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Housing Office and Housing Referral
1000 23rd Avenue
Building 1169
Welcome Center
Port Hueneme, CA 94043
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Learn about the variety of housing possibilities available as well as information about setting up utilities in your home . Housing options are available to your unique situation including: housing for families, single service members, families that are enrolled in the exceptional family member program, pet owners and unaccompanied personnel. Explore your options to find a home that best fits your needs.
Due to the COVID-19, hours of operation and service availability may change. Naval Base Ventura County takes great care to ensure the safety and health of our service members, their families, our civilian staff and patrons. Please call the housing office at 805-982-4321 for up-to-date information.
On-base housing is available at Point Mugu and Port Hueneme. An additional military housing complex is located in the city of Camarillo, which is approximately a 20-minute drive from Mugu and 25 minutes from Port Hueneme. More information can be found at Military Homes for Rent in Port Hueneme, CA | Ventura (NBVC) (livelmh.com).
Exceptional Family Members
Special needs or requirements that warrant consideration of advancement on the waiting list, please bring this to our attention at the time of your application. There are five categories of exceptional family member that identify the level of special care the member will require. Family members designated as categories IV and V EFMs are severely handicapped and permanency in living arrangements is desirable. Control dates for sponsors with family members in these two categories will be placed directly below the freeze zone (the top 10% of the waiting list).
Application and Eligibility
The following information is required from you in order to be placed on the waiting list(s) for assignment to Liberty military quarters:
The control date for the establishment of your waiting period will be the date of detachment from previous duty station.
A POA is also required if someone other than the military sponsor will be accepting and signing for government quarters.
Military members are advised to place a hold date on housing applications if the family does not want to move into base housing during the members’ deployment or in a lease. You will be allowed to turn down one housing offer without losing your position on the waiting list.
You may place your name on the waiting list for one of three areas: Port Hueneme, Point Mugu or Camarillo. You can change your selection at anytime during the first 30 days after coming into the housing office without being penalized. If you change your selection after the 30-day period, your control date will change to the day you make the change. For example: On Sept. 1, 2019, you come into the housing office to confirm your name on the waiting list, and you chose Port Hueneme site. You can make changes to that selection until Oct. 1 with no penalty. If you come in on Oct. 2 to make a change, your new control date will be Oct. 2.
You will be offered housing only in the areas you select, and it’s up to the discretion of Lincoln housing to offer you more than two homes to choose from. Once you have moved into Liberty Military Housing, your name will be removed from all other housing waiting lists and relocation to another housing unit or area will not be permitted. Once you have been contacted for assignment to housing, you have 24 hours in which to notify your assignment specialist of your acceptance or non-acceptance. The member must agree in writing to accept a smaller unit than their bedroom requirement and that once assigned, they will not be eligible for a larger unit.
Single, pregnant military members may place their name on the waiting list upon confirmation of the pregnancy, but will not be assigned to quarters until after the beginning of the third trimester.
Sponsors who share custody of dependents must provide proof of legal custody specifically stating that the sponsor is entitled to custody for at least six consecutive months a year in order to have dependents considered for bedroom eligibility.
Waiting lists are established by bedroom category within each grade designation. Bedroom eligibility is based on family composition.
No more than two pets are permitted in Port Hueneme and Point Mugu housing. No pets are allowed in Camarillo housing.
Exotic or zoo-type pets and farm-type animals (including rabbits) are not allowed in government quarters. Pets must be under the control of their owners at all times. When outside the fenced yard, pets must be controlled on a leash. Yards are to be cleaned daily of pet waste and immediately on the spot when exercising pets outside of the residents’ fenced yard.
Recreational Vehicles
The parking of privately owned recreation vehicles, trailers, boat trailers, utility trailers and detached campers in or adjacent to bachelor quarters and family housing quarters is prohibited. Morale, Welfare and Recreation also sponsors a recreational vehicle park located at both sites.
Single Service Member Housing
If you are single without dependents, or arrive without your family, report to the quarterdeck at Building 1, located on board Point Mugu. Those reporting to a Construction Battalion Center during regular working hours should report to the quarterdeck, Building 1000, at Port Hueneme. After hours, please report to the bachelor enlisted quarters at Port Hueneme.
Housing Referral Office (HRO) -- The NBVC Housing Office is your contact for any problems you may encounter such as discrimination complaints, tenant/landlord disputes, or any questions or problems about off-base housing is the housing office. The housing office will provide you a list of rentals with corresponding locator maps and give you information regarding the communities in which the rentals are located. Although it’s not required to have renter’s insurance we highly recommend that you do get renter’s insurance. All renters should carry renters insurance against fire, theft and other damages. The property owner's insurance will cover the property but not the renters personal property. Transfer coverage after you arrive. Ask about the availability of a Rental Partnership Program if you are planning to rent.
Rental Options
Port Hueneme, Oxnard, Camarillo, and Ventura comprise the towns closest to the two sites and offer a wide variety of housing from which to choose. Housing Referral Office at 805-982-4321 can offer the "Set Aside Program" which lists military friendly landlords who waive security deposits and offer reduced rents in exchange for payment via allotment.
Due to the COVID-19 virus, hours of operation and service availability may change. Naval Base Ventura County takes great care to ensure the safety and health of our service members, their families, our civilian staff and patrons. Please call Navy Lodge at 805-985-2624 for up-to-date information.
NBVC has permanent housing for single and unaccompanied service members at the Bachelor Housing Quarters located at Point Mugu (805-989-0406) and Port Hueneme (805-982-4551). Temporary lodging is also available at the Navy Gateway Inns & Suites located at Point Mugu and Port Hueneme. Temporary lodging reservations can be made by dialing 1-877-NAVY-BEDS. Temporary Lodging reservations can also be made by calling directly to the front desk at phone number 805-989-8251 for Point Mugu and 805-985-2624 for Port Hueneme. There is a Navy Lodge located on Port Hueneme and the Beach Motel on Point Mugu. Recreational vehicle parks are located at both sites. Reservations may be made in advance. Service members with permanent change of station orders requiring temporary lodging should first check the Port Hueneme Navy Lodge for availability prior to requesting accommodations at the Navy Gateway Inns & Suites.
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