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Marine Corps
Loan Locker - Relocation Assistance Program
James L. Day Street
Building 126
Barstow, CA 92311
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
A loan closet is a program that allows service members, families and loved ones to borrow durable equipment or resources especially as they are awaiting their household good. This program varies by service so check out the below information to see what is offered at this installation.
Relocation Assistance offers hospitality kits from our Loan Locker to service members if they have arrived before their household goods, or while waiting for their PCS departure date after packing. The Loan Locker is meant to help military families manage their finances more efficiently for up to 30 days.
The hospitality kits contain kitchen items such as
These kits are preassembled and are checked out as a complete kit. Other items available are
Call 760-577-6675or email IRR.MCLBB@usmc-mccs.org for more information on how to pick up items on loan at Building 126.
To check out household & kitchen items, paperwork must be filled out at Bldg. 126 Information, Referral and Relocation Assistance Program at 760-577-6675 located next to the base chapel.
Kits may be checked out for one month and may be extended if needed. Hospitality kits are to be returned clean and complete.
Housing also has the needed forms that can be signed when picking up your keys. The Housing Office can be reached at 760-577-6872.
Release 2024.08.27.1