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Marine Corps
Weed Army Community Hospital
390 North Loop Road
Fort Irwin, CA 92310
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Health care services provided by the Defense Department are available to you and your family at your installation. We know that finding the right health care is important, especially in special circumstances such as emergency or during recent move. Here, you’ll find information and options about the services you have regarding healthcare.
For emergency medical assistance call 911.
Medical services are available at Fort Irwin National Training Center. Call Tricare West Region Health Net Federal Services LLC for more information on TRICARE - authorized providers 844-866-9378.
Except for Occupational Health Building 149, no medical services are available on MCLB Barstow.
Dental services are available off base in the Barstow area. TRICARE Dental 844-653-4061
To update your TRICARE service providers first update your address and any other changes with DEERS 800-538-9552
When you move, TRICARE moves with you. No matter where you go in the world, TRICARE is there before, during and when you get to your next duty station.
There are steps you need to take to make sure changes to your TRICARE coverage go smoothly. Understand that when you move, you may have to use a different TRICARE option. Visit TRICARE Moving to learn more.
Before you move, you should take care of any routine medical needs, including immunizations, and fill your prescriptions so you have enough while traveling. If you need care during your move, visit TRICARE Getting Care When Traveling to learn what to do.
Filling prescriptions while traveling
You should refill prescriptions before traveling. But if you run out of a prescription drug while traveling, visit TRICARE Filling Prescriptions When Traveling.
Getting dental care while traveling
Getting dental care while traveling depends on your location and whether you are a service member or family member.
With permanent change of station orders, ask for a copy of your medical and dental records from your military treatment facility and the dental treatment facility. Do this at least one month before your PCS date. The MTF should also transfer a copy of your record and any family records to your new duty station or you may be able to hand carry them to your new duty station.
If you want someone else to be able to get medical or dental information on you or your family while you are moving, you need to complete a DD Form 2870, "Authorization for Disclosure of Medical or Dental Information."
For more information on getting copies of medical records, visit TRICARE Request Copies of Medical Records.
For emergency assistance call 911. The closest emergency room is Barstow Community Hospital 7.8 miles from MCLB.
Outpatient and inpatient care for active-duty service members is provided by Fort Irwin's Weed Army Community Hospital or through Naval Hospitals at San Diego or Camp Pendleton.
Family members and retirees requiring inpatient and outpatient medical care are referred to Fort Irwin 40 miles north of Barstow or local civilian medical sources under TRICARE. TRICARE is an enrollment-based system devised to provide beneficiaries with a Primary Care Manager who will assess each patient's medical needs and provide appropriate medical care.
Weed Army Community Hospital has an inpatient bed capacity of 27. There is no Intensive Care Unit so all patients who require intensive care are stabilized and transported to nearby civilian or military hospitals. WACH does elective outpatient and minor emergency surgery. Pharmacy, laboratory and x-ray services are available.
The military medical staff consists of three Family Practitioners, one Nurse Practitioner, two Pediatricians, two Internist, two General Medical Officers, two Obstetricians, one General Surgeon, two Orthopedic Surgeons, one Orthopedic Physician Assistant, one Regimental Surgeon, and one Psychologist. One Civilian Optometrist comes to Fort Irwin twice each week.
Weed Army Community Hospital is located in Building 166,Inner Loop St. Fort Irwin CA 92310. They can be reached by calling 760-380-3114.Fort Irwin Weed Army Hospital appointment center number is 760-380-3124. The emergency room number is 760-380-3114. The patient contact representative at Ft. Irwin can be reached at 760-380-4876. The TRICARE West Region is managed by Health Net Federal Services LLC www.tricare-west.com 844-866-9378.