps
Navy/Marine Corps Relief Society
2273 Elrod Ave.
Bldg. 2273
San Diego, CA 92145
Thrift Shop
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
If you need emergency assistance, you can expect to get help from your installation, your branch of service resources. There are programs to support you in a variety of situations, including victim assistance, emergencies en route and service-specific relief societies. Below, you’ll find types of assistance, contact information, and detailed procedures and guidance to help you through any tough circumstances that you or your family may face.
If you have an emergency, are in immediate danger, or require immediate medical or law enforcement assistance, dial 911.
If you want to report that you have been sexually assaulted, or are not sure it is best to speak with a Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Victim Advocate or Sexual Assault Response Coordinator first. MCAS Miramar Sexual Assault 24/7 Support Line: 858-864-2815.
Reporting Options
Unrestricted Reporting: Initiates an official law enforcement investigation and the support of the chain of command. Restricted Reporting: Allows you to report confidentially and receive help without an investigation or command involvement.
Who can I talk to and still make a restricted report?
There are several installation resources that will maintain confidentiality, while helping you determine the best way to move forward. Civilian Victim Advocates and Uniformed Victim Advocates provide direct assistance to sexual assault victims by connecting them with appropriate resources such as medical, mental health, legal, and spiritual support.
Sexual Assault Response Coordinators manage an installations Sexual Assault Prevention & Response program and can assign a civilian or uniformed victim advocate.
Chaplains provide victims with spiritual support and guidance. A victim can tell a chaplain what happened, but cannot submit an official report through a chaplain. The chaplain will refer the victim to a SARC, CVA, or UVA to submit the report of sexual assault.
Victims’ Legal Counsel assist victims with understanding their legal rights and services including: obtaining restraining orders and military protective orders. VLC may represent victims of crime in the military justice process. To speak with a VLC call 703-232-3487.
To reach a victim advocate call the Sexual Assault 24/7 Support Line at 858-864-2815.
The Installation SARCs are located in building 2274, and their normal working hours are Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
To reach the MCAS Miramar Police Station dial 858-307-4068.
The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society provides financial assistance to active duty and retired Navy and Marine Corps members and their families in time of emergency. Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society can help you in time of need, but cannot help you live beyond your means.
What can the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society do? They can help with immediate needs and provide interest-free loans for:
What NMCRS cannot do:
What to bring:
Other resources offered by NMCRS:
Thrift shops offering discounted uniforms, clothing, housewares Budget 4 Baby workshops with $50 gift cards for eligible participants Budget counseling Student scholarships and interest free loans Information and referral services Visiting Nurse program.
To contact NMCRS Miramar:
Do you have questions? Are you looking for information? If so the MCAS Miramar Information & Referral Specialist has the answers. Your I&R Specialist is dedicated to providing information for military personnel, their family members, reservists, civilian employees and retirees. Additionally your I&R Specialist provides the following information such as names, telephone numbers, addresses, hours of operation and other types of information for resources aboard MCAS Miramar and the surrounding community.
I&R provides special briefings and presentations on programs and facilities available at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar. If you plan on visiting the I&R office you are encouraged to call ahead to ensure that someone is available to assist you. No appointments are necessary and phone inquiries are welcome.
To contact the Information and Referral specialist call 858-307-1428, email smbmiramarmccs.iandr@usmc.mil, or walk-in to Building 5305, room 126. Normal Office hours are from 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday.
The following questions are frequently asked through the Information & Referral Specialist:
The American Red Cross continues to carry out its mission to provide humanitarian support to our military around the clock, across the country, and around the world under a trusted symbol.
The American Red Cross provides the following services:
Sending Emergency Messages
When family emergencies occur, such as the death or illness of an immediate family member, the Red Cross assists 24 hours a day, 365 days a year throughout their global communication network. All Red Cross Emergency Messages must be verified. Please have contact numbers available and give permission to medical staff to verbally release information to Red Cross caseworkers.
In an effort to meet the needs of today's Service Members and their families, the Red Cross provides three ways to access assistance:
Release 2024.08.27.1