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Marine Corps
Legal Assistance Office
6275 Bauer Road
Bldg. 6275
San Diego, CA 92145
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Legal assistance is available to you and your family. Below, you’ll find information about claims and installation specific programs and services. If you have questions, reach out to the legal assistance program at your installation.
The Legal Assistance Office on Marine Corps Air Station Miramar provides free attorney and paralegal assistance to active duty Service Members, retirees and their respective dependents.
Legal Assistance provides the following services:
The Legal Assistance Office is located in building 6275 across from the Branch Medical Clinic. They also provide walk-in consultations on a first come first served basis except emergencies. Active-duty Marines have priority on walk-ins.
Walk-In Hours
First time clients should come during Walk-in Hours:
If you have already been seen by an attorney for your legal issue, please contact that attorney directly or work with the clerk to make a follow up appointment.
Notary services are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
To reach the Legal Assistance Office call: 858-307-1656 Email: miramarlegalassist@usmc.mil
Household Goods Claims Services
Full Replacement Value (FRV) protection covers DOD-sponsored, Personal Property Shipments. Military Service Members and DOD civilians moving and storing their personal property are eligible for Full Replacement Value Protection provided a Notice of Loss or Damage was filed within 180 days and your claim is filed within the 9 months following the date of delivery.
What is FRV?
When moving, your items are insured at "Full Replacement/Repair Value" at no additional cost to the service family. If an item is lost or destroyed during the move, the Transportation Service Provider/Carrier is responsible to pay the lesser of the replacement/repair cost. If a replacement cost is offered, the item should be replaced with the same or similar item. If the item can be repaired as determined by a qualified inspector, and the cost is less than the replacement, the TSP may pay for the repair.
For more information about moving your personal property, please visit: https://www.militaryonesource.mil/personalproperty
Release 2024.08.27.1