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School Liaison
4119 Children's Lane
Pensacola, FL 32511-5199
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
No DoDDs schools in Escambia or Santa Rosa Counties. Currently, in Escambia County Florida School District, there are 32 elementary schools, 10 middle schools, 7 high schools, 21 alternative schools, and 1 PATS Centers. All schools in Escambia County Florida are accredited by the state. Children of military families who reside on NAS Pensacola will attend the new Pleasent Grove Elementary School and Corry Housing will attend Navy Point Elementary for elementary level; Warrington Middle School for middle school level; or Escambia High School or Pensacola High School for high school level. Escambia County Public Schools / Homepage (escambiaschools.org)
Public School
There are no DoDDS schools at NAS Pensacola or in any nearby installations.
The Escambia County Public School web address provides you with access to Escambia County School ratings, scores, public school addresses, phone numbers, as well as a wealth of other information. The Escambia County School District population is currently listed as the 88th largest in the nation, with approximately 45,000 students from Kindergarten through 12th grade.
Currently, in Escambia County Florida, there are 32 elementary schools, 10 middle schools, 7 high schools, 21 alternative schools, and 1 PATS Centers. All schools in Escambia County Florida are accredited by the state. Bus service is provided to students who live in the district of their assigned school. Not all schools offer "Before/After" school programs, so make sure you check with the school your child will be attending. All schools have a sports program, but each school has some variation/participation requirements in their respective programs - physicals are required before a student can participate in a sports program.
Applications for free or reduced lunches will be sent home with students during the first week of school. These forms need to be filled out completely and returned as soon as possible, or complete online.
For a complete listing of schools in Escambia County Florida, school curricula, bus routes, or school zones visit the Escambia County District web site, for a "School Report Card" visit https://www.escambiaschools.org/Page/1
Registration Requirements
To register newcomers or children entering kindergarten, call the school you believe your child will attend, schedule an appointment and then take along the following at the appointed time: evidence of birth and up-to-date immunizations, Florida health card showing that the child has had a physical exam within the past year, proof of residency such as your water bill in the parent's name, or your Navy Gateway Inn & Suite/Navy Lodge receipt, and the child's social security number or card.
When transferring your child into the school system, please hand carry your child's school records in order to expedite placement. Birth certificates are required for children enrolling in the school for the first time. State law makes it mandatory for parents to present sufficient evidence that the child has been protected against polio, diphtheria, pertusis, tetanus, red measles (rubella) and tuberculosis (PPD Mntoux). Children will not be allowed to start school until necessary immunizations have been obtained and actual dates have been provided to the school. The child can be admitted to school but the physical must be done within 30 days.
Age requirements for Florida Public Schools by State Law:
Prior to entry into Seventh Grade for the school year, a second dose of the Measles Vaccine, Tetanus-Diphtheria Booster and completion of the Hepatitis B Series (3 doses) must be completed.
School Calendar
Public Schools normally start the second to third week of August and run through the last week in May to the first week in June with the standard holidays being observed. Contact the SLO for further information 850-458-6588.
High School Graduation Requirements
High School graduation requirements for the State of Florida are:
Florida requires that all students pass the High School Competency Test (HSCT) and have at least a 1.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
Students living one (1) or more miles from school are provided with school bus transportation. Special wheelchair transportation is available for handicapped children.
Exceptional Education Programs
Students who are identified as academically gifted or handicapped under the Individuals With Disabilities Act (IDEA) have the opportunity to participate in Exceptional Education programs.
Children Residing in Military Family Housing
Private School
A number of private schools are available in Escambia County. Most private schools have a religious affiliation or relationship. For information regarding home school education, please contact the Escambia County School District Enrollment Services at 850-469-5365.or visit:
For information regarding home school education, contact the Escambia County Enrollment Services at 850-469-5365,, and 850-469-5450 website:https://www.escambiaschools.org/Page/3594
Or you may call the School Liaison Officer (SLO) on NAS Pensacola at 850-712-4105.
School Liaison Officer
The School Liaison Officer or (SLO) at NAS Pensacola specializes in serving military connected students. With approximately 35, 564 students enrolled in K-12 in the Escambia County school system, the School Liaison Officer can be an invaluable asset in assisting in a military connected child's educational transition into and out of the Escambia County Florida school system.
The School Liaison Officer will also facilitate communication between the installations, school systems and local community, deployment support, Partnerships in Education, home school linkage and make recommendations for referrals to appropriate Department of Education military or civilian agencies.
For assistance contact the School Liaison Officer at 850-712-4105.
Career theme fits the local economy. The academy career field is selected to fit with the community industries and employer base, to allow for adequate involvement of volunteer employees in certain of its activities. Representatives of employers, higher education, and the community help to guide the academy's curriculum, and provide speakers, field trips, job shadowing opportunities, mentors, student internships, community service opportunities, college tours and teacher external partnerships. Work/community based service learning. The academy offers work and/or community based service learning opportunities for all interested students either through paid internships or community service.
Career Pathways is a program developed for high school students who complete at least three courses in a career and technical program sequence. Students can choose from a range of exciting careers found within the sixteen career clusters. Students are able to earn articulated college credit at Pensacola State College in an aligned two-year Associate of Science Degree, Associate of Applied Science Degree, or a two-year certificate program. They also have the option to transfer identified career-oriented degrees to certain state universities and ultimately earn a bachelor’s degree. Articulated credit is also available at the University of West Florida for career academy graduates. George Stone Technical Center articulates high school credit toward technical certification completion as well. For more information, call Worforce Education at 850-469-5357 or visit the website Workforce Education / Home (escambiaschools.org)