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Navy Housing Welcome Office NAS Pensacola
1581 Duncan Road
Building 735
NAS Pensacola, FL 32508-5312
Front Desk
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Learn about the variety of housing possibilities available as well as information about setting up utilities in your home . Housing options are available to your unique situation including: housing for families, single service members, families that are enrolled in the exceptional family member program, pet owners and unaccompanied personnel. Explore your options to find a home that best fits your needs.
There are 531 housing units which require full forfeiture of basic allowance for housing (BAH).
The average wait times for base housing is based on bedroom requirements and rank. The following is a list of available housing units and estimated wait times:
Enlisted Housing:
Officer Housing:
Please go to the housing website for up-to-date information on current waiting lists.
Assignment is based upon your needs and availability. Date of eligibility is based on date of detachment from your last command or last permanent duty station. You must have at least 6 months remaining on your orders assigning you to the Pensacola area and you must have checked in through the Housing Welcome Office within 30 days of your assignment to the area. Military member must have legal dependents who will reside with him/her at least 9 consecutive months out of the year.
Single military members, who have 6 months on their orders, and are authorized to reside outside of the barracks, will be authorized to live/rent government housing. For more information contact Balfour Beatty housing managers at the Florida Panhandle Metro Housing Office, at 850-452-5168.
Application for family housing can be made anytime after receipt of PCS orders and up to 30 days after reporting to the Pensacola area. Control date will normally be the date of detachment from your last permanent duty station. For applications received more than 30 days after reporting aboard, the control date will be based on the date of application. Advance applications will not affect the control date. Applications are accepted for personnel stationed at NAS Pensacola, Center for Information Dominance (Corry), Saufley Field, or Naval Hospital or one of the tenant commands.
You may forward your application before or upon reporting to our area. Sponsors must provide a copy of Permanent Change of Station orders and a Record of Emergency Data (Page 2). Service members must have a minimum of six months remaining on their tour in Pensacola to accept an assignment to government quarters.
Geographical Bachelor Housing
Geographical bachelor housing for personnel assigned to NAS Pensacola, Corry Station, or Saufley Field is based on space available – if no space is available personnel E-5 and above will be required to live off-base. For information contact 850-452-5098.
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
If you have an Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) family member, pre-notification to Family Housing is encouraged. Prior to notifying housing of your family member's EFMP you will need to know the category/classification the family member has been placed in by medical personnel.
Depending on which Housing area you reside in will determine how many pets you will be authorized. All other government housing allows 2 pets and some dogs are not authorized (Akita, American Bull Dog, Chow, Doberman, Pit Bull, and Rotweiller or combination breeds having one of the aforementioned).
For further information contact the Housing Welcome Office, Building 735, 1581 Duncan Rd, NAS Pensacola, FL. Operating hours are from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. Wednesday hours are 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturdays 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Sundays noon – 4 p.m. Closed holidays. Call 850-456-3120 for additional information or assistance.
Housing Service Center
The HSC is your contact for any problems you may encounter such as discrimination complaints, tenant/landlord disputes, or any questions or problems about off-base housing. The HSC can also provide a list of rentals with corresponding locator maps via www.Homes.mil and provide information regarding the communities in which the homes are located. Ask about availability of homes with the Rental Partnership Program (RPP) if you are planning to rent out in town as well. The RPP is available at several apartment complexes, townhouses, condos, and individual homes. This program provides a discounted rent, no application fees, and reduced security deposit. Credit checks are minimal as applicants are approved based on their EAOS, PRD, and paygrade. Month-to-month/short term rentals may also be available. Pensacola is a very popular tourist area, so advance Navy Lodge/hotel reservations are highly recommended.
Also unique only to NAS Pensacola, is the Volunteer Realtor Program, which are volunteers from the Pensacola Association of Realtors who are here in our office from 0830 to 1600 (M-F) and provide full access to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) database to better help with options that may satisfy your needs. The volunteers assist with rental options and are here to answer questions regarding home-buying as well.
We advise Service Members not to rent without first seeing the property (site unseen). Leases are legally binding, and the Military Clause will not allow you to break the lease if you knew ahead of time you would transfer prior to the expiration of your lease. Make sure the place you are interested in renting is ready for occupancy - not in 2 weeks or 2 months down the road.
All renters should carry renters’ insurance against fire, theft and other damages. The property owner's insurance will cover the property but not the renter’s personal property. Transfer coverage after you arrive.
Average cost of rent out in town is $2,000.00 excluding utilities.
The local Electric Company (Florida Power and Light—FP&L) Does offer up to a $250.00 waver for deposits on electricity. You must go to the Housing Service Center. No other waivers for utility deposits are offered.
For a listing of available rentals in the community, or for information regarding anything Housing-related both on or off Base, contact the Housing Service Center at 850-452-5168.
The NASP Housing Service Center is here to serve you. Please come to see us upon your arrival for important housing availability options. We are conveniently located just inside the NAS Pensacola main gate to your immediate right. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday - Friday (except Federal holidays). Call us at 850-452-5168, DSN 312-459-5168.
BAH rates for the NAS Pensacola/Saufley Field/Corry Station/Whiting Field area are available online.
Visit InMyArea.com to search for utility providers based on your zip code. This website serves as a one-stop shop where you can explore your options, compare prices and purchase services.
The NASP Housing Service Center is here to serve you. Please come to see us upon your arrival for important housing availability options. We are conveniently located just inside the NAS Pensacola main gate to your immediate right. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday - Friday (except Federal holidays). Call us at 850-452-5168, DSN 312-459-5168, FAX 850-452-5169.