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Marine Corps
Inns of the Corps - Miramar
2515 Bauer Road
Bldg. 2515
San Diego, CA 92145
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
With certain military moves, you may find yourself looking for housing that’s a little less permanent before making long-term arrangements. There are several temporary housing options that may be right for you. Explore the information about temporary housing facilities including allowances, lodging rates and eligibility.
Marine Corps Air Station Miramar temporary lodging is the Inns of the Corps - Miramar. It is located in Building 2515 on Bauer Road. To get information or make reservations, contact 858-271-7111. Please be advised the Inns of the Corps - Miramar does not have accommodation for pets.
The Inns of the Corps - Miramar Inn is located near the commissary and exchange complex which includes a variety of food outlets, a 50-member pool, the Bob Hope Theater and Mills Park. It is conveniently close to the Miramar Memorial Golf Course and the Officer, Staff Non-Commissioned Officer (SNCO) and Enlisted clubs.
If you are active duty, retired, a reservist or a Department of Defense employee, you can sponsor friends and family to stay at the Inns of the Corps - Miramar. Family members and guests of military personnel may stay at the Miramar Inn, but the military member must be present at check-in. Visit https://miramar.usmc-mccs.org/lodging/inns-of-the-corps-miramar for more information.
Marine Lodge - Miramar
Marine Lodge Miramar is designed with amenities and service that will make your stay comfortable. Whether you travels are due to temporary additional duty, a permanent change of station move, or just getting away, you will find an inviting atmosphere and quality accommodations. Available for personnel on TAD, Retired, Leisure, VA, Reservist, anyone with a military ID card. Located at 19920 Schilt Ave, San Diego, CA 92145. Visit https://lodgingreservations.usmc-mccs.org/obookings3/Search/Index/15447/90/ for reservation booking.
Temporary Lodging Expense (TLE)
Military members with dependents traveling accompanied or unaccompanied and who are entitled to TLE must first try to stay in billeting or the Inns of the Corps - Miramar. For billeting information, you may call 858-307-4233. You must get a certificate of non-availability before using a hotel in the community upon arrival. You will only be reimbursed if you have a certificate of non-availability from billeting or the lodging facility.
Release 2024.08.27.1