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Marine Corps
Transportation Division (Personal Property)
Bldg 105
Fort Irwin, CA 92310
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Policies and rules for shipping pets vary at each installation. It’s important to understand the regulations, prohibitions and laws at your new installation before moving with a pet. Below, you’ll find installation-specific details for registering, boarding and transporting your pet.
The California Department of Health Services requires all dogs over 4 months old to have a certificate of current rabies vaccination, stating the type, manufacturer, lot number of rabies vaccine used, and the date of administration. All cities and counties in California have dog control ordinances. It is strongly recommended that cats be rabies immunized, especially if they have access to outdoors. Cats, pet birds and pet rabbits must be healthy on admittance into the state. Parakeets may not be brought into the state for the purpose of sale. Pet ferrets are prohibited in California. The city of Barstow requires a license for all dogs residing within the city limits. Licenses can be purchased at the Barstow Humane Society 2480 E. Main Street, Barstow, CA 92311.
All pets living aboard Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow must be registered. Dogs must be micro-chipped. Contact Pass and ID for pet registration at 760-577-6457. For base housing policies regarding pets call Family & Accompanied Housing at 760-577-6872, or go to the housing office in Building 363.
Effective 1 January 2024, THE 2023 NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT authorizes limited pet expenses due to a PCS move.
Section 624 of reference (a) amends 37 USC 453, which covers travel and transportation allowances, to authorize service Secretaries to reimburse service members for costs associated with pet relocation of up to $550 for CONUS based PCS moves and up to $4,000 for OCONUS PCS moves. Pet lodging fees may also be reimburseable expenses.
SPACE - A TRAVEL: Pets may travel on a space-available basis limited to two pets (cats and dogs only with a total weight not to exceed 100 pounds including cages) on Air Mobility Command, or AMC, flights. There is a charge depending on the size of the pet and subject to change on a monthly basis. Upon receipt of official travel orders to an overseas area, it is necessary that you bring your pet requirements to the attention of your unit port call representative as early as possible as pet spaces are limited, especially on AMC flights. If booked on a commercial flight, follow up with the airline regarding your pet reservation and travel requirements. Inquire with officials if your animals will be required to be held in quarantine before traveling to other countries.
Hand carry your pet's shot records. If you need assistance with funding your pets travel, call Information & Referral for possible financial resources: 760-577-6675.
Pets are allowed on Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow with no quarantine period and must meet San Bernardino County requirements (shots and licensing procedures). Hand carry your pet's shot records. Call 760-577-6457/5448 for more information. Dogs 4 months and older should be licensed within 15 days at Barstow Humane Society 2480 E. Main Street, Barstow, CA 92311.
If taking your animal to another installation that requires a quarantine, talk to your veterinarian about getting an in-home quarantine certificate prior to the PCS.
Pet boarding is not available on base. Check local listings for facilities near the installation.
To inquire if horses may be stabled at the Mounted Color Guard Base Stables at the Yermo Annex call 760-577-7302.
The United States Marine Corps has set official policy on types of dogs allowed in installation housing and other rules surrounding pets on base. See MCO 11000.22 and MCLB Base Order P11101.20C before you plan your move, if you plan to live in government housing. Call the housing office for details. 760-577-6707/6872
Pets may be able to travel on commercial aircraft. Please keep in mind that not all airlines accept pets for travel, either in the cabin or cargo bin. Carriers have their own pet transportation policies. Customers need to contact their airline directly when making travel plans for their pet. Most airline websites will provide detailed information on pet transportation policies. Also, different rules apply for service animals, which may or may not apply to emotional support animals. These regulations apply to customers and their pets, as well as to the airlines. If you transport your pet by air, you must comply with the applicable laws, which are designed to ensure pet safety and comfort.
California Entrance Requirements for Dogs:
All domestic dogs must be healthy. Dogs over 4 months of age must have a certificate of current rabies vaccination. A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, or CVI, also known as a health certificate, is not required for privately owned dogs being brought into the state of California. Persons bringing dogs into California with intent to sell or transfer ownership must have a health certificate completed by a licensed veterinarian within the 10 days prior to the date of importation. The person seeking to bring a dog into the state must send a copy of the health certificate to the county health department in the county in which the dog is to be sold or in the county of residence of the person who is receiving the dog. All persons transporting dogs via commercial air should call the airline for any additional requirements they might have.
California Entrance Requirements for Cats:
All domestic cats must be healthy. Neither a CVI nor a rabies vaccination is required to import a cat into California. However, if traveling into California via airplane, please call the airline as they may have additional requirements.
Some U.S. states require a CVI for dogs and cats entering their state. In California, there is no state CVI requirement for dogs, cats, or other small animals.
International Pet Importation
In addition to the requirements stated above, dogs, cats, and other pets entering California from outside the United States must comply with federal requirements enforced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Federal requirements vary according to the country or countries from which the pet is being imported.
Please carefully check both the CDC and the USDA-APHIS websites to determine what, if any, additional documentation is required for your pet to enter the U.S.
For additional pet resources call Information, Referral and Relocation at 760-577-6675.
Release 2024.08.27.1