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Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Programs and services are available at most installations for children up to age 12. Care may be provided in Child Development Centers, School Age Care Programs, and Family Child Care Homes. Please review the information to find out what programs and services are available at this installation. Please contact the Child and Youth Program point of contact at this installation if you require information, assistance or resources for child care in your local community.
The Naval Base Ventura County Child Development program provides full time day care for children 6 weeks to 5 years of age. Military families may request child care by visiting MilitaryChildCare.com. This Department of Defense website serves all military families seeking child care (including Child Development Centers, Family Child Care and school age care programs) and provides access to military-operated child care options world-wide. Families may search for and request care, manage their requests, and update their profile online, simplifying the process for finding child care. Contact 805-982-4663 (Port Hueneme) or 805-989-3675 (Point Mugu) for availability.
Military Child Care - NBVC
The Naval Base Ventura County Child Development program is accredited by NAEYC and provides full time day care for children 6 weeks to 5 years of age. USDA Food Program provides breakfast, lunch and snacks for all enrolled children. Caring adults provide activities to promote physical growth, motor development, thought and language development and creativity.
Centers on Installation
Naval Base Ventura County has one Child Development Center building at the Point Mugu site and two buildings at the Port Hueneme site.
The status of the sponsor determines enrollment eligibility. Eligible patrons include active-duty military personnel, DOD civilian personnel paid from APF or NAF, reservists on active duty or inactive duty for training, DOD contractors and active-duty Coast Guard. In the case of legally separated or divorced parents meeting the above criteria, the child is eligible only when they reside with the military sponsor.
Children of single active-duty personnel and active duty have priority enrollment. NBVC civilian employees are eligible as space is available.
Parent fees for military Child Development Centers (CDC), subsidized Child Development Homes (CDH), and School-Age Care (SAC) Programs are based on Total Family Income (TFI). TFI is verified yearly using the Service Member/Civilian and, if applicable, spouse’s most recent LES(s), W-2 forms, or detailed pay information. TFI Definition: Includes all earned income including wages, salaries, tips, long-term disability benefits, voluntary salary deferrals, quarters allowances and subsistence allowances and in-kind quarters and subsistence received, and anything else of value, even if not taxable, that was received for providing services. Quarter’s allowances and subsistence allowances mean the Basic Allowance for Quarters and the Basic Allowance for Subsistence received by military personnel (with respect to grade and status) and the value of meals and lodging furnished in-kind to military personnel residing on military bases (this applies to all eligible users, e.g. DoD Civilians residing in government furnished housing overseas).
To enroll in Child Development Centers, Home Care and School age care parents must go to Militarychildcare.com
Home based childcare is offered on a full time, part time or drop-in basis. Providers are qualified professionals, operating independent programs at Port Hueneme and Point Mugu. The Child Development Homes Program provides referrals to military families needing childcare and offer training to prospective CDH Providers. For more information call the CDH Office at 805-989-7224.
School-age care programs provide care to children in kindergarten through sixth grade. Care is offered before and after school, during non-school days and summer vacations. School-age care programs may be located in Department of Defense youth centers, child development centers or in other suitable facilities. All programs are certified by the Department of Defense and accredited by a national accrediting body, such as the Council on Accreditation. Sports, arts and crafts, science, cooking, homework and computer lab are all available. A completed registration packet, with non-refundable registration fee, is needed to reserve your space.
Release 2024.08.27.1