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Policies and rules for shipping pets vary at each installation. It’s important to understand the regulations, prohibitions and laws at your new installation before moving with a pet. Below, you’ll find installation-specific details for registering, boarding and transporting your pet.
Shipping a pet is the responsibility of the owner. With the exception of pet quarantine, there are no reimbursements of any pet expenses, such as cages, the cost of shipping your pet or kenneling. Your local transportation office can help you make the appropriate reservations for air transport. MARADMIN 301/23 has acknowledged that pet travel reimbursement may be available after January 1, 2024. Until this date, no reimbursement is authorized. See MARADMIN 301/23 for further information.
There are no quarantine regulations in California or on Marine Corps Air Station Miramar. However, starting August 1, 2023, the temporary suspension for dogs entering the United States from high-risk countries for dog rabies has been extended. This includes dogs arriving from countries without high risk of rabies if the dogs have been in a high-risk country in the past 6 months.
Dogs vaccinated against rabies in the United States by a US-licensed veterinarian may re-enter the United States from a high-risk country without a CDC Dog Import Permit if the dog:
Expired US-issued rabies vaccination certificates will not be accepted. If the US-issued rabies vaccination certificate has expired, the dog must get a booster dose outside the United States and meet requirements for foreign-vaccinated dogs (see below).
Foreign-vaccinated dogs coming from high-risk countries are now required to use the CDC Rabies Vaccination and Microchip Record as proof of rabies vaccination. Use of this record is also encouraged for US-vaccinated dogs, though not required. Dogs entering the United States from high-risk countries are still required to meet all requirements of the temporary suspension (see www.cdc.gov/dogtravel).
Three or more dogs coming from high-risk countries must arrive at specific ports of entry with a prior reservation at a CDC-approved animal care facility. All dogs must have a valid CDC Rabies Vaccination and Microchip Record and adequate rabies serologic titer or they will be required to complete a 28-day quarantine at the US animal care facility. This option is also available to importers of 1-2 dogs who do not have a CDC Dog Import Permit
If you are traveling from an overseas location, check with your local Military Veterinary Clinic to ensure you have all of the appropriate travel documentation for your pet. You can also view importation requirements through www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/pet-travel/bring-pet-into-the-united-states.
Pets are not authorized in temporary lodging facilities on Marine Corps Air Station Miramar. Check the local area for kennels that suit your needs. Keep in mind that the fees associated with kenneling your pet are non-reimbursable. MARADMIN 301/23 may change this policy on or after January 1, 2024.
The Veterinary Treatment Facility is open for retail sales (flea and heartworm prevention, oral care) and drug/food prescription refills (if applicable) daily. Prescription refills are available only for pets that have been diagnosed by a military veterinarian within the year, and specify that refills are appropriate via faxed patient records. Heartworm prevention purchases will be fulfilled only with a valid negative heartworm test within the past year.
Veterinarians and technicians are available for routine wellness checkups and vaccinations, as well as minor sick call including most skin problems, ear problems, endocrine and metabolic diseases, gastrointestinal problems, musculoskeletal problems, and humane euthanasia. The facility’s staff is also able to assist with health requirements and documentation for PCS moves.
Per Public Health Command guidelines all pets and owners must maintain a working client patient relationship by being seen in the facility within the last 12 months in order to fill prescriptions at the VTF.
Appointments can be made in person or by phone, walk-ins are not accepted. Dogs and cats of all active duty military members and retirees with medical benefits are eligible to be seen at the facility.We always recommend that patrons of the clinic keep their own civilian veterinarian in case of emergency, or if we’re unable to fulfill their needs.
The Veterinary Treatment Facility is located in Building 6360 and is open Monday to Friday 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. For information contact 858-307-6552/1773.
The United States Marine Corps has set official policy on types of dogs allowed in installation housing and other rules surrounding pets on base. You must read this policy, specifically Chapter 3, before your move, if you plan to live in government housing.
Release 2024.08.27.1