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Air Force
School Liaison (located inside "Connect 4" Bldg 3508)
1515 Goodson St
Bldg 3508, Rm 103
Seymour Johnson AFB, NC 27531
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
Public School
Goldsboro and Wayne County offers a wide range of schools in the area. The Wayne County public school system consists of 14 elementary schools, 10 middle schools and 8 high schools.
Students living in base housing will attend Meadow Lane Elementary School (PK-4), Greenwood Middle School (5-8), and Eastern Wayne High School (9-12).
"WAGES" Head Start is a comprehensive preschool program serving the needs of eligible three and four year olds. Call the Center at 919-734-1178, ext 218.
The Wayne County Public Schools operate on a Traditional School Calendar and a Non-Traditional School Calendar for the two non-traditional high schools. See website for the public schools calendars.
For registration of your child/children please contact the school and set up an appointment. Kindergarten students entering public school for the first time must be age five on or before 31 August to enter kindergarten. An official birth certificate and immunization records must be furnished at registration, along with proof of residence. Students whose families live on or near the base attend schools in the Eastern Wayne district. Meadow Lane Elementary School (PK-4) is located adjacent to the base. Greenwood Middle School (5-8), is located across the street from Meadow Lane Elementary, and both are located on E. Ash Street. Eastern Wayne High School (9-12), is located on New Hope Road about a 20-minute bus ride from the base. Depending on where the student lives in base housing, students may ride a bus or may walk to both Meadow Lane Elementary and Greenwood Middle and will be transported to Eastern Wayne High. Transportation (buses) is provided to students living at least 1 1/2 miles from school. Whatever district you reside in will dictate to which school your child will be transported.
Graduation Requirements
In order to graduate from a Wayne County Public Schools' high school students must meet the following requirements. Successful completion of all accountability standards for high school set out by the State Board of Education in policy GCS-N-003, Student Accountability Standards that are applicable for the year in which the student entered ninth grade for the first time and/or the student's course of study.Successful completion of 24 course credits in the chosen course of study and all other course requirements mandated by the State Board of Education.Successful completion of all additional courses and other requirements mandated by the Board of Education.Students enrolled in the Occupational Course of Study must complete 22 credits, present a Career Portfolio and complete Individual Education Program (IEP) objectives.
See Wayne County Public Schools website and click on the student tab to view graduation requirements and highschool course registration catalogue. The high school course registration catalogue will provide specific course credit requirements for graduation.
Special Education Programs
Special education programs are provided in the areas of gifted, learning disabled, mentally handicapped, emotionally handicapped. speech, visually and/or hearing impaired, physically handicapped, hospital/homebound, and preschool handicapped. Edgewood Community Developmental School is a day school serving children with special needs, ages 3-21. This school serves exceptional children identified as moderately, severely, or profoundly mentally handicapped as well as autistic students. The student ratio at the school is about 3:1 with student enrollment ranging from 100-110 students each year. Support services include speech therapy, occupational therapy, a registered nurse and a home-school coordinator. There is also one alternative school for grades 6-12, Wayne Academy. Please visit the Wayne County Public schools website.
For information on "Transitioning New Students"," Wayne County Public School Calendar", "Enrollment Requirements", "Minimum Requirements for Graduation", "Student Accountability Standards" and "Dress Policy" visit the Wayne County Public Schools or website.
Seymour Johnson AFB located in Wayne County NC and has one local public school district that serves students living on and off base in Wayne County. Wayne County Public Schools(WCPS) consists of 13 elementary schools, 9 middle schools, 6 high schools and 3 lottery schools. The three lottery schools are: Wayne School of Engineering (grades 6-12), Wayne Early Middle/College High School (grades 9-12), and the Public School on Military Installation (PSMI) Wayne School of Technical Arts (WSTA, grades 6-12 is located on base). Students are accepted into these non-traditional middle/high schools by lottery application through the WCPS district office.
Families with school age children, can enroll students at the local public school districted for their home address. Schools districted for base housing are Meadow Lane Elementary School (PK-4th), Greenwood Middle School (5th-8th) and Eastern Wayne High School (9th-12th). Visit your districted school for enrollment information and remember to hand carry your proof of address (if not available: PCS orders & lodging receipt), current shot records, birth certificate, previous schools grades/evaluations/testing, etc. and any IEP/504 documents. Wayne Co Public Schools has a host of military resources at high military populated schools (MFLCs, S2S, anchored 4 Life, military POC, etc.) and is a Purple Star School District.
Deciding on your student’s education and learning needs can be stressful. The School Liaison Program Manager (SLPM) at Seymour Johnson is available to assist families with all school related matters, supporting all school settings (Public/Private/Charter/Home School/). Do not hesitate to contact the SLPM with any education questions, concerns, and needs.
1515 Goodson Street (Connect 4 Building # 3506)
Phone: (office) 919-722-5810, (cell) 919-988-2678
There are 8 private schools in Goldsboro.
To legally provide for your child’s education at home and meet NC compulsory attendance laws, parents must file a Notice of intent to Home School (GS 115C-563(a)). The NC Division of Non-Public Education (DNPE) is the division that receives home school notices of intent and the division housing additional home school information. Families are encouraged to not begin to home school until they have received written acknowledgment from DNPE that their Notice of Intent to Operate a school form has been received. Request information and FAQ is located a Home School Requirements & Recommendations | NC DOA.
North Carolina has a variety of colleges and universities and many in the surrounding Goldsboro community. The University of North Carolina has 17 institutions state wide. Opportunities range from community colleges to traditional four-year institutions, women's colleges, and private colleges. The local community college, Wayne Community College, is located approximately seven miles from the base. Wayne Community College offers more than 100 degrees, diploma, certificate and continuing education programs right here in Goldsboro. English as a Second Language, GED classes and Adult High School Diploma programs are available for free, although there is a fee for materials. For more information call 919-735-5151.
Colleges and universities in the area include Johnston Community College, Wayne Community College, East Carolina University, University of Mount Olive, Duke University, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, North Carolina State University, North Carolina Wesleyan, North Carolina Central, NC A&T University, University of North Carolina-Wilmington, Fayetteville State University, Shaw University, Methodist College and Barton College.
Tuition rates at NC state institutions:
Members of the armed services, stationed in and concurrently living in North Carolina, may be charged a rate which is equivalent to the in-state tuition rates. A dependent relative (spouse, son, daughter) of a service member stationed in North Carolina is eligible for in-state tuition while living in North Carolina with the service member. In the event a military member leaves North Carolina (PCS), a student previously provided in-state tuition rates shall continue to be eligible for the in-state rates as long as they maintain continuous enrollment. Individuals assigned to North Carolina military installations, not paying North Carolina taxes and not enrolled, need to understand that upon retirement or separation they and their dependents lose the in-state tuition status until they qualify as a resident. To qualify as a resident, for tuition purposes, a person must become a legal resident (contact the college for guidelines) for at least 12 months immediately prior to classification.